1 Dear God, if you exist, please don’t take anything more, and don’t give anything more. -Hodaka

There are times in our lives when we are fed up with everything. It’s a lot to take in and anything else is just too much for us to bear. It is during times like these that you need to be strong and have faith.
2 I’ve chosen her, I’ve chosen this world, I’ve chosen to live here. -Hodaka

Choose the things that are most important to you. Never abandon the place that makes you feel at home and the people that bring you joy.
3 The human mind works in mysterious ways, you just need to see the sun shining in the morning to feel energized. -Hodaka

The human mind is a fascinating and sophisticated thing. Its mysteries are sometimes beyond comprehension. Sometimes, even the most simple things can bring us immense joy.
4 You should treat me with respect. -Hina

Treat people with respect if you want respect in return. One needs to respect others for the person they are, regardless of their age, colour, caste or culture.
5 Who cares if we don’t see the sun shine ever again? I want you more than any blue sky, the weather can go crazy. -Hodaka

Once you really love someone, you won’t mind sacrificing things just to be with them. Their presence will bring you immense happiness and everything else will seem secondary to you.
6 A blue sky makes you feel happy you’re alive. -Hodaka

Gratefulness is what makes life much more joyous. Be happy for all the simple things in life. You are alive and that in itself is a blessing.
7 I prayed for good weather all day long the day before, I wanted to have one last walk under the sun with my mom. -Hina

Beautiful memories are what you need before you say farewell to the people who you love the most. It’s tough to see them go but the memories will stay with you forever.
8 I was rushing desperately, trying to reach the light, when I thought I did, I reached a dead end instead. -Hodaka

Things never go as planned always. The paths that you hoped will lead you somewhere will sometimes be a dead end. What matters is that you do not stop and continue on.
9 I decided I wanted to enter that light, And at the edge of it, I found you. -Hodaka

Sometimes, it is in times of despair that you will end up finding the people most precious to you. Follow the light and you’ll find goodness waiting for you there.
10 Now I wonder if what I saw that day was just a dream, But it wasn’t, That summer day up in the sky we changed the shape of the world. -Hodaka

Some memories are just so surreal that they seem dream-like and even unreal. The same was the case with Hodaka and Hina. The entire shape of the world was changed because of Hina’s powers. What they saw was nothing less than a scene from a dream, so surreal and beautiful.
11 Messing with nature always has a cost. -Fortune teller

Nature is terrifying. Messing with it comes with its own cost. If you try to dominate nature, it will retaliate. And when it does, it can destroy anyone that comes in its way. And that’s exactly what Hina and Hodaka had to face as they tried to use Hina’s powers recklessly. Nature is not to be taken lightly
12 The sky’s a deeper unknown world than the sea. -Fortune Teller

The sky is one of the most captivating things in the world with its own secrets. We are creatures of the land, and no matter how technologically advanced we are, some things will always remain unknown to us.
13 I feel sorry for young children nowadays, We used to have beautiful summers and springs. -Mrs. Mamiya

Each day, the world is gradually changing in ways that are profound and far-reaching. And the most obvious of those changes is climate change.The days have become longer, the nights shorter, the air warmer and the monsoons harder.
14 I found it suffocating to live with my parents, And in that town. -Hodaka

Sometimes, the people closest to us are the ones who understand us the least. And that is mostly the case with parents. Parents very often hurt us with their strict decisions and intruding attitude. We end up feeling out of place and lonely.
15 A blue sky makes you feel like you’re alive. It makes you feel more in love with that someone by your side. -Hodaka

The weather has such a profound impact in the way we feel. It’s no secret that our hearts are connected to the sky. A sunny sky can make us happy, cloudy weather may make us desolate, and a clear blue sky fills our hearts with love and hope.
16 Everyone had their own reasons to pursue sunshine in rainy Tokyo. -Hodaka

Every person we come across has a vivid and complex life of their own. They have their own different reasons, desires and yearnings. Yet we all co-exist together and that’s what makes this world so interesting.
17 What a wonderful world I was born in, I thought. -Hodaka

One moment you might be despising the world and the other, this world makes you look at it in wonder and awe. That’s the beauty of this world. There are so many miraculous things that you can find around you. You just have to know where to look.
18 We’re really influenced by the weather, I realised how much the human heart is connected with the sky. -Hodaka

Our hearts are easily influenced by the weather. It takes not a moment for our moods to change depending on the weather. One moment you might be sad and the other, the sunshine fills you with joy and hope.
19 I finally found my role in life. -Hina

What more does one want than to find a purpose in their life. People actively search for things that add meaning to their lives. Hina finally found her purpose as being the sunshine girl and bringing joy to people.
20 Weather is a mystery, The way the sky looks can move you so much. -Hodaka

Weather is such an intriguing phenomenon. And what’s more intriguing is the way it is connected to our moods. Good weather instantly makes us happy while we feel low and sad during dark weather.
21 Hina really moves my heart. -Hodaka

Sometimes, we meet people who conquer our hearts. They move us, they change us and we become totally consumed by our love for them. And they eventually help us find a whole new perspective to life.
22 The weather changes on a whim, Regardless of human needs. -Priest

The world does not run according to our needs. Nature does not listen to us. No matter how much we wish otherwise, we cannot conquer nature. Things happen at their own pace for their own reasons regardless of human needs.
23 We are only allowed to stay temporarily in the space between the sky and the earth clinging hard not to be shaken off. -Priest

Life is nothing but a transient phase between birth and death. We are only allowed a limited time in this world. And the only thing that we can do is to live our life the best way we can, making our way through obstacles and holding on to what little hope we can find.
24 But everything comes at a price. -Priest

Nothing in life comes for free. Everything has a cost. That’s the basic rule of life. You cannot expect to get anything or anywhere without having to give up anything in return.
25 The day I met you, you looked like a lost kitten, But you’ve found a meaning for my existence. -Hina

Sometimes our life feels so chaotic and out of place. We may feel like our life is monotonous and dull. And when that special person walks into our life, they give us a purpose and add meaning to our dull lives.
26 The world’s always been crazy anyways. -Mr. Suga

The world is chaotic and crazy. The world is full of violence and confusion. It’s ridden with sorrow and atrocities. And you need to be a little crazy to survive in this world.
26 Most Beautiful Weathering With You (Tenki No Ko) Quotes
1. Dear God, if you exist, please don’t take anything more, and don’t give anything more. -Hodaka
2. I’ve chosen her, I’ve chosen this world, I’ve chosen to live here. -Hodaka
3. The human mind works in mysterious ways, you just need to see the sun shining in the morning to feel energized. -Hodaka
4. You should treat me with respect. -Hina
5. Who cares if we don’t see the sun shine ever again? I want you more than any blue sky, the weather can go crazy. -Hodaka
6. A blue sky makes you feel happy you’re alive. -Hodaka
7. I prayed for good weather all day long the day before, I wanted to have one last walk under the sun with my mom. -Hina
8. I was rushing desperately, trying to reach the light, when I thought I did, I reached a dead end instead. -Hodaka
9. I decided I wanted to enter that light, And at the edge of it, I found you. -Hodaka
10. Now I wonder if what I saw that day was just a dream, But it wasn’t, That summer day up in the sky we changed the shape of the world. -Hodaka
11. Messing with nature always has a cost. -Fortune teller
12. The sky’s a deeper unknown world than the sea. -Fortune Teller
13. I feel sorry for young children nowadays, We used to have beautiful summers and springs. -Mrs. Mamiya
14. I found it suffocating to live with my parents, And in that town. -Hodaka
15. A blue sky makes you feel like you’re alive. It makes you feel more in love with that someone by your side. -Hodaka
16. Everyone had their own reasons to pursue sunshine in rainy Tokyo. -Hodaka
17. What a wonderful world I was born in, I thought. -Hodaka
18. We’re really influenced by the weather, I realised how much the human heart is connected with the sky. -Hodaka
19. I finally found my role in life. -Hina
20. Weather is a mystery, The way the sky looks can move you so much. -Hodaka
21. Hina really moves my heart. -Hodaka
22. The weather changes on a whim, Regardless of human needs. -Priest
23. We are only allowed to stay temporarily in the space between the sky and the earth clinging hard not to be shaken off. -Priest
24. But everything comes at a price. -Priest
25. The day I met you, you looked like a lost kitten, But you’ve found a meaning for my existence. -Hina
26. The world’s always been crazy anyways. -Mr. Suga