1 Nothing good is born from lies, And greatness is not what you think. – Diana Prince

Lies will never help you get anything good. All it does is breed more violence and dishonesty. Only being truthful will get you anything meaningful in life.
2 Some days, my childhood feels so very far away, and others, I can almost see it. -Diana Prince

Memories can often be so surreal and inconsistent. Sometimes, the old times seem so far away, while at other times, they seem like they just happened yesterday.
3 The magical land of my youth, like a beautiful dream of when the whole world felt like a promise, and the lessons that lay ahead yet unseen. -Diana Prince

Youth is the easiest time of our life. We are unaware of what life has in store for us in the future. Everything seems magical and beautiful. The ugly side of life is yet to be seen and we live our life carefree without any worries or stress.
4 I wish I’d listened, wish I’d watched more closely, and understood. -Diana Prince

Try to look at the big picture. Watch things closely, and see things for what they really are. Listen to what others tell you carefully so that you do not miss anything. Some things can be avoided if you just pay close attention.
5 Just do your best, and remember, greatness is not what you think. -Antiope

Never hold back and always give it your all. Greatness is not as easy as what you think it is. You need to work hard for it and give it you’ all.
6 Diana, one day, you’ll become all that you dream of and more, your time will come, Diana, and everything will be different. -Hippolyta

One day, you will find everything that you wish for. Life won’t always be cruel to you. Your time will eventually come when you will get everything that you once wished for.
7 My life hasn’t been what you probably think it has, we all have our struggles. -Diana Prince

Never judge someone just by what you think their life is like. We all have our struggles. We all go through tough times. And not everyone likes to wear it on their sleeves.
8 The world needs you, you know what you need to do. -Steve Trevor

Never forget what your duty is. There are some things that you have to do no matter what. Never ever desert your responsibilities.
9 I don’t want to be like anyone. -Barbara Minerva

You are special and unique. There’s no one else like you. So be yourself no matter what others tell you. There’s no one else you have to imitate. Be you.
10 Sometimes you can’t see what you’re learning, until you come out the other side. -Diana Prince

Some lessons in life can only be understood once you make it through to the other side. Only after you have survived, you’ll be able to appreciate things all the more.
10 Amazing Wonder Woman 1984 Quotes To Read!
1. Nothing good is born from lies, And greatness is not what you think. – Diana Prince
2. Some days, my childhood feels so very far away, and others, I can almost see it. -Diana Prince
3. The magical land of my youth, like a beautiful dream of when the whole world felt like a promise, and the lessons that lay ahead yet unseen. -Diana Prince
4. I wish I’d listened, wish I’d watched more closely, and understood. -Diana Prince
5. Just do your best, and remember, greatness is not what you think. -Antiope
6. Diana, one day, you’ll become all that you dream of and more, your time will come, Diana, and everything will be different. -Hippolyta
7. My life hasn’t been what you probably think it has, we all have our struggles. -Diana Prince
8. The world needs you, you know what you need to do. -Steve Trevor
9. I don’t want to be like anyone. -Barbara Minerva
10. Sometimes you can’t see what you’re learning, until you come out the other side. -Diana Prince