1 I once read that every story is a love story, Love of a person, a country, a way of life. -Jodi Picoult

Every story that has ever been told has been fundamentally around love. Every conflict happens around love. Love for one’s country, for a person or something else. Our existence itself revolves around love.
2 All tragedies are about losing what you love. -Jodi Picoult

Tragedies are a result of a loss. A loss of life, something dear to us, or a way of life. And we feel grief and sorrow at tragedies because, at its core, it’s all about losing something that we love.
3 I think that you can love more than one person in a lifetime. -Jodi Picoult

To think that love only happens once in a lifetime is stupid. Love is not a guest that’ll never return once it leaves. Even if your first try at love hadn’t been the best, it isn’t the end. You’ll find love again eventually. And it’ll be way better then.
4 Sometimes you hurt the people you love. And sometimes you love the people who hurt you. -Jodi Picoult

Sometimes, we end up hurting the people who love us the most. We’re busy chasing other things and in the process, hurt ourselves and those close to us. And sometimes, we love the people who hurt us.
5 Ancient Egyptians believed that the first and most necessary ingredient in the universe was chaos. -Jodi Picoult

Chaos is a captivating thing. As much as it is destructive, it is necessary. For things to start anew, they first have to be destroyed. Creation is always preceded by chaos and destruction.
6 Love isn’t a perfect match, but an imperfect one. -Jodi Picoult

There is no perfect love. You do not fall in love with someone who is the perfect match for you. Love is more of a journey to find common ground. To make it through all those storms. Love is about setting aside your differences and learning to make it through the challenges of life.
7 You can plan for something your whole life, and still get taken by surprise. -Jodi Picoult

Life is uncertain. You cannot ever be sure about what you will come across. You can plan your entire life about a certain something and even then, life can end up surprising you.
8 There is something bleak and barren about a world that is missing the person who knows you best. -Jodi Picoult

When you lose the person who was the closest to you, the world takes on a whole different tone. Everything starts looking monotonous, to say the least. It’s as if you have lost a part of yourself.
9 When you have a child, you will do anything for her, You may not do it well, but you will kill yourself trying. -Jodi Picoult

Parenthood is an unimaginable responsibility. When you have a child, your entire world starts to revolve around them. You may not be the most perfect parent, but you will do your best to be one.
10 Having someone with you when you die should not be a privilege but a right. -Jodi Picoult

Everyone deserves to not be lonely. What matters is that, in the end, you do not have to die alone. You deserve to have someone with you, to not be alone and sad in your last days.
11 Maybe this is all love is – twin roots of pain and pleasure. -Jodi Picoult

Love isn’t just pleasure but also pain. There’s a lot more to love than just the butterflies and roses. It’s a struggle. You’ll have to walk through a path of thorns and fires to make it worthwhile. But what matters is that despite all that pain, you still decide to stick together.
12 Maybe the miracle isn’t where we wind up, but that we get there at all. -Jodi Picoult

The destination is what matters the least. Maybe it doesn’t really matter where you really end up in life. Maybe what matters is if you end up there at all.
13 Art isn’t what you see, It’s what you remember. -Jodi Picoult,

Art is not what captivates you but what stays in your mind till long after. It should not just allure your attention for a few minutes but stay with you even after that. That’s what true art is.
14 There’s really no such thing as a right or wrong choice. -Jodi Picoult

Right and wrong are subjective things. No choice is right or wrong. All that matters is what you make of the choice that you have made. In the end, no matter what path you have taken, you need to make the most of it.
15 We don’t make decisions, Our decisions make us. -Jodi Picoult

In the end, it is the decisions we make that define us. Our decisions go on to form our future. The path we have taken will dictate our entire lives forward.
15 Amazing quotes from The Book of Two Ways by Jodi Picoult about Life, Love and Loss
1. I once read that every story is a love story, Love of a person, a country, a way of life. -Jodi Picoult
2. All tragedies are about losing what you love. -Jodi Picoult
3. I think that you can love more than one person in a lifetime. -Jodi Picoult
4. Sometimes you hurt the people you love. And sometimes you love the people who hurt you. -Jodi Picoult
5. Ancient Egyptians believed that the first and most necessary ingredient in the universe was chaos. -Jodi Picoult
6. Love isn’t a perfect match, but an imperfect one. -Jodi Picoult
7. You can plan for something your whole life, and still get taken by surprise. -Jodi Picoult
8. There is something bleak and barren about a world that is missing the person who knows you best. -Jodi Picoult
9. When you have a child, you will do anything for her, You may not do it well, but you will kill yourself trying. -Jodi Picoult
10. Having someone with you when you die should not be a privilege but a right. -Jodi Picoult
11. Maybe this is all love is – twin roots of pain and pleasure. -Jodi Picoult
12. Maybe the miracle isn’t where we wind up, but that we get there at all. -Jodi Picoult
13. Art isn’t what you see, It’s what you remember. -Jodi Picoult,
14. There’s really no such thing as a right or wrong choice. -Jodi Picoult
15. We don’t make decisions, Our decisions make us. -Jodi Picoult