1 I love all my children equally. -Lucile Bluth

It is the job of a parent to love their children equally. They cannot have favorites. All their children need the same amount of love and they should provide it accordingly.
2 I don’t understand the question and I won’t respond to it. -Lucille Bluth

You do not need to answer those questions that you do not understand. Respond only if you really understand the question. You are not answerable to anyone so do not let anyone feel entitled to you.
3 I’ll leave when I’m good and ready. -Lucile Bluth

Do not let anyone else decide what you want to do. Do only those things that you really feel like doing. Do not leave or begin something unless you are really ready for it.
4 I don’t know who that is, and I don’t care to find out. -Lucile Bluth

There are too many people in the world to keep track of them all. You do not have to remember every single person you meet. There will always be friends and family and even strangers to keep track of, but do you really need to? Perhaps, sometimes it’s better to cut yourself some slack.
5 I wanna cry so bad, but I don’t think I can spare the moisture. -Lucile Bluth

There are times that you should let yourself be and cry your eyes out and then there are those times when it’s better to not care at all. You do not have to get upset at everything. Be strong and let those things that do not concern you pass you by.
6 You can keep them bottled up but the feelings will come out, Michael, sometimes in the most unexpected way… -Tobias

No matter how much you try to suppress your feelings, they will eventually come out. Make peace with your feelings and learn to control them. Open yourself up to people who really care about you. The deeper you try to bury your feelings, the more they will affect you.
7 You buy yourself a tape recorder, you just record yourself for a whole day, I think you’re going to be surprised at some of your phrasings. — Michael

Take some time and listen to yourself sometimes. We often overlook and pay no attention to the things that we say. One needs to think twice before every word they speak or else, you never know how you’ll end up hurting someone.
8 That’s what you do when life hands you a chance to be with someone special, You don’t let go no matter what your mom says. -Buster Bluth

No matter what happens, no matter what anyone else tells you, never let go of that one special person whom you have fallen for. Life does not give you too many second chances. So make use of what chances life gives you and hold them tight.
9 You know the feeling that you’re feeling is just what many of us call a “feeling”, It’s not like envy, or even hungry, Could it be love? -Michael

Love is an emotion too difficult to describe. It’s not something easily put into words. You may try to describe it, but the intensity of the emotion just exceeds your capacity to express it effectively.
10 Faith is not a fact. -George Sr.

Faith is nothing more than what people use to hold onto hope. It gives them strength and courage and that’s all it is. Faith isn’t a fact. All it is, is a preconceived belief.
10 Hillarious Quotes From Arrested Development!
1. I love all my children equally. -Lucile Bluth
2. I don’t understand the question and I won’t respond to it. -Lucille Bluth
3. I’ll leave when I’m good and ready. -Lucile Bluth
4. I don’t know who that is, and I don’t care to find out. -Lucile Bluth
5. I wanna cry so bad, but I don’t think I can spare the moisture. -Lucile Bluth
6. You can keep them bottled up but the feelings will come out, Michael, sometimes in the most unexpected way… -Tobias
7. You buy yourself a tape recorder, you just record yourself for a whole day, I think you’re going to be surprised at some of your phrasings. — Michael
8. That’s what you do when life hands you a chance to be with someone special, You don’t let go no matter what your mom says. -Buster Bluth
9. You know the feeling that you’re feeling is just what many of us call a “feeling”, It’s not like envy, or even hungry, Could it be love? -Michael
10. Faith is not a fact. -George Sr.