1 You steer the ship the best way you know, sometimes it’s smooth, sometimes you hit the rocks. -Junior Soprano

You do things to the best of your abilities. But there’s only so much you can do since not everything is under your control. Sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t. What’s important is that you do not give up.
2 People only see what you allow them to see. -Dr. Jennifer Melfi

People can only see what you choose to show them. Secrecy is important in life. You cannot let everyone know about everything. Some things are better kept in the dark.
3 If you can quote the rules, then you can obey them. -Tony Soprano

Practice what you preach. Before you teach others of the rules, you need to obey them first. It is foolish to talk about things that you do not follow.
4 Teddy Roosevelt once gave an entire speech with a bullet lodged in his chest, some things are just a matter of duty. -Junior Soprano

Never fail your responsibilities. It is the mark of a great character to do their duty. Some things you just have to do because it is your duty, no matter how much you wish otherwise.
5 Those who want respect, give respect. -Tony Soprano

Respect is a two-way street. You cannot demand it. To get respect, one must first give it to others.
6 Other people’s definitions of you, sometimes they’re more about making themselves feel better. —Christopher Moltisanti

It does not matter what others think about you. Some people believe the things about you that make them feel better even if they are baseless and have no substance to them.
7 Sometimes it’s important to give people the illusion of being in control. -Dr. Melfi

People are more comfortable when they feel they are the ones who are in control of the situation. And hence, sometimes it works in your favour to make them feel like they are the ones in control.
8 I don’t care how close you are: in the end, your friends are gonna let you down. -Tony Soprano

No matter how close you are, most people in your life will let you down. You cannot overly rely on everyone around you. It is always best to rely on yourself more than anyone else.
9 Family, They’re the only ones you can depend on. -Tony Soprano

Your family will never betray you. They’re the ones who support you and stay with you through thick and thin.
10 Hope comes in many forms. -Jennifer Melfi

You can always find hope around you no matter what the situation. There always is a silver lining, you just have to look hard enough to find it.
11 More is lost by indecision than by wrong decision. -Carmela Soprano

To not take a decision and do nothing does more harm than anything. Inaction is worse than making a wrong decision and messing up.
12 Sometimes we’re all hypocrites. -Meadow Soprano

No one is a hundred percent truthful all the time. There are always times when we are hypocrites. Never trust anyone too much for you never know when they’ll betray you.
13 Death Just Shows The Ultimate Absurdity Of Life. -Anthony Soprano

You can always rely on Anthony Soprano to throw around some philosophical, nihilist jargon around and enlighten us with his wisdom. Like how Camus said, life indeed is absurd. And death just shows how futile, insignificant and meagre we are in the face of all eternity.
14 Someday soon, you’re gonna have families of your own and if you’re lucky, you’ll remember the little moments like this, that were good. -Tony Soprano

Tony Soprano always understood the importance of family. Family is his prime concern. In the end, when you are to meet your end, it is the moments that you’ve spent with your family that you’ll remember the most.
15 We’re soldiers, Soldiers don’t go to hell, It’s war, Soldiers kill other soldiers. -Tony Soprano

Tony Soprano saw himself as a soldier. His world was one of constant war where death was inevitable. Kill or be killed was the rule of his world.
16 A wrong decision is better than indecision. -Tony Soprano

Staying put and not taking any decision is never going to help. Sometimes, a wrong decision is better than indecision. At the very least, you are making some decisions and moving forward.
17 Genetic predispositions are only that: predispositions, It’s not a destiny written in stone, People have choices. -Dr. Melfi

People are more than their ancestry. It does not matter what family you were born to or what your parents do. You can always make your own choices and pave a new path for yourself.
18 You gotta define yourself. -Christopher Moltisanti

You cannot let someone else define you. Make a name for yourself. In the end, what matters is what you do and how you feel about it. You need to define yourself.
19 Even a broken clock is right twice a day. -Tony Soprano

Everything in the world has a use. Even a broken clock shows the time right twice a day. If you think you are useless, remember that you have so much more potential than you think you do. You just haven’t found it yet.
20 I like people who don’t need everyone to like them. -Tony Soprano

Let the world think what they want to think. It should not matter to you if the world likes you or not. People who do not need everyone to like them are the best kind of people out there.
21 The state can crush the individual, And if we can have our rights trampled like that, imagine what it’s like for recent arrivals. -Meadow Soprano

Meadow’s analysis on state power and racism is on par with what many revolutionaries have postulated ages ago and still rings true. The state holds so much power over the individual. History is proof of how the state machinery can be used to trample upon the rights of minorities whenever they can.
22 Buy land, ’cause God ain’t making any more of it. -Tony Soprano

Land is probably one of the best investments there is, ask any real estate king out there. No wonder Tony Soprano’s empire grew so much in no time. He knew where to invest and what to do with the money.
23 Some people are so far behind in a race that they actually believe they’re leading. -Junior Soprano

People are so blind to their shortcomings that they do not even realise it. They are so far behind that they foolishly believe that they are the ones who are ahead.
24 Don’t ever say you hate life, That’s blasphemy. -Jason Cahill

Never hate yourself or your life. You have one chance at life. What a waste it is to live this life like that. Love it with all your heart. Only then will you be able to make the most of it.
25 Cancer don’t respect nothing. -Furio Giunta

Respect is paramount to Tony and those with him. You give respect to get respect is the motto. But it is only after Paulie gets cancer do they realise that there are things that are beyond them. Cancer respects no man.There is nothing much you can do about it.
25 Iconic Quotes From The Sopranos That You Will Never Forget
1. You steer the ship the best way you know, sometimes it’s smooth, sometimes you hit the rocks. -Junior Soprano
2. People only see what you allow them to see. -Dr. Jennifer Melfi
3. If you can quote the rules, then you can obey them. -Tony Soprano
4. Teddy Roosevelt once gave an entire speech with a bullet lodged in his chest, some things are just a matter of duty. -Junior Soprano
5. Those who want respect, give respect. -Tony Soprano
6. Other people’s definitions of you, sometimes they’re more about making themselves feel better. —Christopher Moltisanti
7. Sometimes it’s important to give people the illusion of being in control. -Dr. Melfi
8. I don’t care how close you are: in the end, your friends are gonna let you down. -Tony Soprano
9. Family, They’re the only ones you can depend on. -Tony Soprano
10. Hope comes in many forms. -Jennifer Melfi
11. More is lost by indecision than by wrong decision. -Carmela Soprano
12. Sometimes we’re all hypocrites. -Meadow Soprano
13. Death Just Shows The Ultimate Absurdity Of Life. -Anthony Soprano
14. Someday soon, you’re gonna have families of your own and if you’re lucky, you’ll remember the little moments like this, that were good. -Tony Soprano
15. We’re soldiers, Soldiers don’t go to hell, It’s war, Soldiers kill other soldiers. -Tony Soprano
16. A wrong decision is better than indecision. -Tony Soprano
17. Genetic predispositions are only that: predispositions, It’s not a destiny written in stone, People have choices. -Dr. Melfi
18. You gotta define yourself. -Christopher Moltisanti
19. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. -Tony Soprano
20. I like people who don’t need everyone to like them. -Tony Soprano
21. The state can crush the individual, And if we can have our rights trampled like that, imagine what it’s like for recent arrivals. -Meadow Soprano
22. Buy land, ’cause God ain’t making any more of it. -Tony Soprano
23. Some people are so far behind in a race that they actually believe they’re leading. -Junior Soprano
24. Don’t ever say you hate life, That’s blasphemy. -Jason Cahill
25. Cancer don’t respect nothing. -Furio Giunta