1 But when that light hits the sky, it’s no longer a signal, It’s a warning to them. – Bruce Wayne

Batman is the symbol of rage and vengeance for the people of Gotham. Whenever the city needs him, he’s ready to instil crippling fear among the criminals. The Bat symbol shining in the night sky was enough for the city scum to cower away in fear.
2 Fear.. is a tool. – Bruce Wayne

As Bruce states, he cannot be everywhere, but what can be.. is the fear of the Batman. Bruce uses fear perfectly. To give the people a symbol to look up to and to give the criminals a reason to be afraid…. fear was the perfect tool.
3 They think I’m hiding in the shadows. But I am the shadows – Bruce Wayne

Batman is one with the darkness, and these words from Bruce depict that trait perfectly. Every dark alley in the city of Gotham, embodies Batman. No one knows if he’s there or not, but the fear that he might be.
4 I wish I could say that I’m making a difference – Bruce Wayne

Bruce was a man who had been through a lot, with a lot on his shoulders. As a single man harbouring all the hopes of a dying city, Bruce wasn’t sure of himself. He didn’t see himself as the symbol the city needed, but was not going to quit anyway.
5 The city is eating itself – Bruce Wayne

Gotham was home to the vilest and most dangerous line of criminals. From Maroni to Falcone, everyone was a grade above the other in terms of vices.
6 Sometimes in the morning, I have to force myself to remember, everything that happened – Bruce Wayne

This states how well Batman is associated with his origin. The pain and suffering he felt after losing his parents, has stuck with him. An agony that he uses to fuel his vengeance upon the criminals of Gotham.
7 What I’m doing is my family’s legacy. If I can’t change things here. If I can’t have an effect. I don’t care what happens to me – Bruce Wayne

Bruce had his priorities set. Even if he had inherited the limitless wealth of the Wayne family, he didn’t care about it. To him, Gotham mattered more. The safety of its citizens and the eradication of its criminals were more important to him than his own life.
8 He was a cop. He crossed the line – Bruce Wayne

When Gordon and Batman are investigating Pete Savage’s death, they find evidence stating his involvement in the drops business. When Gordon questions why he would face such a tragic end. Batman answers the question with appropriate words. Anyone who crossed their limits in Gotham, met a tragic end.
9 You have to keep our appearances. You’re still a Wayne – Alfred Pennyworth

Alfred had always been more than a butler to the Wayne’s and now he was the only family Bruce had left. Alfred took care of Bruce as he would of his own son. With such minimal gestures he always fulfilled his duty to the Wayne household.
10 You assume the worst in people. – Selina Kyle

Selina somewhat understands Batman, even without knowing who he is. Bruce assumed that Selina was involved with Falcone just for the money, when in fact, he was her real father. Selina understood why he would assume that, and why he only looked for everyone’s dark sides to apprehend them.
11 What are you hiding? Are you just hideously scarred? – Selina Kyle

This line states the bond that Selina and Bruce share. Selina was a helpless child who grew up on her own and Bruce had to witness his parent’s death. In some way or the other, they both understood each other’s agony. While Selina was embracing her scars, Bruce hid them away under the cape of Justice.
12 You’d be surprised what even a good man like him is capable of in the right situation – Carmine Falcone

Falcone is a criminal but he says some real words here. Desperation can drive even the best of men to follow the paths of cruelty and corruption, just as it drove Bruce’s father to resort to Falcone to silence a reporter.
13 You lied to me… my whole life. – Bruce Wayne

Bruce was broken to hear that his father had a man killed just to save his reputation. He realised that Alfred, the only family he had, had been lying to him as well. Bruce’s image of his ideal and righteous father had been torn apart by the facts brought forth by the riddler.
14 It was my job to protect them. – Alfred Pennyworth

Alfred was a loyal servant to the Waynes, but had his bag of regrets as well. As a butler, he was the one who had to ensure his Master’s safety. The one task that he failed to do.
15 You needed a father and all you had was me – Alfred Pennyworth

Alfred and Bruce were alike. They both were failing to protect what mattered to them. While Bruce thought he wasn’t enough to save the city of Gotham, Alfred thought that he wasn’t enough of a father to Bruce.
16 I never thought I’d feel fear like that again. – Bruce Wayne

Bruce believed that he had mastered his fears, that it was his tool now to terrorize the criminals of Gotham. But as Riddler attacks the Wayne Tower, Bruce had again felt the fear of losing a loved one. A fear he had never thought he would experience again.
17 Don’t worry honey.. I got nine of them – Selina Kyle

Selina is a witty and determined young woman. When Batman asks her not to go after Falcone, she states that she wasn’t afraid of dying. Avenging Annika was the only thing driving her.
18 You don’t have to pay with him. You’ve paid enough – Bruce Wayne

Bruce knows his limits. Neither would he kill nor would he watch his friend become a killer. Selina had suffered enough in her life. Bruce didn’t want her to carry the burden of murdering her own father for the rest of her life.
19 I guess we don’t all work for you – Jim Gordon

Gordon was one of the few honest policemen still left in Gotham. When threatened by Falcone during his arrest, Gordon puts him back in his place by showing him the fearless Gotham’s best.
20 You’re already spoken for – Selina Kyle

Batman never rests. When Selina asks him to get away from this dying city, the sky shining the Bat symbol answers for him. Batman can never leave Gotham, not until he changes it for the better.
20 Iconic Quotes From Robert Pattinson’s The Batman (2022)
1. But when that light hits the sky, it’s no longer a signal, It’s a warning to them. – Bruce Wayne
2. Fear.. is a tool. – Bruce Wayne
3. They think I’m hiding in the shadows. But I am the shadows – Bruce Wayne
4. I wish I could say that I’m making a difference – Bruce Wayne
5. The city is eating itself – Bruce Wayne
6. Sometimes in the morning, I have to force myself to remember, everything that happened – Bruce Wayne
7. What I’m doing is my family’s legacy. If I can’t change things here. If I can’t have an effect. I don’t care what happens to me – Bruce Wayne
8. He was a cop. He crossed the line – Bruce Wayne
9. You have to keep our appearances. You’re still a Wayne – Alfred Pennyworth
10. You assume the worst in people. – Selina Kyle
11. What are you hiding? Are you just hideously scarred? – Selina Kyle
12. You’d be surprised what even a good man like him is capable of in the right situation – Carmine Falcone
13. You lied to me… my whole life. – Bruce Wayne
14. It was my job to protect them. – Alfred Pennyworth
15. You needed a father and all you had was me – Alfred Pennyworth
16. I never thought I’d feel fear like that again. – Bruce Wayne
17. Don’t worry honey.. I got nine of them – Selina Kyle
18. You don’t have to pay with him. You’ve paid enough – Bruce Wayne
19. I guess we don’t all work for you – Jim Gordon
20. You’re already spoken for – Selina Kyle