12 Best Quotes From Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad quotes

1 . I am not in danger, I am the danger

I am not in danger, I am the danger

For those who are confident of their capabilities. They know their way out of every situation. But they are the actual danger when it comes down to that.

2 . There is gold in the streets just waiting for someone to come and scoop it up

There is gold in the streets just waiting for someone to come and scoop it up

Talent is present everywhere, all the time, it’s just the right eyes and opportunities that help it grow

3 . A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No! I am the one who knocks!

A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No! I am the one who knocks!

I am never the victim of a gruesome situation ever. I’m the one causing it.

4 . Well, technically, chemistry is the study of matter. But I prefer to see it as the study of change

Well, technically, chemistry is the study of matter. But I prefer to see it as the study of change

Chemistry not only makes you study what the matter is made of. The knowledge has the potential to change the world.

5 . If you don’t know who I am, then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly

If you don’t know who I am, then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly

Without knowing a person one mustn’t make judgement or assumptions about them. Thus they should take care of how they approach them.

6 . If you’re committed enough, you can make any story work

If you’re committed enough, you can make any story work

For things to work out they need efforts and commitment not just words of admiration.

7 . I chose a half measure, when I should have gone all the way. I’ll never make that mistake again. No more half measures

I chose a half measure, when I should have gone all the way. I’ll never make that mistake again. No more half measures

Sometimes we are capable of change, but we hold back willingly. Which turns out to be a regret.

8 . And a man, a man provides. And he does it even when he’s not appreciated, or respected

And a man, a man provides. And he does it even when he’s not appreciated, or respected

For a man has a duty to his loved ones. To provide for his loved ones. Even though he is not loved as much or appreciated, a real man never steps back from his duties.

9 . I have lived under the threat of death for a year now. And because of that, I’ve made choices

I have lived under the threat of death for a year now. And because of that, I’ve made choices

It’s the risk of life that would lead to desperate choices. Choices that didn’t need to be made of the circumstances were different

10 . Sometimes it feels better not to talk, at all, about anything to anyone

Sometimes it feels better not to talk, at all, about anything to anyone

Some moments of anger and sadness are so deep, that it’s better to stay shut to oneself and let the silence heal you.

11 . Some people are immune to good advice

Some people are immune to good advice

No matter how hard you try, some people just ignore your care for them.

12 . I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And I was really—I was alive

I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And I was really—I was alive

When someone loves themselves and puts in some effort for themselves it’s a new beginning

Epic Quotes From Breaking Bad

1. I am not in danger, I am the danger

2. There is gold in the streets just waiting for someone to come and scoop it up

3. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No! I am the one who knocks!

4. Well, technically, chemistry is the study of matter. But I prefer to see it as the study of change

5. If you don’t know who I am, then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly

6. If you’re committed enough, you can make any story work

7. I chose a half measure, when I should have gone all the way. I’ll never make that mistake again. No more half measures

8. And a man, a man provides. And he does it even when he’s not appreciated, or respected

9. I have lived under the threat of death for a year now. And because of that, I’ve made choices

10. Sometimes it feels better not to talk, at all, about anything to anyone

11. Some people are immune to good advice

12. I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And I was really—I was alive

Chirag Malik

Meet Mr Sarcasm, always giving advice – taking none, a wannabe engineer and a bonafide curator who’s full of quirks!
Ps : No one really listens to him though ;)

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