1 Every good idea sooner or later degenerates into hard work. -Calvin Trillin

Ideas amount to nothing if you don’t put in the hard work to realise them. A good idea only has value if you are ready to put into the effort to make it a reality.
2 The existential paradox we all experience; we feel that we are immortal, yet we know that we will die. -Calvin Trillin

People go about their lives as though they’re gonna live forever. But they all know that death is a certainty and will surely come for them.
3 I almost love the fantasy world of sports more than the real world. -Calvin Trillin

Sports has this captivating energy that sucks you into its own fantasy world. It’s a surreal escapade from the mundane, dark and dull real world. Ask any sports fan and they’ll give you accounts of how sports has its own way in helping you cope with the darkness of life.
4 What it is, is. I can’t change the past, I can only deal with the present and the future. -Calvin Trillin

The past is beyond your reach. You cannot do anything to change it. The only thing you have control over is your present and with it, the future. That is what you should focus on, nothing else.
5 You can’t pick when you’re touched, You can’t pick the time, It just is, It’s the reality. -Calvin Trillin

You cannot expect to control every aspect of your life. Some moments just happen without you having much control. That’s just reality and all you can do is accept it.
6 I don’t believe in good people and bad people, I believe in the better parts of people. -Calvin Trillin

No one in this world is entirely good or bad. There are no bad people and good people. We all have parts of us which are bad and others which are good. What matters is that we never lose sight of the goodness within us.
7 Those who criticize our generation forget who raised it. -Calvin Trillin

Every generation is raised by the generation that precedes them. They walk in the footsteps of those who come before them. They often repeat their mistakes and other times, learn from them.
8 Marriage is not merely sharing the fettucini, but sharing the burden of finding the fettucini restaurant in the first place.-Calvin Trillin

Marriage is not just about sharing material things. It’s also about sharing even the simplest burdens of our lives. It’s about being there for each other and putting in the effort and time.
9 You can’t be everything to everyone. -Calvin Trillin

You can’t always be what others want you to be. You can’t be everything to everyone. That simply is not possible. Instead, be your authentic, true self.
10 I found people looked better when they laughed. -Calvin Trillin

People look so much more beautiful when they smile and laugh. They say laughter is the best medicine and there’s nothing truer than that. Laughter can heal you in so many ways.
10 Most Thought-Provoking Calvin Trillin Quotes
1. Every good idea sooner or later degenerates into hard work. -Calvin Trillin
2. The existential paradox we all experience; we feel that we are immortal, yet we know that we will die. -Calvin Trillin
3. I almost love the fantasy world of sports more than the real world. -Calvin Trillin
4. What it is, is. I can’t change the past, I can only deal with the present and the future. -Calvin Trillin
5. You can’t pick when you’re touched, You can’t pick the time, It just is, It’s the reality. -Calvin Trillin
6. I don’t believe in good people and bad people, I believe in the better parts of people. -Calvin Trillin
7. Those who criticize our generation forget who raised it. -Calvin Trillin
8. Marriage is not merely sharing the fettucini, but sharing the burden of finding the fettucini restaurant in the first place.-Calvin Trillin
9. You can’t be everything to everyone. -Calvin Trillin
10. I found people looked better when they laughed. -Calvin Trillin