1 Be real not perfect- Unknown

Being real and true to who you are is always better than trying to be perfect. Only fake things are flawless and perfect.
2 I only chase dreams, not people.- Unknown

Never waste your time chasing people. People who are meant to be in your life will come by eventually. Until then, be ambitious and chase your dreams
3 Stay a mystery, it’s better.- Unknown

Not everyone has to know about your personal life. Always be careful about what you share and with whom. Some things are meant to stay a secret.
4 If I was you, I’d wanna be me too- Meghan Trainor

If given a chance, would you still want to be you? To say yes wholeheartedly, you need to start loving yourself and being confident of who you are.
5 If I change, it’s for myself.- Unknown

Change for the better. Change because you want to do it for yourself. Never change for anyone else because you don’t have an obligation towards anyone else but you.
6 She set her boundaries and rebuilt her own life.- Unknown

You grow and improve at your own pace. It is essential that you embrace this and don’t compare yourself with someone else and their life.
7 She set her boundaries and rebuilt her own life.- Unknown

Pain teaches us a lot of things. One of them is our self-worth. Understand that not everyone needs to know us from the inside out.
8 I got me and that’s all I need.- Unknown

You are enough. You don’t always need someone else’s company. You have to love yourself and be your own best friend.
9 Find me where the wild things are.- Unknown

Wildness makes life adventurous and worth living. Be a little wild but not completely reckless. It never hurts to have a little fun every now and then.
10 Cinderella never asked for a prince- Unknown

All she did was ask to go to the ball. She never went there looking for love. Don’t go looking for love. If it is meant to be, it will find you at the right time. Until then just live your life, doing what you love.
11 Grace over grudges- Unknown

Holding grudges portrays pettiness. Forgive and forget. let them know they made a mistake but forgive with grace.
12 Unlove me, I dare you.- Seeker

Someone will love you to bits and pieces. If they make the mistake of leaving you then it’s on them to forget how you treated them and how you made them feel. It will not be easy.
13 Half heaven, half hell.- Unknown

You are a combination of good and bad. Everyone is. You just have to choose which side you are on.
14 Unbothered by negative souls- Unknown

Negativity should have no place in your life. People who bring you down don’t need to be a part of your life in any way.
15 Last night I was a broken star, today I am the rising sun.- Unknown

No matter how hard you cried last night, or how much pain you were in, you should always wake up to a new day with a smile. Each new day is a chance to get yourself together leaving you stronger than earlier.
15 Solo Quotes That Are The Best Instagram Selfie Captions
1. Be real not perfect- Unknown
2. I only chase dreams, not people.- Unknown
3. Stay a mystery, it’s better.- Unknown
4. If I was you, I’d wanna be me too- Meghan Trainor
5. If I change, it’s for myself.- Unknown
6. Embrace your own pace- Unknown
7. She set her boundaries and rebuilt her own life.- Unknown
8. I got me and that’s all I need.- Unknown
9. Find me where the wild things are.- Unknown
10. Cinderella never asked for a prince- Unknown
11. Grace over grudges- Unknown
12. Unlove me, I dare you.- Seeker
13. Half heaven, half hell.- Unknown
14. Unbothered by negative souls- Unknown
15. Last night I was a broken star, today I am the rising sun.- Unknown