1 You still haven’t noticed that something precious to you has been replaced. –Haku

Most of us are so invested in our busy schedules that we sometimes do not notice when we lose something very precious to us. We take things for granted and hence give them barely any appreciation.
2 Once you do something, you never forget, even if you can’t remember. –Zeniba

The human mind works in fascinating ways. The things you do are always etched in your memory. Even if you do not remember them outright, they still exist in your memories as the mind never forgets.
3 It’ll protect you, it is made from the threads your friends wove together. –Zeniba

The wishes of your friends will always remain with you. They will protect you and support you through your darkest days.
4 Once you meet someone, you never really forget them, it just takes a while for your memory to come back to you. –Zeniba

The human mind is exceptionally good with faces. Once you meet someone, you never forget them. They will always remain etched in some deep corner of your memory.
5 We’re identical twins and exact opposites. –Zeniba

It very often happens that the siblings, especially twins, have contrasting characters. It’s quite fascinating to observe that. They have sophisticated and contrasting personalities and yet they somehow complete each other.
6 I finally get a bouquet and it’s a goodbye present, That’s depressing. – Chihiro Ogino

Goodbyes are unbearable. No matter how much you try, goodbyes are heartbreaking and depressing. To see someone close to you go away is sad and sombre.
7 Something you wouldn’t recognize, it’s called love. –Kamaji

Sometimes, love sneaks up on you without you even knowing. You may not recognize it when it comes until you are wholly enchanted by it.
8 I’ve gotta get out of this place, someday I’m getting on that train. –Lin

Never settle in a place you are unhappy at. Freedom is what makes life beautiful and if your home restricts your freedom, then you better get out to find someplace worth it.
8 Spirited Away Quotes To Give You Goosebumps!
1. You still haven’t noticed that something precious to you has been replaced. –Haku
2. Once you do something, you never forget, even if you can’t remember. –Zeniba
3. It’ll protect you, it is made from the threads your friends wove together. –Zeniba
4. Once you meet someone, you never really forget them, it just takes a while for your memory to come back to you. –Zeniba
5. We’re identical twins and exact opposites. –Zeniba
6. I finally get a bouquet and it’s a goodbye present, That’s depressing. – Chihiro Ogino
7. Something you wouldn’t recognize, it’s called love. –Kamaji
8. I’ve gotta get out of this place, someday I’m getting on that train. –Lin