1 If you want to love others, I think you should love yourself first. -RM

How can you expect to be able to love others if you cannot even love yourself first? One should always begin with loving oneself. Unless you accept and adore yourself, you can never find it in you to love anyone else.
2 A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. –J-Hope

Sometimes, something as simple as a smile can do wonders for others as well as for you. Smile, because it radiates joy and kindness. We may never know but sometimes a smile can make someone’s day when they are at their lowest.
3 I think the biggest love we’re all searching for is the love for one’s self. –RM

The love that you deserve the most is from yourself. Instead of searching for validation from random people around you, learn to love yourself the most. That’s all the love you need.
4 I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become. -RM

Love yourself no matter what. You’ve been through highs and lows and you have made it through in one piece. You deserve all the love that you can give. So love yourself for all you are, for all you can be and all you were.
5 Love is complex, and we always have the dark sides and the sad sides. –RM

Love is not as simple as the romcoms and cheesy romance novels make it to be. It is terrifying and sometimes painful too. There are always bad days and unexpected roadblocks. But the conviction to make it work is what makes it last.
6 Effort makes you, You will regret someday if you don’t do your best now. -Jungkook

There’s nothing you can gain without working. Efforts are what you need the most in life. If you do not do your best today, you will surely regret it tomorrow.
7 In the middle of the road, in the moment you want to give up, shout out even louder: So what? – BTS, “So What”

When you are at your lowest, in the darkness and with no hope left, have faith. Look at the devil straight in the eye and run forward without flinching. If you have the courage to face your darkness, you will emerge victorious eventually.
8 Erase all sad memories, Hold each other’s hands, and smile. —BTS, “2! 3!”

Sometimes, all we need is someone to hold our hand and make us feel it’s alright. Someone who will help us erase all those bad days and terrifying memories from our minds and live in the moment.
9 To lose your path is the way to find that path. -BTS, “Lost”

Sometimes, it is by losing our way that we find our path. If you are confused and stressed about everything, if the future looks uncertain and disastrous, trust yourself. Hold on and do what you do best. Life has this way to make things fine.
10 Whatever, big or small, you are you after all. –BTS, “Paradise”

It doesn’t matter what you do. Even if what you do may seem small as compared to those around you, what matters is that you’ve given it your all. What matters is that you’ve tried. Even if you’ve made mistakes along the way, you are you and that’s all there is to it.
11 The morning will come again, No darkness, no season is eternal. –BTS, “Spring Day”

No night is forever. The shining rays of the sun will always warm your cheeks and herald the oncoming of dawn. Hold on, for what may seem eternal darkness shall always pass
12 Living without passion is like being dead. –Jungkook

What is there to life if you have nothing that sets your soul on fire? Find your true calling. Find something that will light a ravenous passion in your heart and chase that as though your life depends on it. Give it your all and do your best for that is what makes life worthwhile.
13 The dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest. –BTS, “Tomorrow”

Yes, the night seems long and treacherous, but you know, the night is always the darkest before dawn. All the dark clouds above you shall pass and reveal the shining sun behind. So worry not, and hold on with all your might.
14 Popularity is a bubble, It’s a mountain: you can go up really hard but walk down really fast. –RM

The limelight that so many people chase in life is just fleeting and fluctuating. It entrances people with its glamour and glows, but only those who’ve achieved it know it for what it really is. Even if you are at the top, all it takes is just a moment to bring you toppling down.
15 I think BTS is able to shine because we have fans. –Suga

No star is complete without their fans. BTS today is what they are because of their Army. It’s the well-deserved love and adoration that the army shows that makes them so popular and successful.
16 Music transcends language, BTS communicates with our fans by staying true to ourselves and believing in music every day. –RM

Music transcends linguistic barriers and cultural boundaries. It helps people connect, love, and find a common ground. And music has to come from a place that is genuine and limitless.
17 Find your name, find your voice by speaking yourself. -Kim Namjoon

Life is all about finding your identity and making a genuine name for yourself. Follow the path that your heart longs for. Find your voice and let others listen to all that you have to say.
18 Decide for yourself what it means to be happy. -BTS, Lights

Happiness for you should be what you define it to be. Decide for yourself what happiness should mean to you. Do not be fazed by others and their ideals. It’s your life and only you get to live it.
19 Even if you’re not perfect, you’re a limited edition. -BTS, Do You

Perfection is a myth. Even if you are not perfect as they define it to be, you are you and that’s all that you need to be. There is no one like you out there and that’s what’s so special and unique about you. Do not let someone else put you in a box and chain you. Be yourself and fly high.
20 Those who don’t have a dream, it’s okay, it’s okay if you don’t have a dream, You just have to be happy.-Min Yoongi

Don’t let them tell you that you aren’t living up to your potential. All that matters in life is that you are happy with what you are. Don’t let their idea of dreams and ambitions put you down. Be happy and live life to the fullest.
21 You can’t just come into someone’s life, make them feel special, and then leave. –Taehyung

You cannot just abandon people. They are not things for you to take advantage of. You cannot leave without even giving them a proper closure. Only lowly people play with other’s feelings.
22 You shine in this pitch darkness, That is the butterfly effect. –BTS, Butterfly

Look within yourself and you shall find a light that burns even in the darkest nights. There is enough strength within you to move the boulders that obstruct your path in life. So shine bright as much as you can.
23 It’s all right to not have a dream, if you have moments where you feel happiness for a while. — BTS. Paradise

It doesn’t matter what they say, you can live without having high dreams. Sometimes all that matters is that we are happy and at peace. Chase that feeling and not material things.
24 Life is a sculpture that you cast as you make mistakes and learn from them. -RM

Your life is your own. It is your canvas, and every moment that you live, you are painting yourself a masterpiece. And it is upon you to either make it bright and colorful or dull and somber. Every mistake that you make, every lesson that you learn, and every experience that you have contributes to it.
25 Dream, though your beginnings may be humble, may the end be prosperous. -BTS, So Far Away

Do not let life faze you. It does not matter where you come from, if you are determined enough to make it, you very well can. Even if you begin from the lowest floor, you can still make it to the top
26 If you can’t respect, don’t even open your mouth. –Kim Namjoon

Respect is paramount in any relationship. If you cannot respect someone, you should just shut up. Respect others and their opinions. Only then will others respect you.
27 Life is tough, and things don’t always work out well, but we should be brave and go on with our lives. –Suga

Yes, life is never easy. There will always be challenges waiting for you around the corner. But you have to hold on and put in your all. Be brave and show courage.
28 If you can’t fly, then run, Today we will survive. –BTS, Not Today

Do the best you can. You do not have to aim so high that you cannot even reach there. Just act to your potential. Even if the future looks dark and dim, all that you have to do is survive today. Come what may, you shall always make it out if you set your mind to it.
29 If I had a chance to improve every aspect of myself, then I would work hard to make it happen rather than just sitting idly by. –Jungkook

Start today, not tomorrow. If you wait for the right time to come to you, you’ll never find it. There is no better time to start than right now. Get out there and do it. You cannot dream of greatness while you sit on your couch and laze around.
30 Thank you for accepting us, The 7 boys from Korea who sing in Korean. -Kim Namjoon

BTS deserves all the love and adoration that they get. They’ve given their fans something that they can cherish and relate to through their music. They are not just 7 random boys from Korea but more than that for their fans.
30 Most Badass BTS Quotes for Their ARMY
1. If you want to love others, I think you should love yourself first. -RM
2. A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. –J-Hope
3. I think the biggest love we’re all searching for is the love for one’s self. –RM
4. I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become. -RM
5. Love is complex, and we always have the dark sides and the sad sides. –RM
6. Effort makes you, You will regret someday if you don’t do your best now. -Jungkook
7. In the middle of the road, in the moment you want to give up, shout out even louder: So what? – BTS, “So What”
8. Erase all sad memories, Hold each other’s hands, and smile. —BTS, “2! 3!”
9. To lose your path is the way to find that path. -BTS, “Lost”
10. Whatever, big or small, you are you after all. –BTS, “Paradise”
11. The morning will come again, No darkness, no season is eternal. –BTS, “Spring Day”
12. Living without passion is like being dead. –Jungkook
13. The dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest. –BTS, “Tomorrow”
14. Popularity is a bubble, It’s a mountain: you can go up really hard but walk down really fast. –RM
15. I think BTS is able to shine because we have fans. –Suga
16. Music transcends language, BTS communicates with our fans by staying true to ourselves and believing in music every day. –RM
17. Find your name, find your voice by speaking yourself. -Kim Namjoon
18. Decide for yourself what it means to be happy. -BTS, Lights
19. Even if you’re not perfect, you’re a limited edition. -BTS, Do You
20. Those who don’t have a dream, it’s okay, it’s okay if you don’t have a dream, You just have to be happy.-Min Yoongi
21. You can’t just come into someone’s life, make them feel special, and then leave. –Taehyung
22. You shine in this pitch darkness, That is the butterfly effect. –BTS, Butterfly
23. It’s all right to not have a dream, if you have moments where you feel happiness for a while. — BTS. Paradise
24. Life is a sculpture that you cast as you make mistakes and learn from them. -RM
25. Dream, though your beginnings may be humble, may the end be prosperous. -BTS, So Far Away
26. If you can’t respect, don’t even open your mouth. –Kim Namjoon
27. Life is tough, and things don’t always work out well, but we should be brave and go on with our lives. –Suga
28. If you can’t fly, then run, Today we will survive. –BTS, Not Today
29. If I had a chance to improve every aspect of myself, then I would work hard to make it happen rather than just sitting idly by. –Jungkook
30. Thank you for accepting us, The 7 boys from Korea who sing in Korean. -Kim Namjoon