1 There’s no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don’t exist. Sacrifices are necessary, you can’t gain something without losing something first. -Edward Elric
![There’s no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don’t exist. Sacrifices are necessary, you can’t gain something without losing something first. -Edward Elric Best Edward Elric Quotes](https://www.epicquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Epic-Quotes-by-Edward-Elric-001.png)
Pain is the best teacher in life. You cannot gain anything in life for free. That’s why some of the most important lessons in life can only be learned once you endure pain.
2 How can you move forward if you keep regretting the past? -Edward Elric
![How can you move forward if you keep regretting the past? -Edward Elric Best Edward Elric Quotes](https://www.epicquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Epic-Quotes-by-Edward-Elric-002.png)
You cannot move forward in life if you are stuck in your past. Regret is a treacherous feeling as it gradually eats you up from inside. Edward felt guilty about being the reason for Alphonse’s current fate and he still hadn’t moved on from it.
3 Even your gravest mistakes shouldn’t stop you from moving forward. -Edward Elric
![Even your gravest mistakes shouldn’t stop you from moving forward. -Edward Elric Best Edward Elric Quotes](https://www.epicquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Epic-Quotes-by-Edward-Elric-003.png)
Do not let your mistakes define you. Never let them bring you down. Your mistakes are just lessons meant to be learned, not obstacles on your path. Keep moving forward regardless of how many mistakes you make.
4 Like I always say, can’t find a door? Make your own. -Edward Elric
![Like I always say, can’t find a door? Make your own. -Edward Elric Best Edward Elric Quotes](https://www.epicquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Epic-Quotes-by-Edward-Elric-004.png)
If you cannot find a path that suits you, make one of your own instead. If you cannot find an opportunity, then you can very well make one for yourself. If you keep waiting for fate to bring you opportunities, you’ll always be stuck where you are.
5 Men are not men on the battlefield, we turn into some other creature, you can do the cruellest things. -Edward Elric
![Men are not men on the battlefield, we turn into some other creature, you can do the cruellest things. -Edward Elric Best Edward Elric Quotes](https://www.epicquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Epic-Quotes-by-Edward-Elric-005.png)
In the face of overwhelming danger, the rational and moral sense shuts down and our survival instincts take over. We become nothing less than animals who can do anything to save their skin and even resort to cruelty. Edward had seen enough to know this.
6 Once you have withstood the pain and overcome it, you will gain a heart that is stronger than anything else. A fullmetal heart. -Edward Elric
![Once you have withstood the pain and overcome it, you will gain a heart that is stronger than anything else. A fullmetal heart. -Edward Elric Best Edward Elric Quotes](https://www.epicquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Epic-Quotes-by-Edward-Elric-006.png)
Edward and his brother had been through a lot and despite that, they’d never faltered. No matter what obstacles you face, if you stand strong and make it out, you’ll only become stronger than what you were.
7 Maybe life has no equal trade, maybe you can give up all you got, and get nothing back. Even if I can’t prove it’s true, I have to try, for your sake, Al. -Edward Elric
![Maybe life has no equal trade, maybe you can give up all you got, and get nothing back. Even if I can't prove it's true, I have to try, for your sake, Al. -Edward Elric Best Edward Elric Quotes](https://www.epicquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Epic-Quotes-by-Edward-Elric-007.png)
The world of alchemy was based on the principle of equal trade. You have to give something up to get something back. But Edward and Al had heard of the Philosopher’s Stone which bypassed that rule. Edward wanted to find that stone just so he could restore his brother’s body.
8 No matter how big the place is, we’ll eventually reach the edge if we keep moving forward. -Edward Elric
![No matter how big the place is, we’ll eventually reach the edge if we keep moving forward. -Edward Elric Best Edward Elric Quotes](https://www.epicquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Epic-Quotes-by-Edward-Elric-008.png)
The Elric brothers were in search of the Philosopher’s Stone to restore Al’s body. They’d searched far and wide for it but never got any closer to it. Despite that, they were determined to keep moving forward as they could not give up.
9 The cycle of life goes only one direction, not even alchemy can change that. -Edward Elric
![The cycle of life goes only one direction, not even alchemy can change that. -Edward Elric Best Edward Elric Quotes](https://www.epicquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Epic-Quotes-by-Edward-Elric-009.png)
Alchemy was a powerful and magical technique in the world of Fullmetal Alchemist. But even that couldn’t change the flow of life. Life always moves in one direction and that cannot be changed.
10 I will do what I can, even if my chance of passing is minuscule, if that will allow me to move forward. -Edward Elric
![I will do what I can, even if my chance of passing is minuscule, if that will allow me to move forward. -Edward Elric Best Edward Elric Quotes](https://www.epicquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Epic-Quotes-by-Edward-Elric-010.png)
Edward was a stubborn and determined young man who wouldn’t stop at anything to reach his goal. Most of his passion came from a place of guilt over the accident that caused his brother to lose his body.
11 I’m not short, I just live in a big world. -Edward Elric
![I’m not short, I just live in a big world. -Edward Elric Best Edward Elric Quotes](https://www.epicquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Epic-Quotes-by-Edward-Elric-011.png)
Edward was always sensitive about his height. He didn’t like people making fun of his short stature and he would lash out at them if they did so. It often leads to very humorous situations.
12 We’re not Demons or Gods. We’re just humans. -Edward Elric
![We're not Demons or Gods. We're just humans. -Edward Elric Best Edward Elric Quotes](https://www.epicquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Epic-Quotes-by-Edward-Elric-012.png)
Edward and Alphonse were often mistaken to be either Demons or Gods due to the latter having a mechanical body and Edward’s Alchemy skills. They were really good at what they did and their strength was unmatched by many.
12 Most Iconic Edward Elric Quotes From Fullmetal Alchemist
1. There’s no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don’t exist. Sacrifices are necessary, you can’t gain something without losing something first. -Edward Elric
2. How can you move forward if you keep regretting the past? -Edward Elric
3. Even your gravest mistakes shouldn’t stop you from moving forward. -Edward Elric
4. Like I always say, can’t find a door? Make your own. -Edward Elric
5. Men are not men on the battlefield, we turn into some other creature, you can do the cruellest things. -Edward Elric
6. Once you have withstood the pain and overcome it, you will gain a heart that is stronger than anything else. A fullmetal heart. -Edward Elric
7. Maybe life has no equal trade, maybe you can give up all you got, and get nothing back. Even if I can’t prove it’s true, I have to try, for your sake, Al. -Edward Elric
8. No matter how big the place is, we’ll eventually reach the edge if we keep moving forward. -Edward Elric
9. The cycle of life goes only one direction, not even alchemy can change that. -Edward Elric
10. I will do what I can, even if my chance of passing is minuscule, if that will allow me to move forward. -Edward Elric
11. I’m not short, I just live in a big world. -Edward Elric
12. We’re not Demons or Gods. We’re just humans. -Edward Elric