1 He who plants a tree, plants a hope. -Lucy Larcom

Trees give us the air that we breathe and are the very source of our lives. Without them, we would suffocate and die. And planting a tree is a noble act because you end up planting hope and survival for the future.
2 Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. -Warren Buffett

Planting a tree never goes in vain. The tree that you plant today will give you shade, bear you fruits and obviously give you air tomorrow. By planting trees, you leave the earth a better place for your children.
3 Forests are the lungs of our land. -Franklin D. Roosevelt

The trees are what give us air. They are, in essence, the lungs of the world. Without the forests, life on Earth will not exist.
4 Arbor Day is not like other holidays, Each of those reposes on the past, while Arbor Day proposes for the future. -Julius Sterling Morton

Arbor Day is that holiday when people are encouraged to plant trees. Arbor Day asks people to look at the future and work for it. Planting trees is an act meant to secure the future.
5 The cultivation of trees is the cultivation of the good, the beautiful and the ennobling in man. -Julius Sterling Morton

Without trees, life on Earth and Man would not exist. The cultivation of trees is the cultivation of good because they ensure that life goes on.
6 The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit. -Nelson Henderson

Life is meant to be lived selflessly. And planting trees is probably one of the most selfless acts. You cannot expect to get what the trees offer, but rather you do it for the generations that come thenceforth.
7 For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. -Martin Luther

Trees are the true wealth of the land. Every tree should be worth more than any amount of gold or silver. They give us life and nothing else is more precious than our lives.
8 To be poor and have trees, is to be completely rich in ways that money can never buy. -Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Gold and money are not real riches in life. A man who lacks wealth but has plenty of trees is the one who’s rich in the truest sense. Money can never buy what trees give you.
9 A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers but borrowed from his children. —John James Audubon

For every action that we take today, our future generations have to pay the price. We do not inherit the world from our ancestors, but rather, we borrow it from our children. If we do not use our resources sustainably, it is our children who will have to suffer the cost of it.
10 No man manages his affairs as well as a tree does. -George Bernard Shaw

Trees are the most self-sufficient beings in this world. They can sustain not just themselves but also provide food and air for the rest of the beings around them. No human can emulate trees in this matter.
11 If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees. -Hal Borland

We can learn so much from trees. Their strength and patience, by virtue of which they manage to weather even the strongest of storms, are all lessons that we can learn from.
12 If I thought I was going to die tomorrow, I should nevertheless plant a tree today. -Stephen Girard

Planting trees is the noblest thing you can do today. By planting trees, you leave something for the future generation. And trees are the most precious wealth that you can have.
13 Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them. -Vaughan

How foolish are we humans? We destroy forests, we cut down trees and make cities and suburbs in their place. We mine the land for gold and silver while we forget that trees are our real wealth.
14 Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper, That we may record our emptiness. -Khalil Gibran

We fell trees, we burned forests and mine lands. But we fail to realize that they are the real wealth of the land. With nature gone, all we will be left is an emptiness within us. Trees and nature are what add beauty to this world.
15 Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven. -Rabindranath Tagore

Trees are the most beautiful work of art of nature. They are serene and heavenly in their form. They sustain life on Earth. One who learns to appreciate trees has learned to see the real beauty in the world.
16 A people without children would face a hopeless future; a country without trees is almost as helpless. -Theodore Roosevelt

Trees ensure that life continues on the planet. We can’t survive without trees to help us breathe. By destroying trees, we are essentially destroying ourselves.
17 When trees burn, they leave the smell of heartbreak in the air. -Julius Morton

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than seeing trees burn. Trees give us the air we breathe. By burning and cutting down trees, we are killing ourselves.
18 For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. -Martin Luther

Trees are worth more than all the wealth of this world. We can’t enjoy our wealth if we don’t have air to breathe and trees are what provide us this.
19 Of all man’s works of art, a cathedral is the greatest. A vast and majestic tree is greater than that. -Henry Ward Beecher

Trees are the most majestic and superior structure on the planet. They’re worth far more than all of man’s creations. Trees are priceless, the very reason for the continuity of our lives.
20 We ought to bequeath to posterity as many forests and orchards as we have exhausted and consumed. Julius Morton

We’ve already destroyed a huge chunk of forests and wildlife. It’s our duty to plant enough so that our future generations can survive.
21 In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful. -Alice Walker

Nature’s creations are far more beautiful and perfect than we can ever imagine. Trees are one such creation that are perfect in every way.
22 If you cut down a forest, it doesn’t matter how many sawmills you have if there are no more trees. -Susan George

Nothing that man creates can ever replace trees in nature. By destroying trees, we are destroying our future. It doesn’t matter what else we invent, we can never have it back.
23 Life without nature is a life incomplete. -Martin Luther King Jr.

The Earth provides for us whatever we need to survive and sustain life. Life without nature is not possible. So it’s our duty that we give back to it what we take from it.
24 We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. -Unknown

The earth hasn’t been bestowed to us by our ancestors to keep but to pass it on to our children. So it’s our duty that we keep it pristine and healthy.
25 He plants trees to benefit another generation. -Caecilius Statius

By planting trees, we are essentially securing the future of our children. It’s our duty that we pass on this world in the most purest form. Plant more trees so you can give something worthwhile to our children.
26 Arbor Day should encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our planet a more sustainable and livable place. -Scott Peter

Arbor day is about introspection. We need to think about us and the planet as a whole, and act towards making it a better place and reviving the nature that we’ve destroyed.
27 The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share. -Lady Bird Johnson

No matter what race, culture, or country we come from, the one thing that we share in common is mother nature. Our environment is what binds us together. It is important that we keep it pristine.
28 We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do. -Barbara Ward

Our technological pursuits have caused us to be disconnected from mother nature. We have lost our way. Humans have evolved so far ahead that they have forgotten their place in the world and gone so far ahead of themselves that they’ve ended up destroying a huge part of it.
29 The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it. -Barry Commoner

Science is not meant to be used to destroy nature but rather to sustain and preserve nature. We have to use it to live in harmony with nature. Without mother nature, we have no place to go and no life to live.
30 A nation that destroys its forests destroys itself. -Franklin D. Roosevelt

A nation that has no value for its forests will eventually destroy itself. Forests are what gives us the air that we breathe, the land we walk on, the food we eat, and the water we breathe. And a nation that destroys all of this will eventually self-destruct.
30 Thought-Provoking Arbor Day Quotes To Encourage You To Plant Trees
1. He who plants a tree, plants a hope. -Lucy Larcom
2. Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. -Warren Buffett
3. Forests are the lungs of our land. -Franklin D. Roosevelt
4. Arbor Day is not like other holidays, Each of those reposes on the past, while Arbor Day proposes for the future. -Julius Sterling Morton
5. The cultivation of trees is the cultivation of the good, the beautiful and the ennobling in man. -Julius Sterling Morton
6. The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit. -Nelson Henderson
7. For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. -Martin Luther
8. To be poor and have trees, is to be completely rich in ways that money can never buy. -Clarissa Pinkola Estes
9. A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers but borrowed from his children. —John James Audubon
10. No man manages his affairs as well as a tree does. -George Bernard Shaw
11. If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees. -Hal Borland
12. If I thought I was going to die tomorrow, I should nevertheless plant a tree today. -Stephen Girard
13. Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them. -Vaughan
14. Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper, That we may record our emptiness. -Khalil Gibran
15. Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven. -Rabindranath Tagore
16. A people without children would face a hopeless future; a country without trees is almost as helpless. -Theodore Roosevelt
17. When trees burn, they leave the smell of heartbreak in the air. -Julius Morton
18. For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. -Martin Luther
19. Of all man’s works of art, a cathedral is the greatest. A vast and majestic tree is greater than that. -Henry Ward Beecher
20. We ought to bequeath to posterity as many forests and orchards as we have exhausted and consumed. Julius Morton
21. In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful. -Alice Walker
22. If you cut down a forest, it doesn’t matter how many sawmills you have if there are no more trees. -Susan George
23. Life without nature is a life incomplete. -Martin Luther King Jr.
24. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. -Unknown
25. He plants trees to benefit another generation. -Caecilius Statius
26. Arbor Day should encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our planet a more sustainable and livable place. -Scott Peter
27. The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share. -Lady Bird Johnson
28. We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do. -Barbara Ward
29. The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it. -Barry Commoner
30. A nation that destroys its forests destroys itself. -Franklin D. Roosevelt