1 We looked at each other a little too long to be just friends- Unknown

Eyes express a lot more than words can. Our feelings are openly reflected in our eyes. To look at someone with love and to find that same love is special. Sometimes friendship blooms into love.
2 It is not hell if you like the way it burns- Unknown

If you fall in love with hard work, struggle and challenges then no circumstance can bring you down. Nothing can hurt you.
3 Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you.- Unknown

Some people hope and pray for your failure. It is sadistic but is true. But you do not have to give them the satisfaction of seeing you fail. Do your best and leave them behind.
4 Go laugh in the places you’ve cried. Change the narrative.- Unknown

Go back to the places and people that hurt you and show them that you have grown. Show them that they cannot hurt you anymore.
5 If I love myself I love you. If I love you I love myself. Rumi

To love someone completely is to love yourself first. But to be in love also makes us fall in love with ourselves. Love is after all a two way street.
6 We sleep to forget but they visit our dreams- Unknown

Sleep can be a way to escape for many. But what about the times when even sleep is not enough. Our dreams are haunted by people and things we want to forget.
7 We are all bad in someone’s story- Unknown

We are heroes only in our own narrative. We have to realise that not everyone will like us the same and to some others we may be someone they don’t like at all. It is not always our fault.
8 I am in love with a moment we’ve never had- Unknown

Our imagination has a tendency of running wild. Sometimes, we fall in love with not the person but the moments we hope to share with them in the future.
9 Spoiler. We die in the end. – Atticus

Death is the only inevitability of life. We know that one day all of this will come to an end but choose to cheat death until the very end.
10 Informed not influenced.- Unknown

Knowledge is a weapon. Being informed helps in forming opinions which are your own instead of being influenced by someone else’s.
11 Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you are sad.- Unknown

Pretending to be fine is so much easier than actually explaining the situation to people who don’t care enough to understand.
12 And suddenly we were strangers again.- Unknown.

Once a relationship ends, two people go back to being strangers again. Strangers who know the other’s deepest secrets and have shared numerous moments together.
13 To heal a wound you need to stop touching it.- Unknown

No wound heals if you keep going back to what caused it in the first place.
14 I never needed you. I wanted you. There’s a difference.- Unknown

There is a difference between wanting and needing someone. A need is for survival and a want is for pleasure.
15 We can always begin again – Unknown

There is always a chance to start again. Even if we fail or fall, we have the choice to get up and start again.
15 Deep Quotes that make you think twice
1. We looked at each other a little too long to be just friends- Unknown
2. It is not hell if you like the way it burns- Unknown
3. Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you.- Unknown
4. Go laugh in the places you’ve cried. Change the narrative.- Unknown
5. If I love myself I love you. If I love you I love myself. Rumi
6. We sleep to forget but they visit our dreams- Unknown
7. We are all bad in someone’s story- Unknown
8. I am in love with a moment we’ve never had- Unknown
9. Spoiler. We die in the end. – Atticus
10. Informed not influenced.- Unknown
11. Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you are sad.- Unknown
12. And suddenly we were strangers again.- Unknown.
13. To heal a wound you need to stop touching it.- Unknown
14. I never needed you. I wanted you. There’s a difference.- Unknown
15. We can always begin again – Unknown