15 Most Inspirational Quotes by Ram Dass

Ram Dass quotes

Ram Dass, popularly known as Baba Ram Dass, was an American spiritualist, author and psychologist. He is credited for having popularized Eastern Spiritual culture and yoga practices in the western world. He was born as Richard Alpert to a Jewish family in Newton, Massachusetts. He completed his early schooling in Massachusetts and later earned a doctorate degree in psychology from Stanford University.

He considered himself an atheist in his early days. After having traveled to India, he became a disciple of Neem Karoli Baba who later changed his name to Ram Dass. He published the book, ‘Be Here Now’, which revolved around his spiritual journey. In the later years of his life, he founded the nonprofit organizations Seva Foundation and Hanuman Foundation. He passed away on December 22, 2019.

1 . If you think you’re free, there’s no escape possible. -Ram Dass

Best Ram Dass Quotes

All of us are caged by limitations that we rarely ever notice. Unless we can acknowledge this and accept the fact that we are not truly free, we cannot escape and free ourselves.

2 . Unconditional love really exists in each of us, it is part of our deep inner being. -Ram Dass

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The ability to love unconditionally and show compassion is inherently present in all of us. It is a part of our being and we are all capable of expressing it.

3 . It is important to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed. -Ram Dass

Best Ram Dass Quotes

Our experiences are our biggest lessons in life. Think of every experience, including every mistake and every victory as lessons and learn from them as you move on in life.

4 . Your problem is you are too busy holding on to your unworthiness -Ram Dass

Best Ram Dass Quotes

We are so busy and held up with our own shortcomings and faults that we underestimate our own abilities. All of us are good at something or the other. To find those good things, we first need to accept our faults and move on from them.

5 . Suffering is part of our training program for becoming wise. -Ram Dass

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Throughout life, we will come across sorrow and suffering. It is an essential part of life to go through these situations if one wants to grow and mature.

6 . Let’s trade in all our judging for appreciating. -Ram Dass

Best Ram Dass Quotes

People have this ugly habit of judging and criticising others. Instead of passing on judgements, learn to appreciate people for what they are and for their achievements.

7 . As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can’t see how it is. -Ram Dass

Best Ram Dass Quotes

People see what they want to see and not what it truly is. We are often clouded by our desires and wishes and totally ignore reality in order to suit the narrative that comforts us the most.

8 . Be patient, you’ll know when it’s time for you to wake up and move ahead. -Unknown

Best Ram Dass Quotes

Patience is an important value that one needs to have in life. Sometimes, things do not always go according to plans and the only thing you can do is to accept that and be patient for the right time to arrive.

9 . A feeling of aversion or attachment toward something is your clue that there’s work to be done. -Ram Dass

Best Ram Dass Quotes

Spirituality is the journey towards giving up attachment of all materialistic desires in life. If you still feel hatred or an inexplicable attachment towards things then you still haven’t reached there yet.

10 . What you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution. -Ram Dass

Best Ram Dass Quotes

The world is a mirror that shows us what we are. You see the reflection of those qualities in others that you yourself possess.

11 . The most exquisite paradox, as soon as you give it all up, you can have it all, as long as you want power, you can’t have it. -Ram Dass

Best Ram Dass Quotes

Our constant desire to have it all is what actually stops us from attaining them. The moment you learn to give up your desires is when you will be on the path to attain it.

12 . We come together because we fulfill each others’ needs at some level or other. -Ram Dass

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The relationships that we share with people are in some way or other symbiotic in nature. We constantly are fulfilling each other’s desires and needs.

13 . Each of us finds his unique vehicle for sharing with others his bit of wisdom. -Ram Dass

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We all have experiences that we can share with others. And we can all find means in our capacity to share them. Some through speech, some through art or any other means.

14 . Our plans never turn out as tasty as reality. -Ram Dass

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Reality is often uncertain. The plans we make may not always bear fruit and more often than not, they cannot really capture the true essence of real life.

15 . As we grow in our consciousness, there will be more compassion and more love. -Ram Dass

Best Ram Dass Quotes

As you begin to grow and mature by understanding and embracing your own consciousness you will be filled with more love and compassion. Compassion and love come naturally to those who can love and accept themselves first.

15 Most Inspirational Quotes by Ram Dass

1. If you think you’re free, there’s no escape possible. -Ram Dass

2. Unconditional love really exists in each of us, it is part of our deep inner being. -Ram Dass

3. It is important to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed. -Ram Dass

4. Your problem is you are too busy holding on to your unworthiness -Ram Dass

5. Suffering is part of our training program for becoming wise. -Ram Dass

6. Let’s trade in all our judging for appreciating. -Ram Dass

7. As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can’t see how it is. -Ram Dass

8. Be patient, you’ll know when it’s time for you to wake up and move ahead. -Unknownq

9. A feeling of aversion or attachment toward something is your clue that there’s work to be done. -Ram Dass

10. What you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution. -Ram Dass

11. The most exquisite paradox, as soon as you give it all up, you can have it all, as long as you want power, you can’t have it. -Ram Dass

12. We come together because we fulfill each others’ needs at some level or other. -Ram Dass

13. Each of us finds his unique vehicle for sharing with others his bit of wisdom. -Ram Dass

14. Our plans never turn out as tasty as reality. -Ram Dass

15. As we grow in our consciousness, there will be more compassion and more love. -Ram Dass

MC Sid

Meet our Founder - Siddharth Sood, aka ‘MC SID’ is an entrepreneur selling official licensed Fan merchandise by day and a Wedding Rapper by night. Sharing his opinions on pop culture is his true passion. Also its worth mentioning Batman and him have not been seen in the same room at the same time ever, just saying.

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