1 But until now, I never felt like I was alive. Until, I painted that blue painting. -Yaguchi Yatora

Yatora was unmotivated to find his true calling. He always felt like there was something missing in his life. It wasn’t until he discovered his love for painting that he felt truly alive.
2 At that moment, for the first time in my life, I felt like I was having a real conversation with others. -Yaguchi Yatora

Yatora was essentially living a fake life. He had excellent grades, had enough friends but despite all of that, there was something missing. He only found his true calling when he discovered art.
3 Once I’ve made up my mind, I don’t want to waste any time. -Yaguchi Yatora

Yatora was a rather hard working student with excellent grades. Once he discovered that he loved painting, he decided to enter the extremely competitive Tokyo University of the Arts. Once he’d made up his mind, he wasn’t going to turn back.
4 What you consider normal often turns out to be what makes you, you. -Ooba Mayu

Ooba Mayu is an extremely talented and wise teacher who gives some of the most profound advice in the entire anime. In one such moment, she tells her students that maybe, the things that we neglect the most about ourselves are sometimes what make us what we are
5 Good art is something that clearly expresses what the artist is thinking. -Ooba Mayu

Art is a form of expression that essentially creates a bond between the artist and the viewer and helps the latter see the world through the artist’s eyes. Good art makes sure that it clearly expresses what the artist wants to communicate.
6 Your goal shouldn’t be to create a work that gets first place, it should be to create your very own masterpiece. -Ooba Mayu

When Yatora undervalues his own works and sets high standards for himself, Ooba tells him that his work shouldn’t be meant to impress others or get good grades. All he should care about should be to create his own masterpiece.
7 The only way to expand your world is to come in contact with things you aren’t familiar with. -Ooba Mayu

We grow and mature only by having new experiences. If we’re going to stay in our comfort zone forever, we’ll never really know what lies there beyond the horizon. We need to get out there and explore.
8 Sometimes the best way to identify your strengths is to have others find them for you. -Ooba Mayu

We can’t survive on our own. Sometimes, we need help from others to help us recognize our own strengths and there’s nothing wrong with having to rely on others for that.
9 Going out and experiencing different things is just as important as reflecting about yourself in front of your canvas. -Ooba Mayu

Yatora was being too hard on himself, constantly undervaluing his own work and comparing himself to others, eventually ending up overwhelming himself. Ooba asks him to take a break and explore rather than just forcing himself to paint.
10 Try putting aside the thought of failure, if you can do that, all the things you have earned along with this piece will become your strength. -Saeki Masako

It’s mostly the fear of failure that holds us back. If we’re able to put aside that anxiety then we can face anything with all our might. Everything that we thought is our weakness becomes our strength.
11 If I have to be in a bad mood, I wanna at least get something positive out of it. -Yaguchi Yatora

Yatora was an extremely hard working and diligent student who wanted to improve and excel. Even when he wasn’t in a good mood, he wanted to channel that into making art just so that he could improve.
12 You should stop if you don’t even like it, you’ll get bad health thanks to socializing. -Ryuji Ayukawa

Yatora used to smoke cigarettes when he was with his friends in order to socialise with them. When Ryuji finds out about this, she asks him to stop trying to fit in by ruining his health. Even though she was hostile towards him in the beginning, she did care for him.
13 How good an art is; isn’t determined by techniques. Art is a language without words. -Saeki Masako

Art cannot be valued just by technicalities. It’s more than just a few techniques and methods that work like a pre-programmed mechanical machine. It transcends human barriers and creates a bond between the artist and the viewer.
13 Most Heartwarming Blue Period Quotes
1. But until now, I never felt like I was alive. Until, I painted that blue painting. -Yaguchi Yatora
2. At that moment, for the first time in my life, I felt like I was having a real conversation with others. -Yaguchi Yatora
3. Once I’ve made up my mind, I don’t want to waste any time. -Yaguchi Yatora
4. What you consider normal often turns out to be what makes you, you. -Ooba Mayu
5. Good art is something that clearly expresses what the artist is thinking. -Ooba Mayu
6. Your goal shouldn’t be to create a work that gets first place, it should be to create your very own masterpiece. -Ooba Mayu
7. The only way to expand your world is to come in contact with things you aren’t familiar with. -Ooba Mayu
8. Sometimes the best way to identify your strengths is to have others find them for you. -Ooba Mayu
9. Going out and experiencing different things is just as important as reflecting about yourself in front of your canvas. -Ooba Mayu
10. Try putting aside the thought of failure, if you can do that, all the things you have earned along with this piece will become your strength. -Saeki Masako
11. If I have to be in a bad mood, I wanna at least get something positive out of it. -Yaguchi Yatora
12. You should stop if you don’t even like it, you’ll get bad health thanks to socializing. -Ryuji Ayukawa
13. How good an art is; isn’t determined by techniques. Art is a language without words. -Saeki Masako