1 Try achieving something great on the battlefield, you’re a viking, then I’ll reward you with a duel – Askeladd

Thorfinn is young and weak, lacking the required skills to fight Askeladd in battle. When he asks for a duel, Askeladd asks him to try to become better in battle and then come before him.
2 On the battlefield , the weak die first. Like you – Askeladd

Askeladd kills one of the English soldiers, and saves Thorfinn’s life. Thorfinn is still unskilled and inexperienced. If it wasn’t for Askeladd, Throfinn would have been done. The weak always die first in battle.
3 You can make use of anyone with the right approach – Askeladd

Everyone in the world is weak for something. With the right approach, you can tap into anyone’s weakness and use them for your own good.
4 Give this child a name – Helga

When his first child is born, Thors is disappointed that the child is a baby girl and is annoyed by her cries. He asks Helga to give him a boy next time and tries to leave the room. Helga asks Thors to name the child, which he refuses to do. She asks him again with anger in her eyes. Seeing her angry for the first time, Thors concedes and names the child Ylva.
5 Time has come for me to take responsibility for what I’ve done – Thors

Floke visits Thors village to enlist him in their war against the English. It is revealed that he was their former commander, known as the Troll of Jom. He comes to the realization that he had to leave if he didn’t want the village to be hurt or taken hostage.
6 You don’t have any enemies, no one has any enemies, there’s no one who its okay to hurt – Thors

After being tired of all the killing and battles, Thors had resigned with his family to Iceland, eventually leading a peaceful life. He didn’t want to make any more enemies or hurt people.
7 A true warrior doesn’t need a sword. -Thors

Thors was a fierce warrior and a gentleman. Thors did not want to fight anymore and he believed that a true warrior’s path did not require a weapon. Even though Thors was an amazing fighter, a lifetime of bloodshed had turned him into a pacifist.
8 Keep the promise you made as a warrior. -Thors

As Thors breathes his last after being slain with arrows by Askeladd’s men, he asks him to keep his word. All he wants is for his son and his village to be out of harm’s way.
9 The world, God’s divine creation, Is so brimming with love, Yet there is no love in the hearts of men. -Canute

Canute had an awakening after witnessing the battle between Thorkell’s army and Bjorn. Canute was a religious person and believed in divine creation. If everything that God bestowed the world with had love, why did men hate each other?
10 Chains are the only type of necklace that looks good on a human. -Halfdan

Halfdan was a stickler for rules and a cruel master. After a slave had escaped from his care and ran away, Halfdan wanted to make sure to bring him back and torture him to set an example for his other slaves.
11 Every living human being Is a slave to something. -Askeladd

We’re all bound to something in our lives. Some to their ambitions, others to violence and yet others, like Hordaland, to people who keep them in chains.
12 I don’t fight for money, I like to kill. -Bjorn

Bjorn was a ruthless warrior and Askeladd’s right-hand man. He wasn’t the type to fight for money. He was devoted to Askeladd and was considered his only loyal friend.
13 We don’t need heaven, nor its trials any longer, our paradise is on earth. – Canute

Following Ragnar’s death, Canute realises the senselessness of all the killing and violence. He comes to the conclusion that God will not save man on Earth and only he has the power to create a paradise on Earth for the Vikings.
13 Most Savage Vinland Saga Quotes Of All Time
1. Try achieving something great on the battlefield, you’re a viking, then I’ll reward you with a duel – Askeladd
2. On the battlefield , the weak die first. Like you – Askeladd
3. You can make use of anyone with the right approach – Askeladd
4. Give this child a name – Helga
5. Time has come for me to take responsibility for what I’ve done – Thors
6. You don’t have any enemies, no one has any enemies, there’s no one who its okay to hurt – Thors
7. A true warrior doesn’t need a sword. -Thors
8. Keep the promise you made as a warrior. -Thors
9. The world, God’s divine creation, Is so brimming with love, Yet there is no love in the hearts of men. -Canute
10. Chains are the only type of necklace that looks good on a human. -Halfdan
11. Every living human being Is a slave to something. -Askeladd
12. I don’t fight for money, I like to kill. -Bjorn
13. We don’t need heaven, nor its trials any longer, our paradise is on earth. – Canute