1 The most important moments are the ones that make you realize there’s no turning back. You’ve crossed a line, and you’re stuck on the other side now. -Tokyo

Humans are like everyone else. To survive they must fight. One cannot be called inhuman if he fights for the sake of his own survival
2 Things we can’t see affect our lives much more than we think. -Tokyo

For what is not visible to the eyes still manages to affect our life and it’s choices
3 Happiness is like lightning, blink and you miss it. After that came the fall. When you reach heaven the fall is devastating. -Tokyo

One mustn’t delay happiness to the next moment. Enjoy it to the fullest. Because when the times change and tables turn, things hurt harder
4 Paradise is wonderful when your life is dull and full of traffic. As an escape every now and then. -Tokyo

Thoughts of a paradise to run away from the daily struggles of the daily routine
5 I can behave like a proper girl for a long time, but little by little, the naughty girl inside of me starts to take over. -Tokyo

We can only pretend to be what we’re not for so long. After that the real side of ours just pops out
6 There are moments in life we should just be able to have a damn remote control, so you could pause it. Even if just for five minutes. -Tokyo

A desire to capture moments has always been on our minds. May it be a wonderful.memory or something you thought should never have happened. Time renders everyone helpless
7 After all, what’s more human than the fight for survival?. -Tokyo

Humans are like everyone else. To survive they must fight. One cannot be called inhuman if he fights for the sake of his own survival.
8 Hope is kind of like dominos. Once one falls – the rest follow. -Tokyo

Hopes and expectations are so dependent on each other that when one falls. The others follow.
9 When you hit rock-bottom, you still have a way to go until the abyss. -Tokyo

Not everytime that you fall it’s the end. You can fall way deeper and harder if you let yourself
10 In the end, love is a good reason for everything to fall apart. -Tokyo

After all love is an emotion, which can be the end of many others
11 The good thing about relationships is that we end up forgetting how they started. -Tokyo

The journey of love is so beautiful and mesmerizing that during this. The beginnings don’t even matter.
12 Things we can’t see affect our lives much more than we think. -Tokyo

For what is not visible to the eyes still manages to affect our life and it’s choices
13 Even with the most bullet-proof plan, soldiers are necessary. -Tokyo

Not everything can be left to weapons and armor. To wield them and the war, soldiers are always necessary.
14 Growing old in a prison cell is not my thing. I rather ran, in body and soul. And if I can’t take my body with me, at least my soul should run. -Tokyo

Restrainment to the mind is never a good end. Thus one prays for independence. Be it physical or spiritual.
15 Have you ever thought that if you can go back in time, you might still make the same decisions?. -Tokyo

Going back in time would change nothing if we would make the same mistakes all over and over again
16 In heists, love can get multiplied. -Tokyo

We’ve seen throughout the show how characters fall in love in the midst of heists, from Tokyo and Rio to Denver and Monica. The adrenaline rush and dangerous situations that they face only helps in multiplying the love that blossoms between the characters.
17 In the bathtub I told you to break up with me, But I didn’t say my last words, You’re not leaving here without me. -Tokyo

Tokyo and Rio’s love story is one of intense passion and fire. They spent most of their time together and even on the brink of destruction and death, they refused to leave each other’s side. They are the kind of couple who will never give up on each other.
18 I believe you keep on living in the final thought you have the moment before you die. -Tokyo

We have no idea what lies beyond death. Maybe everything ends right then, maybe there’s really an afterlife. But one thing that we can be sure about is that we continue to live on in the thoughts of those who love us.
19 So when the chaos happens, I always think about when I was the happiest, So I’ll stay and live in those memories forever. -Tokyo

When death comes knocking at your door, do not look at it with fearful eyes. Instead, think of the happiest memories you have and go with a smile on your face.
20 Run, close your eyes and endure. -Tokyo

You cannot stay in pain throughout your life. You have to run ahead. Life isn’t lived in stagnation. Close your eyes, and no matter how tough the pain is, endure it.
21 But eventually there comes a time when you stop and all the pain washes over you, And you feel like there’s nothing you can do to make it disappear. -Tokyo

No matter how hard you try running away from pain, it eventually catches up. Sometimes, there’s nothing you can do to lessen it. The only thing left for you to do then is to accept it, instead of trying to bury it.
22 I knew I had to run faster than ever before, so the grief couldn’t catch me. -Tokyo

Grief is treacherous. It eats you from the inside and leaves you with a gaping hole in your heart. No matter how deep you try to bury it, it eventually catches up to you and eats you away.
23 A lot of people believe we only find one true love in our lives, But what they don’t realize is that you can have several lives. -Tokyo

True love doesn’t just happen once. If you allow your heart the chance to fall in love again, you will. Even if you have lost your love, your heart will still heal. Love isn’t a flower that blooms once every blue moon. Keep your heart open and you shall find it again.
24 Something ends today, But now is the first day of your next life. You’ve gotta live a lot of lives, my love. -Tokyo

Every end is just the beginning of something new. If you can find meaning in endings, it won’t hurt as much. Never let your life be broken due to one thing that ends. Instead, keep it open for new beginnings.
25 We all have snipers aiming at our hearts, But the true terror arrives when that bullet doesn’t hit you, but takes out a person you love. -Tokyo

What scares us the most, more than getting hurt ourselves, is our loved ones getting hurt. To see someone you love in pain is the most dreadful thing one sees.
25 Awesome Quotes by Tokyo From Money Heist
1. The most important moments are the ones that make you realize there’s no turning back. You’ve crossed a line, and you’re stuck on the other side now. -Tokyo
2. Things we can’t see affect our lives much more than we think. -Tokyo
3. Happiness is like lightning, blink and you miss it. After that came the fall. When you reach heaven the fall is devastating. -Tokyo
4. Paradise is wonderful when your life is dull and full of traffic. As an escape every now and then. -Tokyo
5. I can behave like a proper girl for a long time, but little by little, the naughty girl inside of me starts to take over. -Tokyo
6. There are moments in life we should just be able to have a damn remote control, so you could pause it. Even if just for five minutes. -Tokyo
7. After all, what’s more human than the fight for survival?. -Tokyo
8. Hope is kind of like dominos. Once one falls – the rest follow. -Tokyo
9. When you hit rock-bottom, you still have a way to go until the abyss. -Tokyo
10. In the end, love is a good reason for everything to fall apart. -Tokyo
11. The good thing about relationships is that we end up forgetting how they started. -Tokyo
12. Things we can’t see affect our lives much more than we think. -Tokyo
13. Even with the most bullet-proof plan, soldiers are necessary. -Tokyo
14. Growing old in a prison cell is not my thing. I rather ran, in body and soul. And if I can’t take my body with me, at least my soul should run. -Tokyo
15. Have you ever thought that if you can go back in time, you might still make the same decisions?. -Tokyo
16. In heists, love can get multiplied. -Tokyo
17. In the bathtub I told you to break up with me, But I didn’t say my last words, You’re not leaving here without me. -Tokyo
18. I believe you keep on living in the final thought you have the moment before you die. -Tokyo
19. So when the chaos happens, I always think about when I was the happiest, So I’ll stay and live in those memories forever. -Tokyo
20. Run, close your eyes and endure. -Tokyo
21. But eventually there comes a time when you stop and all the pain washes over you, And you feel like there’s nothing you can do to make it disappear. -Tokyo
22. I knew I had to run faster than ever before, so the grief couldn’t catch me. -Tokyo
23. A lot of people believe we only find one true love in our lives, But what they don’t realize is that you can have several lives. -Tokyo
24. Something ends today, But now is the first day of your next life. You’ve gotta live a lot of lives, my love. -Tokyo
25. We all have snipers aiming at our hearts, But the true terror arrives when that bullet doesn’t hit you, but takes out a person you love. -Tokyo