1 We must all ask ourselves, when to exercise those things that are within our power and when not to. -Queen Elizabeth II

With power comes responsibility. Every time you are faced with the choice to either use your power or no, think twice before you make a decision.
2 A person earns his title with his ability to lead and inspire, elusive virtues to which you must reach and rise. -Lord Mountbatten

You are defined only by your actions. You earn respect and a reputation by your ability to inspire those around you. And as difficult as these may seem, these are values that one needs to incorporate in their character.
3 There’s no such thing as political murder or political violence, there’s only criminal murder and criminal violence. -Margaret Thatcher

You cannot justify murder and violence under the garb of political unrest. A crime is a crime, regardless of who does it or why they do it.
4 But all good things come to those who wait. -Princess Diana

Things happen at their own pace. You can never rush into something. Things eventually work out in the end. You need to be patient and calm until the time is right for the good things to happen.
5 One learns, when one has the benefit of experience, that sometimes time off is the most sensible course of action. -Princess Margaret

Incessant work only does more harm than good. Sometimes you need a break to help you clear your mind and reconnect with yourself. At times like these, some time off is the best choice to make.
6 Anytime either of us feels like we’re not getting what we need we simply need to give that very thing to the other. – Princess Diana

Only get in return what you give to others. If you are missing something in life, may it be kindness, hope, support or love, give that to others and you’ll get it back in return.
7 Love is a tender kiss for most people. -Princess Margaret

Love is sweet and tender. It comes when you least expect it. It turns you into a kinder, compassionate and better person than you were before.
8 Self pity won’t get you very far, you just have to get on with it. – Princess Margaret

No matter what happens in life, sitting out there pitying yourself will never get you anywhere. You need to move on from it all and continue on forward. It’s the future where you need to keep your eyes on, not the past.
9 We cannot let the values of the past distract us from the realities of the present. -Margaret Thatcher

One needs to adapt to the changing times. You cannot let the obsolete values of the past blind you and hold you back. It is progress that one needs to strive for and that can only happen when you see things for what they really are.
10 Sometimes you don’t know how you feel about something until you nearly have it taken away -Princess Diana

We fail to realise the value of things when we have them close to us. It is only when you almost lose it, that you understand the importance of it in your life.
11 Power is nothing without authority. -Margaret Thatcher

Power is worthless if you do not have the authority to use it. It is those with authority that the people respect and that hold greater value than power.
12 I think it’s a mistake to assume that people are feeling any sympathy for us at all. -Queen Elizabeth II

You never know what people really think of you. It is a mistake to expect them to feel any sympathy for you. Whether they do so or not should be none of your concern.
13 It was the risk of ruin and his duty to his family that drove him to succeed -Margaret Thatcher

It is the feeling of imminent loss that drives one to success. When you have a family to provide for, that is what makes you responsible and leads you to succeed.
14 No man knows who he truly is until either his life is threatened or he’s given power – Margaret Thatcher

It is in the face of danger or power that one really understands his own self. A sense of overwhelming danger or immense power in your own hands is what brings out your true self.
15 But there is a limit to what one can do if people are themselves limited -Margaret Thatcher

You are bound by the limits of your own abilities. The best choice then, is to strive to break those limits and aim higher.
16 We’re all dying, That’s what defines the condition of living. -Sir Winston Churchill

Death is what adds meaning to life. Without an end nothing is complete and death completes life. What matters is that by the end of it, you live a life that you are proud of.
17 That’s the thing about unhappiness, All it takes is for something worse to come along and you realize it was actually happiness after all. -Queen Elizabeth

Only when you lose something do you realise its value. It is when something bad happens to you that you realise that what you had all along was happiness itself. But you had your eyes set on what you did not have and you failed to enjoy the happiness that you had.
18 In an increasingly complex world, we all need certainty. -Queen Elizabeth

The world we live in is unpredictable and layered with complexity. And to survive in a world like this, we all need a bit of certainty to help us find comfort.
19 One always has to accept one’s own part, I believe, in any mess. -Queen Elizabeth

One needs to stand up and take responsibility for the wrongs that they have done. It is a true test of character whether you choose to accept your mistakes and be held accountable for them.
20 To do nothing is the hardest job of all, And it will take every ounce of energy that you have, to be impartial is not natural, not human. -Queen Elizabeth

It is not in our nature to stay silent and do nothing when we see something wrong happen in front of us. It takes a toll on us if we have to ignore the things that go against our conscience.
21 History was not made by those who did nothing. -Queen Elizabeth

History is written by those with power. And power resides in the hands of those who act when it is time to act. Those who sit around doing nothing can only witness in silence while history is being made.
22 No man should be punished for love. -Sir Winston Churchill

Love is what makes life beautiful. To love is to live. It isn’t a sin that it needs to be punished. Love is natural and essential.
23 I learned very early on that it’s wise not to take things for granted. -Philip Mountbatten

We take so many things for granted that we do not ever realise the value of these things. Only when we lose it do we understand how precious it was.
24 To do nothing is often the best course of action, but I know from personal experience how frustrating it can be. -Queen Elizabeth

Sometimes, not doing anything is much more frustrating than anything else. You feel powerless and out of control and that makes you restless.
25 Where there is heroism there will always be hope. -Sir Winston Churchill

People tend to cling on to whatever gives them hope. And an idea of a hero, who comes to save the day and protect them is something that naturally fills them with hope.
26 It is better to be patient and get what you desire in the right time, than have high office thrust upon you when you are not ready. -King George VI

Let things happen to you when it’s the right time. Do not be eager to rush into it even though you aren’t ready for it. Having patience helps you in the long run.
27 In the first flush of a romantic love, we’re all blind, We see only what we want to see. -Queen Elizabeth

The initial days of love are one of the most loveliest. But often, that is because we are illusioned by our own image that we’ve made up in our minds. We tend to only see the things that we want to see.
28 People have to be angry at someone, But as a leader, one cannot simply react to everything. -Sir Winston Churchill

The people need someone to blame and be angry at. And the one person that needs to take all of that responsibility is the leader. And as a leader, one shouldn’t let any of that get to them. A leader needs to stay strong and know when to react and when not to.
29 Too much knowledge can be a dangerous thing. -Sir Winston Churchill

Sometimes knowing too much can get you into trouble too. Curiosity can be lethal if you are not careful enough.
30 In any marriage it’s important to find things that really bind you together, as a couple. -Antony Armstrong

For a marriage to survive, you need things to bond over. There are always things which you have in common and you need them to bind you together.
31 Some things can only be perceived one way because they only have one meaning. -Queen Elizabeth

The truth has only one side. No matter how much you try to dissect it, the truth never ceases to lose its meaning. There’s only one way you can see it.
32 Who we are is not what we wear or what glitters, It’s the spirit that defines us. -Prince Philip

It is not our outer appearance that defines us. All of that is just a facade. It is our spirit, and the choices we make that define who we are.
33 In the long reeds of difficulty and pain, that’s where you find the treasure. –Prince Philip

The most beautiful things await us only at the end of incessant struggle. You need strength and courage to persevere through to the end and once you do make it out, you’ll find the treasure that you’ve desired.
33 Royal & Powerful The Crown Quotes on Netflix!
1. We must all ask ourselves, when to exercise those things that are within our power and when not to. -Queen Elizabeth II
2. A person earns his title with his ability to lead and inspire, elusive virtues to which you must reach and rise. -Lord Mountbatten
3. There’s no such thing as political murder or political violence, there’s only criminal murder and criminal violence. -Margaret Thatcher
4. But all good things come to those who wait. -Princess Diana
5. One learns, when one has the benefit of experience, that sometimes time off is the most sensible course of action. -Princess Margaret
6. Anytime either of us feels like we’re not getting what we need we simply need to give that very thing to the other. – Princess Diana
7. Love is a tender kiss for most people. -Princess Margaret
8. Self pity won’t get you very far, you just have to get on with it. – Princess Margaret
9. We cannot let the values of the past distract us from the realities of the present. -Margaret Thatcher
10. Sometimes you don’t know how you feel about something until you nearly have it taken away -Princess Diana
11. Power is nothing without authority. -Margaret Thatcher
12. I think it’s a mistake to assume that people are feeling any sympathy for us at all. -Queen Elizabeth II
13. It was the risk of ruin and his duty to his family that drove him to succeed -Margaret Thatcher
14. No man knows who he truly is until either his life is threatened or he’s given power – Margaret Thatcher
15. But there is a limit to what one can do if people are themselves limited -Margaret Thatcher
16. We’re all dying, That’s what defines the condition of living. -Sir Winston Churchill
17. That’s the thing about unhappiness, All it takes is for something worse to come along and you realize it was actually happiness after all. -Queen Elizabeth
18. In an increasingly complex world, we all need certainty. -Queen Elizabeth
19. One always has to accept one’s own part, I believe, in any mess. -Queen Elizabeth
20. To do nothing is the hardest job of all, And it will take every ounce of energy that you have, to be impartial is not natural, not human. -Queen Elizabeth
21. History was not made by those who did nothing. -Queen Elizabeth
22. No man should be punished for love. -Sir Winston Churchill
23. I learned very early on that it’s wise not to take things for granted. -Philip Mountbatten
24. To do nothing is often the best course of action, but I know from personal experience how frustrating it can be. -Queen Elizabeth
25. Where there is heroism there will always be hope. -Sir Winston Churchill
26. It is better to be patient and get what you desire in the right time, than have high office thrust upon you when you are not ready. -King George VI
27. In the first flush of a romantic love, we’re all blind, We see only what we want to see. -Queen Elizabeth
28. People have to be angry at someone, But as a leader, one cannot simply react to everything. -Sir Winston Churchill
29. Too much knowledge can be a dangerous thing. -Sir Winston Churchill
30. In any marriage it’s important to find things that really bind you together, as a couple. -Antony Armstrong
31. Some things can only be perceived one way because they only have one meaning. -Queen Elizabeth
32. Who we are is not what we wear or what glitters, It’s the spirit that defines us. -Prince Philip
33. In the long reeds of difficulty and pain, that’s where you find the treasure. –Prince Philip