1 I mean, at least you guys got to say goodbye. Me? Ghosted completely. –Ella

When you know that you’re not gonna meet someone ever again, that last goodbye means a lot because it makes you feel that yes you were an important phase of their lives.
2 You just seem like a really sad devil guy. –Lee

One should always think of positive things and being good to people. Having negative and sad vibes around won’t bring you any good in life.
3 Don’t you want to do something impulsive, inappropriate, sinful? –Chloe

There are going to be times where you’d feel resentful and impulsive, you’d want to get revenge for the ill stuff that had happened to you. But always remember being calm and thoughtful will always pay off rather than acting impulsive.
4 You’re concerned that I have changed. Well, the truth is… I have. But I need you to know that my feelings for you, haven’t. –FauxLucifer

Behaviour of people change from time to time. But that doesn’t mean their feelings towards the people and things they love will change. Once built, will always remain the same.
5 Since when do we congratulate a convict for serving a sentence? –Michael

You don’t congratulate a criminal for serving his sentence because it’s something he’s gotta pay. You’ve got to face the consequences of every action you take.
6 I’ll just up my Lucifer game until she’s properly hooked, and then I will achy-break her little heart. –Micheal

Never keep the feeling of ditching or throwing someone off guard just because someone did the same to you. Always be nice to people and stay happy.
7 Then I realized… removing all the danger in the world is like trying to bottle up the ocean. –Dan

If there are going to be good things in this world, there are going to be bad ones as well. You cannot eradicate the bad ones because it’s the way of balancing life.
8 For me, it’s been thousands of years. But the only thing that kept me going… was thinking of you. –Lucifer

We all have that one person who motivates us and is the powerhouse of our moods and feelings. They always help in any way possible, even being far away from us, making sure that we keep on going.
9 You are the only thing that matters to me. –Micheal

Reassurance in today’s world is an important aspect for every kind of relationship. It makes a person feel the comfort and trust in the other, the ease feeling.
10 You’ve grown. I’ve been stuck in an old version of us, and, uh, maybe it’s time for me to move forward, or for us to move forward together. –Chloe

With time, people change, they grow mentally with every experience they get to have. Changes are temporary but the trend of change is permanent.
10 Quotes by the Devil Lucifer Morningstar in Season 5
1. I mean, at least you guys got to say goodbye. Me? Ghosted completely. –Ella
2. You just seem like a really sad devil guy. –Lee
3. Don’t you want to do something impulsive, inappropriate, sinful? –Chloe
4. You’re concerned that I have changed. Well, the truth is… I have. But I need you to know that my feelings for you, haven’t. –FauxLucifer
5. Since when do we congratulate a convict for serving a sentence? –Michael
6. I’ll just up my Lucifer game until she’s properly hooked, and then I will achy-break her little heart. –Micheal
7. Then I realized… removing all the danger in the world is like trying to bottle up the ocean. –Dan
8. For me, it’s been thousands of years. But the only thing that kept me going… was thinking of you. –Lucifer
9. You are the only thing that matters to me. –Micheal
10. You’ve grown. I’ve been stuck in an old version of us, and, uh, maybe it’s time for me to move forward, or for us to move forward together. –Chloe