1 Sometimes, I think about what my very last memory will be before the candle goes out – Rebecca

We wonder about the life we’re living so much that we sometimes forget about the complexity of it all. Who really finds our deepest thoughts just before we leave this plane? Do they ever see the light of the day?
2 I’m not worried about forgetting about the big stuff. It’s the little things I’m not ready to let go off yet – Rebecca

The bigger moments do count, but it’s the tenderness of the smaller moments in life that makes it so special and worthwhile. And these small moments can be difficult to let go off, especially if you have no control over losing them.
3 Until a day is over, there’s always a chance that you’ll remember it for something else – Rebecca

There are so many events that keep happening throughout the entirety of the day, that you can never predict what form of memory the day itself would take in your mind.
4 If you drift, we’ll drift with you – Kevin

With time, one may feel that they’ve started to walk away from the bonds they shared with their family overtime. But you can never really drift apart from them, because the memories bind you together. Wherever you go, the family does too (maybe not physically, but they are there).
5 Really wish that I had spent more time appreciating it when it was all happening instead of just worrying about when it would end-Rebecca

We spend so much time worrying about the eventuality of our circumstances, that we forget to enjoy the time we have until said eventuality comes to pass.
6 We’re just collecting these little moments, and we spend the rest of our lives looking back, trying to remember – Jack Pearson

We spend most of our lives making little moments which play like an endless reel when we get the time to sit and think about them. We spend just as much time living our lives as we spend remembering how we lived it.
7 I think you’re going to have to work hard at being the person I know you can become. And the victories will be so much sweeter because you worked for them – Rebecca

Becoming the best version of yourself is a life-long learning curve, and the people close to you are forever happy to see your truest selves. It takes time and effort, but they wait around to see you emerge as the winner from all the challenges you face along the way.
8 I told you we’d make it. From a little seed to our first bloom. One day at a time. – Miguel

There are tough times we all must get through, and a gentle reminder along the lines of ‘It’s going to be fine. We’ll get there’ does get us half of the way there.
9 When you’re young, you want to get older. But when you’re old, you want to be younger-Jack Pearson

Children spend their childhood wanting to be teenagers, teenagers spend their adolescence acting out to become more like adults, adults worry about just getting through all the uncertainty and rush to cross over to retirement and the same people spend their old age wanting their youth back. We keep chasing a tomorrow that is bound to come and forget about today.
10 I didn’t care about anything. And the upside of not caring about anything is you don’t care when it’s gone-Nicky

You care about the things that matter to you. But subconsciously making the effort to ignore the same things sometimes ends up leaving you apathetic to the loss of them.
11 So much of being a mom is faking it. We don’t know what the hell we’re doing. Not when they’re young and not when they’re older. So we fake it- Beth

Part of being a mother is pretending to know your job, because a lot of them are new to it and learning to. But usually, pretending to know your stuff is what gets you through motherhood.
12 When the world puts something this obvious in front of you, you don’t walk away from it. You could be missing out on something very important.- Unknown

The universe has ways of pointing out the signs, and all those signs, clear as day, point you to a specific somewhere (or someone), and you do not just ignore them. You go and seek that fate out.
13 Being a part of this family is the biggest blessing but also the biggest burden.-Beth

Families constitute people you have known forever and despite all the differences between the members, they also share a bond that’s unbreakable. You can hurt those people just as easily as you can make them happy, and they might become a burden someday, but they’re still family.
14 I’m sorry that it took me so long. If only I had a crystal ball to see where this was going to end up -Toby

Knowing how your current actions shape your future would help most of us avoid many of the disasters we’re about to make in life. But not knowing is what the entire process is about. And for those of us with no crystal balls, we’re just left to trust this process. After all, our short-comings are what makes us human.
14 Most Memorable Quotes from This is Us
1. Sometimes, I think about what my very last memory will be before the candle goes out – Rebecca
2. I’m not worried about forgetting about the big stuff. It’s the little things I’m not ready to let go off yet – Rebecca
3. Until a day is over, there’s always a chance that you’ll remember it for something else – Rebecca
4. If you drift, we’ll drift with you – Kevin
5. Really wish that I had spent more time appreciating it when it was all happening instead of just worrying about when it would end-Rebecca
6. We’re just collecting these little moments, and we spend the rest of our lives looking back, trying to remember – Jack Pearson
7. I think you’re going to have to work hard at being the person I know you can become. And the victories will be so much sweeter because you worked for them – Rebecca
8. I told you we’d make it. From a little seed to our first bloom. One day at a time. – Miguel
9. When you’re young, you want to get older. But when you’re old, you want to be younger.
10. I didn’t care about anything. And the upside of not caring about anything is you don’t care when it’s gone-Nicky
11. So much of being a mom is faking it. We don’t know what the hell we’re doing. Not when they’re young and not when they’re older. So we fake it- Beth
12. When the world puts something this obvious in front of you, you don’t walk away from it. You could be missing out on something very important.
13. Being a part of this family is the biggest blessing but also the biggest burden.-Beth
14. I’m sorry that it took me so long. If only I had a crystal ball to see where this was going to end up -Toby