1 Emotion is highly overrated in football. -John McKay

In a high-energy sport like football, one needs to be able to keep a check on their emotions. With a hot-head and an emotional heart, you’ll end up walking out of the stadium in defeat. Keep your emotions in control.
2 Nobody becomes great without self-doubt, But you can’t let it consume you. -John McKay

Overconfidence never gets you anywhere. You need to be wary of your own abilities. You need to doubt yourself and work hard to improve. But even then, you shouldn’t let your self-doubt consume you
3 All that matters is if you can look in the mirror and honestly tell the person you see there that you’ve done your best. -John McKay

All that matters at the end of the day is that you are proud of yourself. When you look in the mirror, you should be proud of what you see. At the end of the day, what matters is that you do not regret any moment of your life.
4 If you have everyone back from a team that lost ten games, the experience isn’t too important. -John McKay

Failure teaches you a lot. Some of the best lessons in life come to you through failure. After all, you wouldn’t really have learned to walk without falling a couple of times.
5 As a person gets older he doesn’t get faster. -John McKay

With age comes wisdom, but not physical fitness. As you grow old, you become weak and wither away. So enjoy the best times of your youth and make the most of what you already have.
6 The only problem with doing the impossible is that everybody expects you to duplicate the impossible. -John McKay

Once you manage to do the impossible, people expect you to replicate it over and over again. You’ll be pigeon-holed into a niche and rarely will you be given the opportunity to get out of there and explore ahead.
7 I told my team it doesn’t matter if there are 750 million people in China who don’t even know this game was played. -John McKay

There’s no shame in losing. Pay no heed to what people think of you. People do not think of you as much as you think they do. It’s almost always you overthinking stuff like that.
8 Jerry’s a nice kid, but so’s my wife, and she’s no quarterback. -John McKay

Being nice doesn’t get you anywhere. You need to be smart, witty, clever and persistent in life.
9 We will be back, Maybe not this century, but we will be back and we will be a better football team. -John McKay

That’s the spirit that a winner has. Even if you do not win today, there will come a time when you will. Maybe not tomorrow or the day after, but eventually it will (Except hopefully not in the next century as McKay prophecies.)
10 Everyone is unhappy at times, even my wife. Only she doesn’t get interviewed about it. -John McKay

We all get unhappy and sad sometimes. But work so hard that one day, even your sadness makes it to the headlines.
10 Witty Quotes by The Most Legendary Football Coach, John Mckay
1. Emotion is highly overrated in football. -John McKay
2. Nobody becomes great without self-doubt, But you can’t let it consume you. -John McKay
3. All that matters is if you can look in the mirror and honestly tell the person you see there that you’ve done your best. -John McKay
4. If you have everyone back from a team that lost ten games, the experience isn’t too important. -John McKay
5. As a person gets older he doesn’t get faster. -John McKay
6. The only problem with doing the impossible is that everybody expects you to duplicate the impossible. -John McKay
7. I told my team it doesn’t matter if there are 750 million people in China who don’t even know this game was played. -John McKay
8. Jerry’s a nice kid, but so’s my wife, and she’s no quarterback. -John McKay
9. We will be back, Maybe not this century, but we will be back and we will be a better football team. -John McKay
10. Everyone is unhappy at times, even my wife. Only she doesn’t get interviewed about it. -John McKay