1 If our past was all that defined us, we’d never be able to put up with ourselves. -Fredrik Backman

We are not defined by our past. No matter how dark the past has been, life always gives you a chance. You do not have to be stuck out there as you can always change the future.
2 We need to be allowed to convince ourselves that we’re more than the mistakes we made yesterday. -Fredrik Backman

We are more than our mistakes. You do not have to be ashamed of the mistakes that you made in your past. They do not define you. Learn to forgive yourself and give yourself another chance.
3 Because the terrible thing about becoming an adult is being forced to realize that absolutely nobody cares about us. -Fredrik Backman

Once you become an adult, you realize the reality of the world around you. You realize how selfish and self-centered people are. They only think about themselves. No one cares about you as much as you do. In the end, you can only rely on yourself.
4 Some people accept that they will never be free of their anxiety, they just learn to carry it. -Fredrik Backman

Some people are so accustomed to their tragic life that they become numb to it. They realize that there’s nothing much they can do because life always finds a way to hurt them. Life is never free of grief and sorrow, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find happiness.
5 We don’t have a plan, we just do our best to get through the day, because there’ll be another one coming along tomorrow. -Fredrik Backman

You do not have to needlessly worry about everything. Learn to live your life one moment at a time. Life will always bring you surprises. And no matter how much you try, there’s not much you can do about it. You will have to face them head-on.
6 Nothing is easier for people who never do anything themselves than to criticize someone who actually makes an effort. -Fredrik Backman

Those who laze around and do nothing find it easy to criticize those who actually work. It’s easier to laugh at others while lazing around. One needs to learn to pay no heed to such people.
7 Sometimes it’s easier to live with your own anxieties if you know that no one else is happy, either. -Fredrik Backman

Once you realize that you are not alone and there are so many others who are going through things just as tough, if not more, as you. Grief and sorrow are always a part of this life and there’s nothing you can do about it.
8 Love can make you do quite a lot of ridiculous things. -Fredrik Backman

It’s easy to end up doing crazy things once you fall in love. You lose sight of reason and logic. And without knowing, you end up doing ridiculous and stupid things.
9 Everyone gets a few moments that show who they really are, tiny instances that reveal their entire soul. -Fredrik Backman

We all have those moments where a person’s true self shows. The facade that they put on falls apart. In these tiny instances, you can gaze into a person’s soul and see who they really are.
10 God doesn’t protect people from knives, sweetheart, That’s why God gave us other people, so we can protect each other. -Fredrik Backman

We humans are supposed to look out for each other. It’s our responsibility to protect each other. We are brethren, meant to support each other and pick each other up every time we fall down.
11 Boats that stay in the harbor are safe, sweetheart, but that’s not what boats were built for. -Fredrik Backman

It’s easy to stay in your comfort zone forever. But that’s not rewarding at all. You’ll never know what life is if you just stay in that tiny bubble. Get out there and find your purpose in life.
12 Although you might be able to drum religion into people, you can’t teach faith. -Fredrik Backman

Religion and faith are two different things. No matter how much religion you try to inculcate in people, in the end, they need to have faith. Without the latter, there’s no point in any of it.
13 People’s dreams are always at their grandest when they’re looking for somewhere to live. -Fredrik Backman

We cannot control our dreams. They are at their grandest when people are trying to find a shelter. We conjure up grandiose dreams where we can live safe and sound, as lavish as we can.
14 Some of us never manage to get the chaos under control, so our lives simply carry on. -Fredrik Backman

Some of our lives are so chaotic and tragic. And not everyone manages to bring them under control. We cannot control every aspect of our lives. And most of them, just learn to live with it.
15 It’s always very easy to declare that other people are idiots, but only if you forget how idiotically difficult being human is. -Fredrik Backman

Being human is not easy. The life that we are handed down is not an easy one. We go through so many tragic experiences. Some may break us while others rebuild us. And in the midst of all of these, it’s natural to make mistakes or end up doing something foolish every now and then.
15 Thought Provoking Quotes by Fredrik Backman from the book Anxious People
1. If our past was all that defined us, we’d never be able to put up with ourselves. -Fredrik Backman
2. We need to be allowed to convince ourselves that we’re more than the mistakes we made yesterday. -Fredrik Backman
3. Because the terrible thing about becoming an adult is being forced to realize that absolutely nobody cares about us. -Fredrik Backman
4. Some people accept that they will never be free of their anxiety, they just learn to carry it. -Fredrik Backman
5. We don’t have a plan, we just do our best to get through the day, because there’ll be another one coming along tomorrow. -Fredrik Backman
6. Nothing is easier for people who never do anything themselves than to criticize someone who actually makes an effort. -Fredrik Backman
7. Sometimes it’s easier to live with your own anxieties if you know that no one else is happy, either. -Fredrik Backman
8. Love can make you do quite a lot of ridiculous things. -Fredrik Backman
9. Everyone gets a few moments that show who they really are, tiny instances that reveal their entire soul. -Fredrik Backman
10. God doesn’t protect people from knives, sweetheart, That’s why God gave us other people, so we can protect each other. -Fredrik Backman
11. Boats that stay in the harbor are safe, sweetheart, but that’s not what boats were built for. -Fredrik Backman
12. Although you might be able to drum religion into people, you can’t teach faith. -Fredrik Backman
13. People’s dreams are always at their grandest when they’re looking for somewhere to live. -Fredrik Backman
14. Some of us never manage to get the chaos under control, so our lives simply carry on. -Fredrik Backman
15. It’s always very easy to declare that other people are idiots, but only if you forget how idiotically difficult being human is. -Fredrik Backman