15 Mind-Boggling Quotes from 11.22.63 (Hulu) in 2020!


1 . If you want to change something forever, you can’t ever go back. -Al Templeton

Best quotes from 11.22.63 series

Change cannot be achieved by thinking about the past as it cannot be changed. You need to keep your eyes on the future if you want to change something.

2 . It’s wrong to conceal things from those you care for. Mia Mimi Corcoran

Best quotes from 11.22.63 series

Be true to the people whom you care for. Never hide anything from them and be genuinely honest with them. If you really care for someone, you will never be dishonest with them.

3 . Sometimes fate just steps in and deals you a good hand. -Jake Epping

Best quotes from 11.22.63 series

Things will not always be bad. Sometimes, things will just work out for you. You just need to hold on and wait for something like that to happen. The odds will not always be against you.

4 . Sometimes people hide things inside because they’re afraid. -Jake Epping

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Sometimes we’re afraid to let people know what we really feel like. We feel insecure about our feelings and are hesitant to reveal them to others.

5 . I’m here because I love everything about you, no matter what happened to you, or what will happen to you, it’s not all bad. -Jake Epping

Best quotes from 11.22.63 series

When we genuinely love someone, we love them for everything they are. We can accept them with all their flaws and faults. It won’t matter to us what the future may bring.

6 . When you take on a responsibility to teach, you also take on a responsibility to set an example. -Deke Simmons

Best quotes from 11.22.63 series

You cannot preach what you do not follow. You need to set an example to your students. Unless you do that, you cannot be a true teacher.

7 . When you refuse to tell people the truth, Mr. Amberson, you deny them their dignity. -Mia Mimi Corcoran

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When you are dishonest with people you disrespect them. Lying to someone is just denying them their dignity.

8 . A man who’s lost his purpose is a man who’s scared to death. -Deke Simmons

Best quotes from 11.22.63 series

A person who is without purpose is filled with fear. A purpose in life gives you something to aspire to. There will be nothing that you are scared of because the only thing you can see is your goal and nothing else.

9 . Little things matter. -Jake Epping

Best quotes from 11.22.63 series

Even the little things in life matter. We often fail to notice the importance of the little things in life. But the truth is that they are far more important than we realise.

10 . Apologies are like dandelions, Mr. Amberson, They’re pretty enough, and they sprout up fast, but they don’t have much substance. -Mia Mimi Corcoran

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Most people’s apologies do not really mean much. People just say it out of courtesy without ever meaning it. Genuine apologies need to come from the heart.

11 . Therefore, because the dark surrounds us, let us turn our faces to the light. -Sadie Dunhill

Best quotes from 11.22.63 series

It is in the time of darkness that you most require to have faith and turn towards the light. No matter how tough things get, never lose hope. Do not let the bad times change you.

12 . We have been given life to deny death. -Sadie Dunhill

Best quotes from 11.22.63 series

We are alive and breathing and that in itself is a precious blessing. You cannot ever give up on life. The fact that you are alive means that it is not yet time for you to give up.

13 . Let us endure hardship to be grateful for plenty. -Sadie Dunhill

Best quotes from 11.22.63 series

Once you make it through some of your worst days, you develop a new appreciation for life. Hardships teach you to be grateful for the plenty of things that you are already blessed with.

14 . Discretion is the better part of valor. -Deke Simmons

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You cannot always be so open with people that you give yourself away. Some things need to be kept confidential, especially in dire circumstances.

15 . I love you, Now and in the future. -Jake Epping

Best quotes from 11.22.63 series

When we really love someone, it’s difficult to get over them. We’ll always have a place for them in our hearts. True love never dies. It remains with us forever.

15 Mind-Boggling Quotes from 11.22.63 (Hulu) in 2020!

1. If you want to change something forever, you can’t ever go back. -Al Templeton

2. It’s wrong to conceal things from those you care for. Mia Mimi Corcoran

3. Sometimes fate just steps in and deals you a good hand. -Jake Epping

4. Sometimes people hide things inside because they’re afraid. -Jake Epping

5. I’m here because I love everything about you, no matter what happened to you, or what will happen to you, it’s not all bad. -Jake Epping

6. When you take on a responsibility to teach, you also take on a responsibility to set an example. -Deke Simmons

7. When you refuse to tell people the truth, Mr. Amberson, you deny them their dignity. -Mia Mimi Corcoran

8. A man who’s lost his purpose is a man who’s scared to death. -Deke Simmons

9. Little things matter. -Jake Epping

10. Apologies are like dandelions, Mr. Amberson, They’re pretty enough, and they sprout up fast, but they don’t have much substance. -Mia Mimi Corcoran

11. Therefore, because the dark surrounds us, let us turn our faces to the light. -Sadie Dunhill

12. We have been given life to deny death. -Sadie Dunhill

13. Let us endure hardship to be grateful for plenty. -Sadie Dunhill

14. Discretion is the better part of valor. -Deke Simmons

15. I love you, Now and in the future. -Jake Epping

Chirag Malik

Meet Mr Sarcasm, always giving advice – taking none, a wannabe engineer and a bonafide curator who’s full of quirks!
Ps : No one really listens to him though ;)

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