12 Best Quotes That Say I Miss You For Your Soulmate

I Miss You quotes

1 . I miss the old days—you know, a month ago when we were allowed to see each other

I miss you quotes

Some.days are the most precious days of our lives. And love makes them even more valuable. Even if it was yesterday and it involved seeing your lover’s face

2 . You know someone is very special to you when days just don’t seem right without them

I miss you quotes

It’s some people’s absence that actually makes you feel empty. That’s when you know.they have become a part of you.

3 . Distance means so little when someone means so much

I miss you quotes

To those who love with all their heart, long distances and borders are nothing. They remain loyal to their partners no matter what.

4 . I never want to miss a day without you

I miss you quotes

Love is such an ethereal feeling that even a day without your loved one seems worthless

5 . Distance unites missing beats of two hearts in love

I miss you quotes

Distance that tears two lovers apart only makes their love and faith stronger in one another

6 . Sometimes loneliness makes the loudest noise

I miss you quotes

Sometimes it’s not just expression or weeping that addresses silence. Sometimes it’s just loneliness and absence of our better halves

7 . The scary thing about distance is you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget you

I miss you quotes

The part that haunts a lover is whether their lovers would remember and love them or would their love fade away

8 . I only miss you when I’m breathing

I miss you quotes

With each breath when you miss your lover, it’s the actual true love

9 . Some mornings still feel like the night before. I’m just waiting for the days I don’t miss you anymore

I miss you quotes

Even though the liver is gone and the heart is broken. The lover still wakes up in the same feelings and still trying to forget what he cannot unlove.

10 . Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated

I miss you quotes

It’s the feeling of sadness you get when you miss your lover that turns the whole environment dark and appalling

11 . The silence isn’t so bad, till I look at my hands and feel sad. Because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly

I miss you quotes

It’s not the loneliness that hurts. It’s just the fact the loneliness is because of the liver who let go

12 . You have no idea how hard it is to force myself to stop thinking about you

I miss you quotes

It’s easy to let go of a lover but it’s not that easy to forget them

12 Best Quotes To Say ‘I Miss You’ in Quarantine Style

1. I miss the old days—you know, a month ago when we were allowed to see each other

2. You know someone is very special to you when days just don’t seem right without them

3. Distance means so little when someone means so much

4. I never want to miss a day without you

5. Distance unites missing beats of two hearts in love

6. Sometimes loneliness makes the loudest noise

7. The scary thing about distance is you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget you

8. I only miss you when I’m breathing

9. Some mornings still feel like the night before. I’m just waiting for the days I don’t miss you anymore

10. Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated

11. The silence isn’t so bad, till I look at my hands and feel sad. Because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly

12. You have no idea how hard it is to force myself to stop thinking about you

Chirag Malik

Meet Mr Sarcasm, always giving advice – taking none, a wannabe engineer and a bonafide curator who’s full of quirks!
Ps : No one really listens to him though ;)

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