1 But in the grand calculus of multiverse, your sacrifice is worth more than your life – Dr Strange

While it might have been disheartening to hear this, even more so when you’re fourteen, it does sound like something Dr. Strange would say in his pursuit of preserving the greater good. Poor Chavez!
2 Because Stephen, you have to be the one holding the knife. And I always respected you for it, but I couldn’t love you for it- Christine Palmer

It sounds like a subtle hint to Dr. Strange’s presumptuous personality while also referring to how being with him left him taking charge most of the time, and how things were usually about him with them when they were supposed to be about both of them.
3 Do you know it’s an ancient custom to bow in the presence of the Sorcerer Supreme?-Wong

Strange rescues Wong who was caught in one of the tentacles of the tentacle monster. Wong reminds him that rather than saying “you’re welcome”, Strange should be bowing in his presence but of course, it’s just friendly banter to stay liven up the fight.
4 That’s the problem. I don’t know how. I can’t control it. Only happens when I’m really, really afraid.-America Chavez

While this might be heavily relatable to a lot of us for entirely different situations, Chavez is simply referring to her otherworldly power (is it though?) of opening up portals between multiverses, and how that power is currently beyond her control.
5 Dreams are windows into the lives of our multiversal selves – Dr Strange

Simply put, every time you dream, whatever you experience is something a different version of you is going through in an alternate universe, which can be anything from terrifying to embarrassing (don’t worry Wong, we sympathize with you).
6 You know, a family is forever. We could never truly leave each other, even if we tried-Wanda Maximoff

Wanda was dreaming of the children she once had back in Westview when it was abruptly broken and she was woken up to her current reality. But if dreams are windows into the lives of our multiverse selves and there is a girl who can create portals between those multiverses…there are a lot of dots connecting here.
7 Everything I lost, can be mine again – Wanda Maximoff

Referring to her children who exist in an alternate reality, Wanda decides that she has nothing to live for here, and wants to use Chavez’s powers to travel to a different universe, where she can live with her children again. It’s heartbreaking seeing Wanda go this far in her quest to find a family again.
8 You break the rules and become a hero. I do it and become the enemy. That doesn’t seem fair – Wanda Maximoff

Wanda was clearly the unexpected antagonist in this arc. She’s reminding Steven of the time he had handed over the Time Stone to Thanos in order to save Iron Man back in Infinity War – the event that led to Vision being killed.
9 Wanda’s gone. She’s got the Darkhold, and the darkhold has her – Dr Strange

It might seem insignificant, but this sentence clarifies that the current Wanda is no more the person she used to be. The grief and loss she suffered over the years festered within her, and the Darkhold ended up corrupting her.
10 I remain grateful about this universe. Even with its tribulations – Wong

It’s all about finding a better reality in this one, and when Strange asked Wong about his views, his gratitude for his current reality doesn’t come as much of a surprise. Wong’s intuitiveness is not the only, but definitely one of the reasons why he is the Sorcerer Supreme.
11 Just because someone stumbles and loses their way, doesn’t mean they’re lost forever- Professor X

It would be a crime to not include Professor Xavier’s wisdom in this list. We learn that at some point in time, we all reach a place when we’re hopeless and desperate. But we don’t always stay that way.
12 I could do this all day – Peggy Carter

Yes, the iconic line by Captain America was heard from Ms. Carter this time (or rather Captain Carter). She descended into her battle with the Scarlet Witch and every moment she was on the screen solidified the determination and stalwartness of her character.
13 It doesn’t matter about all the other Stephens- he’s not like them – America Chavez

Chavez questions Earth 616’s Strange whether she can trust him or not at the beginning of the movie after telling him about the alternate Strange that tried to sacrifice her. But her perspective does a 180 towards the end after she sees the efforts he’s putting into ensuring her safety.
14 Know that they’ll be loved – Alternate Universe Wanda

When Chavez sends Wanda to a universe where her children exist, she’s distraught to see them being afraid of her (to the point where they refuse to accept her). The Wanda of this reality reassures Earth 616’s Wanda with this sentence, getting her to come back to her senses.
15 I love you. I love you in every universe – Doctor Strange

Steven Strange comes to terms with the fact that every version of him in every alternate universe is in love with Christine Palmer (We’ve definitely come a long way from ‘I love you three thousand times’ folks).
15 Marvellous Quotes from Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness
1. But in the grand calculus of multiverse, your sacrifice is worth more than your life – Dr Strange
2. Because Stephen, you have to be the one holding the knife. And I always respected you for it, but I couldn’t love you for it- Christine Palmer
3. Do you know it’s an ancient custom to bow in the presence of the Sorcerer Supreme?-Wong
4. That’s the problem. I don’t know how. I can’t control it. Only happens when I’m really, really afraid.-America Chavez
5. Dreams are windows into the lives of our multiversal selves – Dr Strange
6. You know, a family is forever. We could never truly leave each other, even if we tried-Wanda Maximoff
7. Everything I lost, can be mine again – Wanda Maximoff
8. You break the rules and become a hero. I do it and become the enemy. That doesn’t seem fair – Wanda Maximoff
9. Wanda’s gone. She’s got the Darkhold, and the darkhold has her – Dr Strange
10. I remain grateful about this universe. Even with its tribulations – Wong
11. Just because someone stumbles and loses their way, doesn’t mean they’re lost forever- Professor X
12. I could do this all day – Peggy Carter
13. It doesn’t matter about all the other Stephens- he’s not like them – America Chavez
14. Know that they’ll be loved – Alternate Universe Wanda
15. I love you. I love you in every universe – Doctor Strange