10 Most Amazing & Inspiring Royal Quotes by Prince Charles

Prince Charles quotes

Charles, Prince of Wales is the heir apparent to the British throne as the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II. He is the oldest and longest-serving heir apparent in British history. He is also the longest-serving Prince of Wales, having held that title since 1958. As Prince of Wales, Charles undertakes official duties on behalf of the Queen and the Commonwealth realms. As an environmentalist, he often raises awareness of organic farming and climate change, which has earned him awards and recognition throughout the world.

Charles was born at Buckingham Palace in London on 14 November 1948. He was the first child of Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh, and Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. After earning a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Cambridge, Charles served in the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy. In 1981, he married Lady Diana Spencer whom he later divorced in 1996, following well-publicized extramarital affairs by both parties. Prince Charles is an environmentalist who has gained widespread praise for his activism against climate change and deforestation.

1 . There’s nothing like a jolly good disaster to get people to start doing something. -Prince Charles

Best quotes by Prince Charles

Only in the face of imminent danger do people start to act. People unite and work together only when there’s a disaster that needs their immediate attention.

2 . I learned the way a monkey learns – by watching its parents. -Prince Charles

Best quotes by Prince Charles

We learn by emulating our parents. We look up to them and follow in their footsteps. They lead and teach us.

3 . As human beings, we suffer from an innate tendency to jump to conclusions, to judge people too quickly. – Prince Charles

Best quotes by Prince Charles

We have a habit to not think twice before jumping to conclusions. We judge people based on what little information we have about them without due consideration to what may really be true.

4 . Be neither too remote nor too familiar. -Prince Charles

Best quotes by Prince Charles

Learn the balance between being familiar and remote. You do not want to be too close or too distant but just tread on the thin line that separates the two.

5 . Something as curious as the monarchy won’t survive unless you take account of people’s attitudes. -Prince Charles

Best quotes by Prince Charles

The power always lies with the people. You cannot disregard their opinion and wishes if you want to rule them. It is they who have the final authority.

6 . The less people know about what is really going on, the easier it is to wield power and authority. -Prince Charles

Best quotes by Prince Charles

When people are kept in the dark, it becomes easier to control them. Lack of knowledge and ignorance blinds us with a false sense of bliss and causes subsequent inaction.

7 . Forests are the world’s air-conditioning system – the lungs of the planet – and we are on the verge of switching it off. -Prince Charles

Best quotes by Prince Charles

In our endeavour for dominance over nature and development of technology we have been exploiting our resources and causing mass deforestation. What we forget is that it is the forests that sustain life on Earth and by destroying them, we are digging our own graves, quite literally.

8 . If you chuck away too many things, you end up discovering there was value in them. -Prince Charles

Best quotes by Prince Charles

Only when you give up on things do you understand their value. We often fail to appreciate the value of things when we have them with us.

9 . To avert disaster, we have not only to teach men to make things but to teach them to have complete moral control over what they make. -Prince Charles

Best quotes by Prince Charles

Creating things without any regard to the implications that they have is irresponsible and stupid. Most of such inventions only end up causing more harm than good. We need to understand our larger responsibility and proceed in a more ethical manner.

10 . We don’t, in a sensible world, want to hand on an increasingly dysfunctional world to our grandchildren. -Prince Charles

Best quotes by Prince Charles

The consequences of our actions have to be faced by the generations that follow. Our aim should be to leave the world a better place for our children and their children after them.

10 Most Amazing & Inspiring Royal Quotes by Prince Charles

1. There’s nothing like a jolly good disaster to get people to start doing something. -Prince Charles

2. I learned the way a monkey learns – by watching its parents. -Prince Charles

3. As human beings, we suffer from an innate tendency to jump to conclusions, to judge people too quickly. – Prince Charles

4. Be neither too remote nor too familiar. -Prince Charles

5. Something as curious as the monarchy won’t survive unless you take account of people’s attitudes. -Prince Charles

6. The less people know about what is really going on, the easier it is to wield power and authority. -Prince Charles

7. Forests are the world’s air-conditioning system – the lungs of the planet – and we are on the verge of switching it off. -Prince Charles

8. If you chuck away too many things, you end up discovering there was value in them. -Prince Charles

9. To avert disaster, we have not only to teach men to make things but to teach them to have complete moral control over what they make. -Prince Charles

10. We don’t, in a sensible world, want to hand on an increasingly dysfunctional world to our grandchildren. -Prince Charles

Aaryan Sharma

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