1 You do realize Eleven saved the world twice, right? –Mike

Even after Eleven loses all her power, Mike supports Eleven. The mystery is still alive that how Eleven lost her power. But this quote clearly communicates Mike’s affection for Eleven.
2 You’re just jealous because I have another older male friend. – Dustin

Between all the chaos and darker scenes, the new season has some funny jokes as well to lighten the mood and tension.
3 We gonna do this, or are we gonna keep chit-chatting like this is your mommy’s book club? – Erica

Erica is bold, brave, and stands for what she believes in. This was an amazing and savage line which she perfectly delivered.
4 Mike Wheeler: You’re a superhero Eleven: Not anymore

We saw Eleven struggling throughout the entire season 4. Since she lost her powers, she’s struggling with her identity. Even when Mike tried to motivate her, she yelled that she was not a superhero anymore.
5 Your friend is stuck. You give me money, I have him unstuck. – Dmitri

Dmitri’s character developed the most throughout the show. The audience has always felt a gray arc and dilemma about how to feel towards his character.
6 I will shove her for you. I will do anything for you. – Argyle

We all stan Argyle and Eden by now. Another great couple in the show. The moment Argyle said she will do anything for Eden was such a memorable and wholesome scene.
7 I was wrong this whole time. I wasn’t cursed. I am the curse. – Jim Hopper

Guilt is one of the strongest human emotions. Like Eleven we saw Jim struggling with guilt. He blames himself for his daughter’s cancer.
8 The obvious things are not what people observe.’ or… ‘do… don’t observe.’ or…Sherlock Holmes. – Dustin

Dustin quotes Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Doyle. Steve gets impressed and attempts to show off his literary knowledge to Nancy. But he forgets the line in between and creates a joke of himself, which is a great comic scene to watch.
9 What have you done? – Dr Brenner

One of the biggest mysteries in season 4 revolves around this question. It was clearly hinted that Eleven destroyed the laboratory. All this suspense was finally revealed in the “Truth About November”.
9 Stranger Things quotes from the latest season
1. You do realize Eleven saved the world twice, right? –Mike
2. You’re just jealous because I have another older male friend. – Dustin
3. We gonna do this, or are we gonna keep chit-chatting like this is your mommy’s book club? – Erica
4. Mike Wheeler: You’re a superhero Eleven: Not anymore
5. Your friend is stuck. You give me money, I have him unstuck. – Dmitri
6. I will shove her for you. I will do anything for you. – Argyle
7. I was wrong this whole time. I wasn’t cursed. I am the curse. – Jim Hopper
8. The obvious things are not what people observe.’ or… ‘do… don’t observe.’ or…Sherlock Holmes. – Dustin
9. What have you done? – Dr Brenner