1 Great lives never go out; they go on. -Benjamin Harrison

The great people of this world never die, as they are forever remembered by history. The legacy that they leave behind is forever etched in the pages of history and minds of men.
2 I pity the man who wants a coat so cheap that the man or woman who produces the cloth will starve in the process. -Benjamin Harrison

People are blinded by their privilege that they rarely see beyond the horizons of their own surroundings. The rich never stop to think of the numerous people who have toiled in order to produce the things that they mindlessly use in their leisure.
3 The bud of victory is always in the truth. -Benjamin Harrison

There is no greater victory than the one that is gained by truth and honesty. Any victory that is got by subterfuge and deceit is just dishonorable defeat.
4 I am a thorough believer in the American test of character. He will not build high who does not build for himself. -Benjamin Harrison

Someone who doesn’t work for himself and instead relies upon others to help him throughout will never be able to achieve much. To build big, one needs to work alone and for himself.
5 Prayer steadies one when he is walking in slippery places – even if things asked for are not given. -Benjamin Harrison

Having faith helps you get a hold of yourself every time you feel weak. Prayer keeps you steady and grounded. It helps you make it through the bad times in life.
6 We Americans have no commission from God to police the world. -Benjamin Harrison

No country, be it America or any other, has the right to intrude upon the matters of another nation. It is their duty to mind their own business and let each nation deal with their problems.
7 I’d rather have a bullet inside of me than to be living in constant dread of one. -Benjamin Harrison

The constant fear of something only makes living sad and weary. It’s better to get something done and over with than to live in constant anxiety of it happening in the near future.
8 That one flag encircles us with its folds today, the unrivaled object of our loyal love. -Benjamin Harrison

The people of America are united by the love for their country and their patriotism. The culture, the constitution, and everything about the nation is what brings the people together.
9 The evil works from a bad center both ways. -Benjamin Harrison

Evil is a double-edged sword. It destroys the one who practices it and also the one to whom it is subjected. Evil destroys everything in its way and everyone who supports it
10 Sir, I wish to understand the true principles of the Government, I wish them carried out, I ask nothing more. -Benjamin Harrison

Every government has to work under strict principles. A government devoid of principles is a government that shall not do any good. The government has to have ideals to aspire to and the determination to follow them.
10 Best Benjamin Harrison Quotes To Read!
1. Great lives never go out; they go on. -Benjamin Harrison
2. I pity the man who wants a coat so cheap that the man or woman who produces the cloth will starve in the process. -Benjamin Harrison
3. The bud of victory is always in the truth. -Benjamin Harrison
4. I am a thorough believer in the American test of character. He will not build high who does not build for himself. -Benjamin Harrison
5. Prayer steadies one when he is walking in slippery places – even if things asked for are not given. -Benjamin Harrison
6. We Americans have no commission from God to police the world. -Benjamin Harrison
7. I’d rather have a bullet inside of me than to be living in constant dread of one. -Benjamin Harrison
8. That one flag encircles us with its folds today, the unrivaled object of our loyal love. -Benjamin Harrison
9. The evil works from a bad center both ways. -Benjamin Harrison
10. Sir, I wish to understand the true principles of the Government, I wish them carried out, I ask nothing more. -Benjamin Harrison