28 Best Pain (Nagato) Quotes in Naruto About Love, Life and War

Pain nagato quotes

1 . You think you’re the only ones who matter, You think you can put off death. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

No matter how far ahead in life you are, it’s foolish to think that the world revolves around you. No matter how much power you gain, some things just cannot be changed, death being one of them. It will eventually come for you and at that time, all the riches, wealth and power that you acquired will mean nothing.

2 . If you don’t share someone’s pain, you can never understand them. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Unless you share someone’s pain you can never understand them. If you really love them, you will always be there with them. And by sharing the pain, your bond will only become stronger.

3 . Dying like trash, Never ending hatred, Pain that never heals, That is war, This is what we must face. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

War leaves marks that are beyond emotional repair. War is treacherous and taxing. It impartially destroys lives regardless of who wins or who loses. Pain, sorrow and atrocity are all that will be left in the end.

4 . Just because you understand them doesn’t mean you can come to an agreement, That’s the truth. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Just because you understand their perspective does not mean that you have to accept it. You may see where they come from, but that does not mean that you have to agree to everything someone says. Take a stand and stay firm.

5 . If you kill someone, someone else will kill you, this hatred binds us together. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

What goes around, comes around. That’s the simple law of nature. You just cannot do whatever comes to your mind. The universe reflects back your actions and thoughts. Things happen as and when they are supposed to. And no matter how hard you try, if you are not supposed to be there, you will never get there.

6 . Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

We are always making moves and taking decisions that affect the people around us. So intentionally, or unintentionally, we are always making changes in not just our but other’s lives as well. These changes may not always work in their favour. So as long as humans and humanity exist, we are bound to hurt others.

7 . Justice comes from vengeance but justice only breeds more vengeance. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Vengeance solves nothing but creates additional challenges. It is satisfying for a few minutes, but nothing has really changed. You can’t go back in time and alter the course of your history. Time can heal all wounds but only if you don’t reopen them.

8 . Feel the pain, think about pain, know the pain and accept pain. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Pain is what helps you grow. You need to really feel and understand the pain in order to grow. Accept your circumstances and embrace the pain that you are feeling. Every great lesson only comes after a good amount of struggle.

9 . Pain is the way to bring peace. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Pain is an inescapable part of life. You will definitely go through sorrow and suffering. However, the pain eventually brings you peace as it subsides and you start moving on from it.

10 . Sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain because life’s greatest struggle is through the pain. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

The magnitude of your success depends on how many times you have failed and how much pain you are willing to take. Nothing great can be achieved easily and it comes only after you overcome a lot of pain and hardships.

11 . We are but men, drawn to act in the name of revenge that we deem to be justice. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Revenge can easily be mistaken for justice. When someone wrongs us, we are naturally drawn to act in the primitive way possible – by seeking revenge. And that is where we falter. We feel revenge will bring us justice while the truth is that revenge is the farthest thing from justice.

12 . If there is justice in revenge, then that same justice will breed only more revenge and trigger a cycle of hatred. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Revenge is never an intelligent solution. Whatever disturbed you earlier and provoked you to take revenge has not vanished. It still exists. It will cause the problem to continue. Learn to let things go. It might seem practically impossible at first, but you are bigger than that.

13 . There is no such thing as real peace, It’s impossible as long as we live in this accursed world. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

The world is ridden with cruelty, atrocities, crime and chaos. Peace, at times like this, seems like a distant dream. As long as we humans exist in this world, there will always be violence, crime and war.

14 . If you don’t share the pain with someone, you will never understand the pain. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Empathy is something that most of us lack. Unless you experience the pain that someone else is going through, you will never be able to wholly understand it. People are so different, their experiences so personal and varying that it is difficult for one person to perfectly put themselves in someone else’s shoes.

15 . Learn to embrace the fear of feeling about what it’s like to contemplate what it is to know true pain. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

We become fearless because we know how it is to be in pain. Pleasure makes you numb but pain makes you empathetic towards others because now you can finally understand how it feels to be in the worst of situations. Now you can finally give more and ask for less.

16 . When I had nothing and no one, I always had pain. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Even when you are alone and lonely, the one thing that you can always rely on to be your constant companion is pain. The pain will always exist right beside you. Pain is the one single truth of life. No matter how much you try to escape from it, it will always catch up to you.

17 . Even the most ignorant, innocent child will eventually grow up as they learn what true pain is, It affects what they say, what they think. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

No one can escape pain. Without pain, we would be blind. It teaches us to fight life’s battles. All we can do is to find the message behind the pain because we are here to learn, to evolve and find a way out from the mess that our life is.

18 . Religion, ideology, resources, land, spite, love or just because, No matter how pathetic the reason, it’s enough to start a war. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Clearly, wars have never been fought for good reasons. They happened just to establish superiority, to gain power and amass wealth; all selfish motives. And no matter what reason lies behind a war, it is not enough to justify the suffering it causes.

19 . Love breeds sacrifice, which in turn breeds hatred, Then you can know pain. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

You only know the value of love when you have lost it. You only know the value of your loved ones when you have sacrificed them. And then, you feel the pain that hits you hard and changes you. It takes a lot of you to get back to who you were, but you are never the same.

20 . Too many people have died here, their pain is what helped me grow up. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Pain is inevitable. It’s a part of life and there is nothing you can do to avoid it. You have to feel it completely to understand things and get yourself together. And in the end, the pain you go through will help you grow stronger.

21 . Human nature pursues strife. –Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

It is in the nature of humans to pursue conflict. We are all drawn to violence and vengeance – an inseparable part of humanity.

22 . How can you say that you will never change? That you will not change, no matter how great the pain you face? -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Pain and misery change people. It is only when we know pain can we grow and become stronger. In the face of immense suffering, even the strongest of us have to bend our will and change ourselves accordingly.

23 . Love is the reason why there is pain. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Love is what causes pain. It takes great courage and strength to love another. But that love can always hurt you. Love is the primary cause of emotional pain.

24 . Vengeance is the product of that hate and so death follows, But in death there is only more death. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Vengeance is always driven by hate. And in vengeance, there is only violence. Violence breeds more violence and thus the cycle of death only continues. The only way to break this treacherous cycle of hate and suffering is to choose humanity over everything else.

25 . Let me ask you this: How will you confront this hatred in order to create peace? – Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

The world is filled with hatred and prejudice. As such, peace might just be a myth, as it is very challenging to overcome the amount of widespread hatred. The amount of hate that plagues this world is just one too many to overcome.

26 . When we lose someone precious to us, hate is born. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

The loss of love breeds hate. The void that someone’s passing leaves within is instantly filled with hate. It is up to us to choose whether to confront that hate or let it breed and poison us.

27 . Eventually, time will pass and the pain will heal. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Time heals every wound there is within us. We just need to hold on and believe in ourselves. The pain will eventually subside. Life, after all, always goes on and the pain will slowly go away too.

28 . Even children are forced to grow up in the face of pain. -Pain

Pain Nagato Quotes From Naruto

Pain is what helps us grow in life. Our greatest lessons are taught to us by pain. Even children, who fall multiple times as they learn to walk, succeed only after knowing pain.

28 Best Pain (Nagato) Quotes in Naruto About Love, Life & War

1. You think you’re the only ones who matter, You think you can put off death. -Pain

2. If you don’t share someone’s pain, you can never understand them. -Pain

3. Dying like trash, Never ending hatred, Pain that never heals, That is war, This is what we must face. -Pain

4. Just because you understand them doesn’t mean you can come to an agreement, That’s the truth. -Pain

5. If you kill someone, someone else will kill you, this hatred binds us together. -Pain

6. Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. -Pain

7. Justice comes from vengeance but justice only breeds more vengeance. -Pain

8. Feel the pain, think about pain, know the pain and accept pain. -Pain

9. Pain is the way to bring peace. -Pain

10. Sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain because life’s greatest struggle is through the pain. -Pain

11. We are but men, drawn to act in the name of revenge that we deem to be justice. -Pain

12. If there is justice in revenge, then that same justice will breed only more revenge and trigger a cycle of hatred. -Pain

13. There is no such thing as real peace, It’s impossible as long as we live in this accursed world. -Pain

14. If you don’t share the pain with someone, you will never understand the pain. -Pain

15. Learn to embrace the fear of feeling about what it’s like to contemplate what it is to know true pain. -Pain

16. When I had nothing and no one, I always had pain. -Pain

17. Even the most ignorant, innocent child will eventually grow up as they learn what true pain is, It affects what they say, what they think. -Pain

18. Religion, ideology, resources, land, spite, love or just because, No matter how pathetic the reason, it’s enough to start a war. -Pain

19. Love breeds sacrifice, which in turn breeds hatred, Then you can know pain. -Pain

20. Too many people have died here, their pain is what helped me grow up. -Pain

21. Human nature pursues strife. –Pain

22. How can you say that you will never change? That you will not change, no matter how great the pain you face? -Pain

23. Love is the reason why there is pain. -Pain

24. Vengeance is the product of that hate and so death follows, But in death there is only more death. -Pain

25. Let me ask you this: How will you confront this hatred in order to create peace? – Pain

26. When we lose someone precious to us, hate is born. -Pain

27. Eventually, time will pass and the pain will heal. -Pain

28. Even children are forced to grow up in the face of pain. -Pain

Aaryan Sharma

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