1 The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part, the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well. -Pierre de Coubertin

What matters in life is that you try. Winning is not everything. The most important thing is that you put up a worthwhile fight and not yield.
2 For athletes, the Olympics are the ultimate test of their worth. -Mary Lou Retton

The Olympics is the pinnacle of athletic achievement. It is the truest and most ultimate test of an athlete’s worth. For athletes, it is the highest mark of excellence.
3 The Olympics remain the most compelling search for excellence that exists in sport, and maybe in life itself. -Dawn Fraser

The Olympics are a test of true determination and excellence. It takes a lot of strength, perseverance and hard work to even make it there.
4 Everything about the Olympics was first class, and women were treated as athletes and equals. -Elizabeth Robinson Schwartz

The Olympics is about athletic excellence. Nothing else matters there. What matters is your hard work and perseverance. Gender, cultural and regional barriers are thrown apart as people come to show off their abilities and make a name for themselves in the pages of history.
5 There is something in the Olympics, indefinable, springing from the soul, that must be preserved. -Chris Brasher

The Olympics holds a special place in history. It’s where nations come together and celebrate their athletic strength. They compete in different events just so they can take a place in the pages of history.
6 Never quit, Never give up. -Gabby Douglas

Do not ever quit. No matter how hard the hurdle may seem, you can always make it past. Do not give up because you have it in you to overcome any challenge.
7 If you dream and allow yourself to dream, you can do anything. -Clara Hughes

Dreams are what give us power and strength. We are what we dream. Allow yourself to dream big and have the courage to chase them.
8 To win, you have to risk loss. -Jean-Claude Killy

Nothing significant can ever be achieved by not taking risks. If you want to win, you have to move forward and risk it all. Excellence and greatness only come to those who are ready to face loss.
9 The Olympic Games were created for the exaltation of the individual athlete. -Pierre de Coubertin

The Olympic Games are a testament to the beauty of athletics. It holds a special place in human history. It was created with the aim of enhancing, exacerbating and inculcating an athletic lifestyle in people.
10 One shouldn’t be afraid to lose, this is sport, One day you win, another day you lose. -Oksana Baiul

Loss and triumph are a part of sport. You either win or you lose. And that’s never the end of it. You still have a tomorrow to look forward to. So work till you compete another day and get that victory.
11 There can be distractions, but if you’re isolated from the heart of the Games, the Olympics become just another competition. -Mary Lou Retton

If you cannot grasp the essence of the Olympics, there’s no point in trying to win. The Olympics is about so much more than just victories and losses. It’s about feeling and enjoying the brilliant athletic lifestyle. It’s about shouldering the hopes of nations on your shoulders and making them proud.
12 I didn’t set out to beat the world, I just set out to do my absolute best. -Al Oerter

Just focus on yourself and that’s enough. You do not have to work to beat the world. What matters is that you do your best, give it your all and enjoy yourself while you do it.
13 He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. -Muhammad Ali

Great things come only to those who dare to risk. Take a leap of faith. Trust yourself and believe that you can surely make it. He who does not have the courage to do so will always remain behind.
14 Gold medals aren’t really made of gold, They’re made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts. –Dan Gable

The gold medals that winners get are a result of their determination and hard work. It’s a reflection of their perseverance. You cannot dissociate their hard work from their victory.
15 Only the strongest shoulders can carry the hopes of a nation. –Katie Taylor

It takes a lot of strength to be able to remain calm and composed as an entire nation pins their hopes on you. Only those who are strong enough can bear the burden.
16 If you don’t have confidence, you’ll always find a way not to win. –Carl Lewis

What you need in life is confidence. If you are not confident about your abilities, about your strengths and about yourself, you’ll never win. Failure will always find you. Trust yourself because that’s the first step to success.
17 The key is not the will to win, Everybody has that, It is the will to prepare to win that is important. –Bobby Knight

Just wishing for victory will not bring you victory. What matters is how much you are ready to prepare for that. You need to put in the work and be committed to your dream.
18 I don’t run away from a challenge because I am afraid, Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet. –Nadia Comaneci

The more you run away from fear, the more it haunts you. You need to face your fears and conquer them. The only way to get it out of your way is to conquer and destroy it. You need to first accept it and then do your best to work on it.
19 The hard days are the best because that’s where champions are made. –Gabby Douglas

The hard days are not something that you should be afraid of. You grow when you meet obstacles and overcome them. Challenges only make you harder and stronger.
20 You can’t put a limit on anything, The more you dream, the farther you get. -Michael Phelps

Don’t limit yourself. Dream big and do your best to make them come true. The only thing that is limiting you is yourself. So break your chains and fly high.
20 Inspiring Olympic Day Quotes by the Best Olympic Athletes
1. The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part, the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well. -Pierre de Coubertin
2. For athletes, the Olympics are the ultimate test of their worth. -Mary Lou Retton
3. The Olympics remain the most compelling search for excellence that exists in sport, and maybe in life itself. -Dawn Fraser
4. Everything about the Olympics was first class, and women were treated as athletes and equals. -Elizabeth Robinson Schwartz
5. There is something in the Olympics, indefinable, springing from the soul, that must be preserved. -Chris Brasher
6. Never quit, Never give up. -Gabby Douglas
7. If you dream and allow yourself to dream, you can do anything. -Clara Hughes
8. To win, you have to risk loss. -Jean-Claude Killy
9. The Olympic Games were created for the exaltation of the individual athlete. -Pierre de Coubertin
10. One shouldn’t be afraid to lose, this is sport, One day you win, another day you lose. -Oksana Baiul
11. There can be distractions, but if you’re isolated from the heart of the Games, the Olympics become just another competition. -Mary Lou Retton
12. I didn’t set out to beat the world, I just set out to do my absolute best. -Al Oerter
13. He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. -Muhammad Ali
14. Gold medals aren’t really made of gold, They’re made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts. –Dan Gable
15. Only the strongest shoulders can carry the hopes of a nation. –Katie Taylor
16. If you don’t have confidence, you’ll always find a way not to win. –Carl Lewis
17. The key is not the will to win, Everybody has that, It is the will to prepare to win that is important. –Bobby Knight
18. I don’t run away from a challenge because I am afraid, Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet. –Nadia Comaneci
19. The hard days are the best because that’s where champions are made. –Gabby Douglas
20. You can’t put a limit on anything, The more you dream, the farther you get. -Michael Phelps