1 Enjoy the little things- Unknown

At the end of the day, it’s always the little things that matter the most. They make life better.
2 If it matters to you, you will find a way- Unknown

If you are passionate and dedicated towards achieving a certain goal then no obstacle can stop you in your way. You will always find a way to overcome it.
3 A life lived for art is never a life wasted-Unknown

Art makes the world a beautiful place to live in. There is art in everything we do, even the most common things.
4 We are made of all those who have built and broken us- Atticus

Each person and circumstance we come across touches and impacts us in some way. Every encounter shapes us in becoming the person we are meant to be.
5 Success is a series of wins- Unknown

No one can achieve success overnight. You will have to fight many small battles and overcome them to touch the pinnacle of success.
6 If it comes, let it. If it goes, let it.- Alessandra Olanow

We cannot control everything that comes and goes. It is not in our hands to decide what stays. So instead of trying to control your life, live in the moment.
7 You are becoming something more beautiful than before -Unknown

Each day, you grow into something better than the day before. You are changing for the better into a future self you can be proud of.
8 Stay just a little longer, let’s make our story forever-Unknown

A relationship is built on time and companionship. Even some time seems like infinity when you are in love.
9 Learn to bury your past, do not let your old scars bleed your future self -Unknown

The past will always try to hold you back but it is your responsibility to let it go and move towards building a better you. Your future is what you should look forward to.
10 You can’t plant the seed and watch the flower bloom on the same day-Unknown

Growth takes time, dedication, and effort. You cannot change overnight, but there are small improvements in each day that you try.
11 Don’t forget to appreciate yourself, for the wars you fight silently inside your head -Unknown

Fighting for yourself and winning over that small voice inside your own head is the most difficult battle you will ever fight in. So, always appreciate yourself for this victory, however small.
12 Everything eventually will fall in place -Unknown

Someday, all that you are and have done will lead to a life where everything falls into the perfect place, just like you had imagined and envisioned.
13 I wish you could see through my eyes, how beautiful you are -Unknown

You may look in the mirror and see all your imperfections but to someone else, you may be a masterpiece. We are harshly critical about the way we look and we forget that we may look completely different to someone other than us.
14 Your relationship with yourself affects your relationships with other people-Unknown

You can only love someone else with your whole heart if you love yourself first. We must treat people we love in the same way that we would treat ourselves, with respect, kindness and care.
15 One day, you will be so glad that you didn’t give up on yourself-Unknown

Today, you may be struggling to get through each new day but one day, you will look back and thank yourself for never quitting, for never stopping.
15 Aesthetic quotes you will fall in love with
1. Enjoy the little things- Unknown
2. If it matters to you, you will find a way- Unknown
3. A life lived for art is never a life wasted-Unknown
4. We are made of all those who have built and broken us- Atticus
5. Success is a series of wins- Unknown
6. If it comes, let it. If it goes, let it.- Alessandra Olanow
7. You are becoming something more beautiful than before -Unknown
8. Stay just a little longer, let’s make our story forever-Unknown
9. Learn to bury your past, do not let your old scars bleed your future self -Unknown
10. You can’t plant the seed and watch the flower bloom on the same day-Unknown
11. Don’t forget to appreciate yourself, for the wars you fight silently inside your head -Unknown
12. Everything eventually will fall in place -Unknown
13. I wish you could see through my eyes, how beautiful you are -Unknown
14. Your relationship with yourself affects your relationships with other people-Unknown
15. One day, you will be so glad that you didn’t give up on yourself-Unknown