1 It is white people’s responsibility to be less fragile. -Robin DiAngelo

There is a difference in the experiences of the privileged and the oppressed. And often, the privileged who are ignorant of the plight of the latter try to invalidate and disregard their experiences. It is their responsibility to keep aside their ego and try to acknowledge this.
2 People of color don’t need to twist themselves into knots trying to navigate us as painlessly as possible. -Robin DiAngelo

People of color do not have to bend themselves to the whims of the whites. They can be as vociferous as they desire even if it means calling out the racism that is so prevalent in the western world. Their oppression as a result of white supremacism is real and their experiences matter.
3 This pretense that she did not notice his race assumed that he was “just like her,” and in so doing, she projected her reality onto him. -Robin DiAngelo

The people of color and whites have vastly different experiences, in every facet of their life as a result of their race. And by pretending to not acknowledge this racial difference, people tend to invalidate this experience and project their own privileged reality upon the victims of racism, further disregarding their oppression.
4 White people raised in Western society are conditioned into a white supremacist worldview because it is the bedrock of our society. -Robin DiAngelo

The western world’s history is stained with racial violence and discrimination. It used to thrive upon this evil. And as such, the whites have become so conditioned to their privilege that they fail to even acknowledge racism.
5 Stopping our racist patterns must be more important than working to convince others that we don’t have them. -Robin DiAngelo

Instead of trying to convince others that you are not racist, try to change your own self. Stop using racist slurs, avoid casual racist remarks and call out the racism that you see in your everyday life. It all begins with unlearning and relearning the wrong opinions that you felt was right.
6 Racism is the norm rather than an aberration.. -Robin DiAngelo

No matter how much you try to deny it, the fact is that racism has become so ingrained into the core of our culture that it has become a norm. Our society thrived on this evil. Our history is stained with it.
7 Feedback is key to our ability to recognize and repair our inevitable and often unaware collusion. -Robin DiAngelo

Constructive feedback from others is what will help you change yourself. Every time someone calls you out for something wrong, try to keep aside your ego and accept your mistake. Try to learn and change yourself.
8 I did not set this system up, but it does unfairly benefit me, I do use it to my advantage, and I am responsible for interrupting it. -Robin DiAngelo

One’s privilege does not come as a result of their own actions. They did not set it up and nor are they responsible for its inception. But it is an indubitable fact that they in fact benefit from it, that they are responsible for propagating it and play a major role in its survival.
9 It’s been said that racism is so American that when we protest racism, some assume we’re protesting America. -Robin DiAngelo

The fact is that racism is an inseparable part of American history. It has seeped so deep into the core of the nation that America and racism may almost seem synonymous to some. And every time someone protests against racism, they are in fact protesting against this part of the American system itself.
10 The most profound message of racial segregation may be that the absence of people of color from our lives is no real loss. -Robin DiAngelo

The damage that racism has caused is undoubtedly deep and intense. Racism is rooted in dehumanizing and devaluing people of color. It gives out the message that the absence of people of color is insignificant.
11 While implicit bias is always at play because all humans have bias, inequity can occur simply through homogeneity. -Robin DiAngelo

The fact is that people do possess a certain extent of bias. But inequity is something that can stem even through homogeneity. When you are not exposed to diversity you often end up being ignorant of the barriers some people face. Only when you open yourself to the perspectives of others, you can get rid of your biases.
12 All systems of oppression are adaptive, they can withstand and adjust to challenges and still maintain inequality. -Robin DiAngel

Oppression is adaptive, in the sense that it can adjust itself to withstand minor or major changes that may arise. It survives through subliminal alteration in order to incessantly perpetuate inequality in the system.
13 Today we have a cultural norm that insists we hide our racism from people of color and deny it among ourselves. -Robin DiAngelo

The cultural norm in this day and age is that of ignorance. People choose to be blind to race and in turn, racism. They refuse to accept that racism exists and invalidate the experiences of those who have suffered this monstrosity.
14 In some ways, racism’s adaptations over time are more sinister than concrete rules such as Jim Crow. -Robin DiAngelo

The Jim Crow laws were the epitome of racial discrimination and white supremacy. But it cannot be denied that even with its abolition, racism still perpetuates in society. Racism is adaptive and it is passed down to generations in other forms, often subtly.
15 Authentic antiracism is rarely comfortable, discomfort is key to my growth and thus desirable. -Robin DiAngelo

Oppressive systems cannot be brought down by pleasing those who benefit from them. Antiracism is never comforting and often hard to be accepted by everyone. But it is this discomfort that makes it noticeable and eventually brings about the necessary changes.
15 Best Quotes From White Fragility By Robin DiAngelo
1. It is white people’s responsibility to be less fragile. -Robin DiAngelo
2. People of color don’t need to twist themselves into knots trying to navigate us as painlessly as possible. -Robin DiAngelo
3. This pretense that she did not notice his race assumed that he was “just like her,” and in so doing, she projected her reality onto him. -Robin DiAngelo
4. White people raised in Western society are conditioned into a white supremacist worldview because it is the bedrock of our society. -Robin DiAngelo
5. Stopping our racist patterns must be more important than working to convince others that we don’t have them. -Robin DiAngelo
6. Racism is the norm rather than an aberration.. -Robin DiAngelo
7. Feedback is key to our ability to recognize and repair our inevitable and often unaware collusion. -Robin DiAngelo
8. I did not set this system up, but it does unfairly benefit me, I do use it to my advantage, and I am responsible for interrupting it. -Robin DiAngelo
9. It’s been said that racism is so American that when we protest racism, some assume we’re protesting America. -Robin DiAngelo
10. The most profound message of racial segregation may be that the absence of people of color from our lives is no real loss. -Robin DiAngelo
11. While implicit bias is always at play because all humans have bias, inequity can occur simply through homogeneity. -Robin DiAngelo
12. All systems of oppression are adaptive, they can withstand and adjust to challenges and still maintain inequality. -Robin DiAngel
13. Today we have a cultural norm that insists we hide our racism from people of color and deny it among ourselves. -Robin DiAngelo
14. In some ways, racism’s adaptations over time are more sinister than concrete rules such as Jim Crow. -Robin DiAngelo
15. Authentic antiracism is rarely comfortable, discomfort is key to my growth and thus desirable. -Robin DiAngelo