18 Most Hillarious Life & Adventure Rick and Morty Quotes!

Rick and Morty quotes

1 . To live is to risk it all. -Rick

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

Life is best enjoyed when you live it like it’s an adventure. To not take risks in life is the biggest risk. Have the courage to take a leap of faith and risk things when necessary.

2 . What people call “love” is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed, It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. -Rick

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

Love is nothing more than a chemical reaction in our brains that exists to ensure that we breed and the species survives. And love isn’t permanent as it eventually fades away. And all that will be left will be you and the emptiness within.

3 . Having a family doesn’t mean that you stop being an individual. – Mr. Meeseeks

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Having a family does not mean that you give up your own individuality. You can still pursue your dreams and follow your own path. Having a family means you do not have to walk in life alone. You have people to support and help you.

4 . Don’t make the same mistakes I made, Don’t deify the people who leave you. – Beth

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No matter how much you try, the people who are supposed to go will always leave. You cannot hold on to their memory. You need to move on from them. Your self-respect is what is most important.

5 . How many of these are just horrible mistakes I made? I mean, maybe I’d stop making so many if I let myself learn from them. – Morty

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You are meant to learn from your mistakes and avoid making the same ones in the future. Introspect and improve yourself. Every mistake is a lesson.

6 . Life is effort, I’ll stop when I die. -Jerry

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

Life is tough. It takes great effort to live through it. And it is death which brings an end to it all. But despite all of that, life is infinitely beautiful and worthwhile.

7 . You don’t love people in hopes of a reward, Dad, You love them unconditionally.”- Summer

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

True love is meant to be unconditional in nature. You do not expect anything from them. You love them just for what they are, irrespective of their imperfections. Love only gives, it never expects anything in return.

8 . If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that before you get anywhere in life, you gotta stop listening to yourself -Jerry

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

Often, it is we ourselves who hold us back. Our insecurities stop us from getting anywhere in life. Stop listening to the voice that says you cannot do it and just follow your dreams.

9 . I think you have to think ahead and live in the moment –Rick

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

Keep your eyes on the future, but your mind and heart where it belongs, i.e, in the present. You sure do need to think ahead in life, but that doesn’t mean that you miss out on everything that life gives you today.

10 . If you spend all day shuffling words around, you can make anything sound bad. -Rick

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

Words are magical. They hold immense power in them for they leave a deep impact on people, more so than you can imagine. And with just the right amount of wit, you can make anything sound the way you want it to.

11 . It’s your choice to take this personally – Rick

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

Only you have the authority to choose what kind of an impact things have on you. Things won’t hurt if you refuse to let them hurt you. The power to do so is always in your hands.

12 . You can’t change, And I have no problem with that but it clearly means I have a problem with myself. -Unity

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

Sometimes people won’t change no matter how much you try and you need to accept that. Sometimes loving someone who’s bad for you stems from an internal insecurity. You should never lose sight of what you deserve and never settle for anything less.

13 . Think for yourselves, Don’t be sheep -Rick

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

Learn to listen to your own self. Have an opinion of your own. Be your own self. If you try to be like everyone else, you’ll only lose your own individuality to the mediocrity of the crowd.

14 . Existence is pain to a meeseeks Jerry, and we will do anything to alleviate that pain. -Meeseeks

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

To live is to experience pain. Life hurts you no matter how much you wish otherwise. And we are incessantly in search of ways to numb the pain of living.

15 . School’s not a place for smart people, I know that’s not a popular opinion, but that’s my two cents on the issue. -Rick

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

All the important things that you need in life can only be learnt outside the classroom. All our education system does is paint every child with the same brush and take away their individuality. Schools only produce mediocrity not excellence.

16 . Sometimes science is a lot more art than science.- Rick

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

Science is nothing less than art for the simple fact that it creates. Art and Science are often held in different standards but one forgets that both are just as beautiful.

17 . There is no god, Summer; gotta rip that band-aid off now you’ll thank me later. –Rick

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

The idea of a superior being who guides and protects us is pretty far-fetched. The idea of a God who helps us is meant to comfort us and help us cope with our own problems.

18 . I don’t like being told where to go and what to do, I consider it a violation. -Rick

Best Rick and Morty quotes of all time

Never let people order you around. You have a will of your own so abide by it. Do the things that you feel are right and follow your own path.

18 Most Hillarious Life & Adventure Rick and Morty Quotes!

1. To live is to risk it all. -Rick

2. What people call “love” is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed, It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. -Rick

3. Having a family doesn’t mean that you stop being an individual. – Mr. Meeseeks

4. Don’t make the same mistakes I made, Don’t deify the people who leave you. – Beth

5. How many of these are just horrible mistakes I made? I mean, maybe I’d stop making so many if I let myself learn from them. – Morty

6. Life is effort, I’ll stop when I die. -Jerry

7. You don’t love people in hopes of a reward, Dad, You love them unconditionally.”- Summer

8. If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that before you get anywhere in life, you gotta stop listening to yourself -Jerry

9. I think you have to think ahead and live in the moment –Rick

10. If you spend all day shuffling words around, you can make anything sound bad. -Rick

11. It’s your choice to take this personally – Rick

12. You can’t change, And I have no problem with that but it clearly means I have a problem with myself. -Unity

13. Think for yourselves, Don’t be sheep -Rick

14. Existence is pain to a meeseeks Jerry, and we will do anything to alleviate that pain. -Meeseeks

15. School’s not a place for smart people, I know that’s not a popular opinion, but that’s my two cents on the issue. -Rick

16. Sometimes science is a lot more art than science.- Rick

17. There is no god, Summer; gotta rip that band-aid off now you’ll thank me later. –Rick

18. I don’t like being told where to go and what to do, I consider it a violation. -Rick

Aaryan Sharma

Meet our Tech Wiz – he’s a true blooded Otaku and an encyclopedia of all things tech! Foodie to the hilt and the clandestine king of online food ordering! There is No Veg burger he doesn’t have an opinion on!

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