144 Best Attack On Titan Season 4 Part 2 Quotes

Eren Jaeger Quotes

1 . We just have to keep moving forward, right Eren? – Zeke Jaeger

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After just recovering from a near death experience, Zeke remembers Eren’s words as their plan had finally begun to take shape. After all, for an Eldian Euphoria they had to keep moving forward.

2 . I believe in the comrades, who’ve fought beside us for years – Pieck Finger

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Pieck was an Eldian but also a woman of honor. She wasn’t working for the Marleyan Officials. But, she was working with the comrades she had fought for so many years.

3 . Bring it on, Reiner! – Eren Jaeger

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After many fights, Eren was once again ready to fight Reiner. When the Marleyan attack begins, Eren straight up ambushes Reiner and starts pounding his face into a pulp.

4 . You’re no threat by yourself – Reiner Braun

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Reiner knows about the plan that Zeke and Eren have. While fighting Eren, Reiner states that alone, Eren poses no threat to Marley and the world.

5 . You’re different from other people. You’re special – Yelena

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Yelena has utter faith in Eren and his will to keep moving forward. When Eren chooses victory over his safety, Yelena appreciates his motive and will even more

6 . Everyone has suffered enough. You have suffered enough. – Reiner Braun

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Reiner is a good person who had to suffer due to his circumstances. He wanted to end the war for good, but not just by winning, but by ending all the suffering. He did not want to see any of his friends in pain, even Eren.

7 . Enough! I’ve had enough of being betrayed! – Connie Springer

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Connie shows a lot of anger when he is again faced by betrayal. When Onyankopon tries to talk them into helping Eren, Connie loses it and screams that he has had enough of betrayals.

8 . I want to help him – Mikasa Ackerman

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Mikasa wants to help Eren, no matter what he is doing or what his objectives are. As her friend, Mikasa had always wanted to be there for

9 . This is not my own will – Mikasa Ackerman

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Mikasa has not recovered from what Eren has told her about her true nature as an Ackerman. Mikasa kept on believing that all her feelings for Eren were due to her Ackerman blood and not her own free will.

10 . He could protect this Island with the Rumbling – Armin Arlert

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Armin is one of the most rational and intelligent characters in the show. After listening to Onyankopon’s argument he believes that Eren doesn’t want to euthanize Eldians but wants to show the world the power that the founding Titan holds through the Rumbling.

11 . That he’s the shithead who would lead us into hell – Jean Kirstein

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Jean never liked Eren as a comrade. But he envied his spirit and his will to fight for freedom. Even though Jean appreciated his resolve, he still believed one day, Eren would lead them to their deaths.

12 . And it pisses me off to say it, but I don’t want him to die just yet – Jean Kirstein

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Jean cared about Eren. Even if they were unsure of his motives, Jean didn’t want Eren to lose his life to the War.

13 . Yeah. If he dies like this, I can’t slug him in the face – Connie Springer

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Connie has some great lines that break the tension. When the scouts are discussing why they want to help Eren, Connie just states he wants to punch his old friend. A reason enough to help a friend in need.

14 . Why would Eren say that he hates me? – Mikasa Ackerman

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Mikasa was heartbroken by Eren’s cruel words. She wanted to believe Armin and was looking for reasons to justify Armin’s arguments. Mikasa wanted to believe that Eren was lying about hating her.

15 . Why struggle? What are you fighting for? – Reiner Braun

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Reiner was feeling bad for Eren. He did not want him to suffer anymore. For Reiner any battles fought now were useless. Eren’s struggle and his pain served no purpose after so much bloodshed.

16 . Eren, I just want this to end – Reiner Braun

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Reiner had been through enough. From getting his friends killed to slaughtering innocents for a futile purpose, he had lost himself. Reiner wanted all this suffering to stop. He wanted peace, for both Eren and himself.

17 . Why did I ever think we were the same? – Reiner Braun

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Eren and Reiner both had suffered the loss of their loved ones. They understood each other and the reasons which compelled them to fight. But now Reiner wanted it to stop, but Eren was hell bent. They were not the same.

18 . Leave the rest to your Big Brother – Zeke Jaeger

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Eren was pinned down by Reiner and Galliard. After being shot by the anti titan bullet Eren was rendered helpless. That’s when Zeke showed up to help his younger brother in his Beast Titan form.

19 . I’m not gonna run off on my own – Gabi Braun

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After seeing the horrors of war, Gabi was not the same girl. She cared for Falco and the ones who suffered because of her. When Colt suggests that she gets to safety, she refuses and accompanies Colt to rescue Falco.

20 . The moment which shall change history is at hand – Yelena

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Yelena was witnessing Eren and Zeke’s vision coming to reality as Eren walked towards Zeke. This was the moment that would deal the fate of the world and all the Eldians.

21 . This is no place for a kid. Go Home. – Nile Dok

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Nile knew what it felt like to be separated from his family. When Falco spotted his brother on the battlefield, Nile escorted him to Colt and bid him farewell.

22 . There weren’t any devils on this island. They were just people. – Gabi Braun

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Gabi, overrun with the guilt of killing Sasha, realised how wrong she was to assume the Island was full of Devils. They were just people who wanted to live a happy life just like them.

23 . The one person who shouldn’t have that power.. Eren .. is you! – Reiner Braun

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Reiner always believed that Eren was the worst person to have the power of the Founding Titan. Someone with Eren’s resolve and the will to keep moving forward could do anything he set his mind to. Even euthanizing an entire race.

24 . Rescuing an Eldian is the last thing Marley’s military would do – Falco Grice

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Falco knew how important he was to the Marley’s Military. He knew that he wasn’t important enough to be a priority rescue. If anything they would leave him to die as collateral damage.

25 . I might as well be dead – Nile Dok

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Nile was worried about his wife and three daughters. He wanted to spend his last moments with his family and tell his daughters so much more. Nile wanted to end his life rather than become a Titan.

26 . Now I can let them take care of the rest, right? – Reiner Braun

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Reiner had no reason left to live. He had suffered enough and just wanted to let everything go. When Falco turned into a pure Titan, Reiner was ready to let him eat him and get the power of the Armored.

27 . But… I’m not going down for nothing – Porco Galliard

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Porco had been severely injured by Eren’s violent punches. When Falco is about to eat Reiner, Porco comes out of his Titan form and states that his death will not be for nothing. He was ready to sacrifice himself to give Falco the Jaw.

28 . Now it’s clear right? That I’ve always been better than you till the end. – Porco Galliard

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Marcel had influenced the military into thinking Reiner was better than Porco and got him the honor of the Armored Titan. In his last moments, Porco sees his brother’s memories and learns of this truth. With his final words, he tells Reiner that he will always be better than him.

29 . Never having to be born in this world is the greatest salvation of all – Eren Jaeger

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Eren hated the world and all the discriminations it had. For him not being born into this world full of hatred was the greatest blessing for anyone. With these words, Eren agreed to Zeke’s plan to euthanize every eldian.

30 . All this time…. in here … all alone ? – Eren Jaeger

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Eren was surprised when he arrived at the coordinate. To see the founder Ymir be alone and walk alone all this time, Eren felt empathetic towards her as both of them had been deprived of all that mattered to them.

31 . You’re the only who can command the founder Ymir – Zeke Jaeger

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Zeke was bound by the vow of renouncing War as he was a Titan of the Royal Blood. Thus Eren was the only one who could command Ymir, be it for starting the rumbling or for euthanizing the Eldians.

32 . To euthanize every Eldian. There is no way I could ever accept a plan so messed up like that – Eren Jaeger

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Eren always had his goals clear. He never wanted to euthanize the Eldians. He wanted to make the outer world understand that Eldians were tired of being treated as scum and now they were ready to strike back.

33 . Because I was born into this world – Eren Jaeger

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This is one of the few quotes that defines who Eren really is. He is a man motivated by freedom and he would go to any lengths to get it. The goal was never to spill blood or have revenge. It was always freedom

34 . I’ve obtained the power of the Founder. You were merely the key to achieving that Eren – Zeke Jaeger

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Erent thought he had finally achieved his goal but while he was asleep in the coordinate, Zeke had already found a way to harness the power of the Founder. Eren was just a necessity to reach the coordinate, but now Zeke had claimed the power to command the Founder.

35 . We’re just pitiful victims, born to that disgusting monster of a father – Zeke Jaeger

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Zeke truly hated his father for what he had put him through. He believed Eren diverted from their plan because he had been brainwashed by their father’s ideology of Restoring Eldia.

36 . I will never abandon you – Zeke Jaeger

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Zeke wanted to save his younger brother. He did not want to let him go and die with other Eldians. He wanted him to understand that what he was doing was for the greater good, for both, the world and for him.

37 . Good for you Grisha. You get to completely forget about your first family. – Zeke Jaeger

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Zeke hated every bit of the father he knew. While wandering through Eren’s memories, Zeke was hurt by how Grisha was enjoying his life with a new family without any remorse for what he did to his previous wife and son.

38 . Because this shitty old man was a piece of crap who would throw his family into a pile of shit to restore Eldia. – Eren Jaeger

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Eren chose his words to sound like he agreed with Zeke. Zeke believed his father to be a selfish man focused on his goal to restore Eldia. Eren agreed with Zeke to make him understand that he has broken out of their father’s brainwashing.

39 . It seems he did love his second son – Zeke Jaeger

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Zeke was hurt. He was left broken by his own father. When Zeke went through Eren’s memories he got to know that Grisha didn’t force any of his ideologies upon Eren and raised him as a free man. A choice Zeke was never provided by his selfish father.

40 . You’re no longer your true self – Zeke Jaeger

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Zeke truly wanted to help his younger brother. He wanted to make Eren understand that Eldians only posed threats. Zeke wanted Eren to understand that he was only going against him because of their father’s teachings.

41 . I … Since the moment I was born ….. I’ve always been myself – Eren Jaeger

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Eren was never influenced by anything but his own free will. When Zeke proposes that Eren is only thinking differently because of their fathers brainwashing, Eren clarifies that no one influences him but himself.

42 . If someone tries to steal my freedom away.. I won’t hesitate to take away theirs – Eren Jaeger

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Eren Jaeger was a man who always fought for his freedom. Nothing else ever mattered to him. The reason Eren became so cruel and heartless to the outside world was to take back the freedom that was snatched away from his people.

43 . The pitiful younger brother you’re looking for doesn’t exist. Neither does the brother who shares the same wound as you. – Eren Jaeger

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Eren was not the little brother who had suffered like Zeke. He did not need to be saved. Eren was a man who was fueled by his sense of freedom and not a grudge against his own father.

44 . We must not run away from our sin – Frieda Reiss

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Frieda was the inheritor of The Founding Titan. As a Royal, she had to obey the will of The King. Frieda believed that Eldians were bound to suffer for the sins their ancestors had committed 2000 years ago. They were not to be saved.

45 . Before I save the world, I want to save you – Zeke Jaeger

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Zeke wanted to save his little brother from the suffering that followed with their father’s ideology. He did not want his brother to follow a path of pain and solitude.

46 . Human curiosity is not something that can be suppressed by words – Grisha Jaeger

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Grisha says these words to Carla and truly sums up Eren’s mind. Words really were never enough to convince him. Neither as a child who wanted to explore the world nor as an adult who wanted to destroy the world for a speck of freedom.

47 . From here on, you won’t get what you wanted. The one who will is Eren – Grisha jaeger

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A defining moment in the anime when we find out how Eren had already plotted everything by altering his father’s memories. From telling him the location of the Reiss Family’s hideout to forcing him to murder them all, Grisha knew it was ll going to be Eren’s will.

48 . Stand up dad. – Eren Jaeger

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Eren was the sole reason why Grisha was turned into a monster. Grisha did not want to end the Reiss family. He did not want to be a killer. But Eren wanted him to carry out his will and asked him to get up and fight.

49 . You have to avenge them and keep moving forward. Even if you die and even after you die – Eren Jaeger

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Eren was a cruel man. He was only using his father as a means to carry out his will. He did not care about anything or anyone who ever loved him. He needed to save Eldia. And for that he manipulated Grisha till the very end.

50 . This is the story that you started – Eren Jaeger

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Eren was a highly manipulative man. He forced his father to believe that they all suffered because he led his sister to her death.

51 . Zeke, I love you. I should’ve spent more time with you – Grisha Jaeger

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A truly heartbreaking moment when we understand how broken Grisha was after leaving Zeke behind. He never wanted his son to suffer, he was just bound by Eren’s commands.

52 . You are as powerless as ever – Zeke Jaeger

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Even after Zeke had learnt about the future from Grisha’s memories, he had faith in the coordinate. After obtaining the founding powers, Zeke had rendered Eren’’s commands for Ymir powerless, stating that it’s the same old scenario, where can do nothing but watch.

53 . Once Ymir begins to move.. nothing in this world can stop her – Zeke Jaeger

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Zeke had commanded Ymir to alter the Eldians in a way that none of them can have children. As Ymir walks towards the coordinate to grant him his wish, Eren rips his thumbs out to break free from the chains holding him, an effort that Zeke calls pointless.

54 . She’s a kind girl who’s always thinking of others – Frieda Reiss

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Frieda was a lovable older sister. She asks Historia to be loving and caring like Ymir. Frieda’s opinion of Ymir differed from the rest of the world. While the world branded her a devil, she thought of her as a girl who just wanted to help others.

55 . Because this world is full of pain and suffering you should become someone everyone loves. And live while helping each other out – Frieda Reiss

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The world has enough hatred. There are enough self centred and greedy people to destroy the peace this world enjoys. Frieda asks her little sister to be someone everyone is fond of. Someone who is adored by everyone.

56 . In the name of Fritz, annihilate the despicable Marley! – King Fritz

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King Fritz was a selfish man only driven by his desire for power. Even though he had ordered his men to hunt down Ymir like an animal, after finding out she has tremendous titan powers, he went on to use her as a weapon.

57 . Eat my daughters. you must inherit Ymir’s power no matter what! – King Fritz

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After Ymir dies trying to protect Fritz from a spear, Fritz makes her daughters eat the remains of their own mother. Fritz was so obsessed with Ymir’s power, he ordered his daughters to keep having children and keep the Eldian empire alive.

58 . I will put an end to this world – Eren Jaeger

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Eren did not approve of the world he lived in. A world where no one was free. Not even the founder Ymir. Eren understood her pain and asked her to lend him her powers so he could put her to rest.

59 . You are not a slave. Nor are you a God. You’re just a human – Eren Jaeger

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Ymir was just a little girl who wanted to help others. She didn’t ask to be cursed with the powers of a Titan. Eren understood the burden she was under and let her know that she is allowed to feel for herself, like a human.

60 . You don’t have to obey anyone. You can decide. You get to decide! You choose! – Eren Jaeger

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Eren knew what it felt like, to be burdened by others’ expectations and wishes. Eren tells Ymir that she is just as free as those who tried to use her as a weapon, she is not obliged to follow anyone’s commands.

61 . You’ve been waiting, haven’t you? All this time… waiting 2000 years …for someone – Eren Jaeger

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Eren knew better than anyone what it meant to be caged like an animal. Eren empathized with Ymir and was there to relieve her of her suffering. He did not want Ymir to bear all the pain alone anymore.

62 . Eren is our ally! It has to be! – Armin Arlert

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Armin had a lot of trust in his friend. When Eren gained the power of the founder, he wasted no time in starting the rumbling. Armin believed Eren wanted to crush just Marley, which turned out to be just wishful thinking.

63 . My goal is to protect the people of Paradis. The place I was born and raised. – Eren Jaeger

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Eren did not want to save the world or become a hero, he just wanted his people to be free. He wanted Eldians on the Island to be free from the hate and prejudice they received from the world.

64 . I reject that wish. The wall Titans shall trample all surface of the land outside of this island – Eren Jaeger

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Eren refused to submit to the wishes of the world anymore. The Rumbling was the only way to show the world that the Eldian empire would not bow to the other nations’ wishes for their annihilation.

65 . Until all lives living there have been exterminated from this world – Eren Jaeger

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Eren was not kidding when he stated that they’d be free if they killed all the enemies beyond the sea. Now he was putting his words to action. Eren was going to level the entire Earth with the wall Titans and finally be free from his enemies.

66 . I couldn’t stop him. Eren will destroy the world – Reiner Braun

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Reiner had tried his hardest to save the world. He had put everything on the line to defeat Eren but he had failed. Reiner felt responsible for letting everyone down and bringing about the fearsome Rumbling.

67 . No one can stop him now. All we can do is run away – Reiner Braun

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Eren had taken the Founding Titan and had become a Godlike being who had power over all the subjects of Ymir. Now that the rumbling was set in motion, nowhere was safe. Running away from this tragic fate was the only option.

68 . This is what those people brought on themselves – Jean Kirtsein

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Jean had begun accepting Eren’s plan for mass destruction. The world was about to end at the hands of an Eldian because the world wanted to slaughter the Island. They were only reaping the hate that they had sowed in the first place.

69 . This is an unprecedented level of genocide – Armin Arlert

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Armin is one of the most considerate characters in the show. Even though he knew that Eren was doing this to save the Island, he understood the gravity of this plan and did not want to accept the cost of their survival.

70 . He sacrificed the humanity beyond the walls to protect us – Jean Kirstein

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Jean was content with Eren’s plan. He remembered how important they all were to Eren. Important enough, that he decided to annihilate entire mankind to ensure his friends’ survival.

71 . I’ve killed a lot of people. So that people would praise me. That’s the devil within me – Gabi Braun

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Gabi had come a long way, from seeking revenge on Eldia to understanding their grief. Gabi had realized the value of a life and started retrospecting to the times when she mindlessly killed many soldiers to become a War Candidate. She was no different than the devils she wanted to end.

72 . There’s a devil inside us all, that’s why the world turned out to be this way – Niccolo

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Niccolo had lost a lover in Sasha and helped in getting Zeke’s spinal fluid to Eldians. He had his own burdens to bear and understood what it meant. Each one of us has our demons. And all of those combined lead to a cruel world.

73 . I don’t remember teaching you guys to whimper and cry when you see a Titan – Keith Shadis

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Even after being beaten to a pulp by the Jaegerists, Shadis decided to save the day by ending the pure titans along with others. He says these words to motivate the scared cadets. After all, no soft soldiers had ever ended a Titan on the battlefield.

74 . If you care about your former comrades, let’s lay them to rest – Jean Kerstein

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Jean had evolved from a scared soldier to leader on the battlefield. Jean led the attack against the pure titans as he wanted his precious comrades to have a peaceful end rather than living in eternal despair as a titan.

75 . I can’t kick the bucket just yet. Eldia’s restoration is finally at hand – Floch Forster

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Floch has survived the destruction of the walls. Being a hardcore Jaegerist, Floch was more than elated to find the Rumbling in motion. It was the rise of the Eldian Empire under Eren’s Founding Titan.

76 . The only meaningful job I’ve had as a soldier is picking up bodies and debris, cleaning up after you and Eren – Dreyse Hitch

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After Annie is revived, Hitch shows her the horror she had brought to the Island. Hitch wanted to be in the Military Police to have a life filled with comfort, but all she had done as a soldier was picking up corpses and debris.

77 . How does it feel to see all the bodies crushed for your grand mission – Dreyse Hitch

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Annie had woken up amidst the horrors of the rumbling. Hitch wanted her to realize the values of the lives taken by the Titan shifters. She wanted to know what actually drove Annie to be a killer

78 . Killing people was something we were praised for – Annie Leonhart

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Annie was an abandoned child being trained by a stranger to become a Warrior. After she had become a Warrior, the art of killing was drilled into her. Killing others for the greater good was the only thing she was ever praised for.

79 . Since we were atoning for Eldia’s sins and saving the world, anything we did was justified – Anie Leonhart

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Annie was a Warrior, the deserving Eldians who swore their loyalty to Marley. They were the ones who had to atone for the sins their ancestors had committed 2000 years ago. Any amount of murder was justified for a Warrior.

80 . You thought all the dead were a small price to pay – Dreyse Hitch

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All Annie did as the Female Titan was to stop the Rumbling from ever happening. She understood that the lives of all the Eldians she had taken, was trivial compared to what Eren was about to do. Annihilate all humanity beyond the walls.

81 . No, saving the world didn’t matter to me. None of it mattered to me – Annie Leonhart

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Annie was an abandoned child who was raised just to make her a warrior. She never knew she had to save the world and neither did she care about it. She was just a weapon raised to inflict damage to the Eldians inside the walls.

82 . I didn’t care if people lived or died. I didn’t think any life had value, including my own – Annie Leonhart

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Annie was a weapon meant for mass destruction. All she had to do was devote her heart to Marley. Annie had no one to call her own and that gave her no reason to love, even herself. All she cared about was the mission, nothing else.

83 . I have a father waiting for my return – Annie Leonhart

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Even though Mr. Leonhart put her through hellish training to be a Warrior for his own good, he thought of Annie as his own daughter. Annie had finally found a father to whom she had promised that she would definitely return to him. That promise was the only thing that had ever mattered to her.

84 . All the things I’ve done till now are absolutely unforgivable. But… if it takes me back to my father, I’d do it all again – Annie Leonhart

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Annie had committed some heinous sins after coming to Paradis. But she had a purpose, to return to her father. Her promise to Leonhart mattered more than anything and she was ready to become a villain again if that’s what it took to see her father again.

85 . Why do you think I did nothing and let a bunch of wimpy tots kick my ass? – Keith Shadis

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Shadis was a man of honor. He could’ve easily defended himself when he was getting beaten up by the cadets, but chose not to so they could get into the Jaegerist’s ranks and wait for an opening to strike back.

86 . The most you guys could protect is yourselves – Keith Shadis

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Shadis believed in protecting his students, not in being protected by them. He cared for his cadets and asked them to fend for themselves. Shadis no longer belonged on the lines and hence was useless to Jaegerists and was ready to lay down his life in the line of duty.

87 . I don’t know! What ‘can’ we do anyway?! – Armin Arlert

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After a long time we get to see Armin’s frustrated side as he snaps at Mikasa. Armin was feeling helpless after Eren had begun the rumbling. The lives of his comrades were of more value to him than thinking about a friend who was set to bring about death and destruction.

88 . I was the wrong person to bring back to life – Armin Arlert

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Armin had always thought less of himself. After Levi chose to revive him instead of Erwin, Armin was never the same. He believed if Erwin was chosen instead of him, he would’ve led the corps better. He could’ve saved Eren and wouldn’t have lashed out at Mikasa over a question.

89 . But is pride worth dying for? What’s so wrong with submission? Isn’t it better than dying like this? – Floch Forster

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Rather than a leader we see Floch become a psychotic killer. After killing one of the volunteers, Floch puts it out there that now Eldians were the superior race and complete control over the world.

90 . Don’t worry. He’s just a harmless fellow who refuses to die – Hange Zoe

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Hange chooses the best words to describe Levi to Pieck and Magath. Levi had survived a thunderspear at point blank range and was still alive. He was truly a fierce warrior who refused to die!

91 . Times change and you end up in a cell – Hange Zoe

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Hange was in the same shoes as Erwin at this point. As the commander she had been betrayed and upon capture, a Jaegerist cell awaited her in the paradis prison. Hange had begun to think that it was the inevitable fate of the Survey Corps Commanders.

92 . If we run and hide, what will be left – Levi Ackerman

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Levi is hands down the most persistent and fearless man in the Survey Corps. Even after being rendered motionless by the thunderspear, his first thought upon waking up was to stop Hange from chickening out. Levi knew that if they wouldn’t interfere, the world would be pounded to dust by the rumbling.

93 . My goal … is to kill Zeke – Levi Ackerman

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Levi is as ferocious as he’s fearless. Even after losing multiple fingers and an eye, his objective was to kill Zeke and take revenge for his comrades, whom he had to kill to save them from eternal pain as pure titans.

94 . Whether you shoot or listen is up to you – Levi Ackerman

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Levi had assessed both the outcomes before approaching Magath and Pieck. Even though he could fight titans, he was in a sorry state and couldn’t dodge a bullet. But death had never fazed Levi.

95 . We’ve gotta put our powers together – Hange Zoe

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Hange knew that they were powerless with the Jaegerists taking over paradis. They needed the powers of the Titan shifters and Marley needed the skills and knowledge of the Survey Corps to end the Rumbling and save the world.

96 . A know-it-all wouldn’t get how idiots work – Connie Springer

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Connie isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed and he knows it. Without thinking of any consequences he was ready to feed Falco to his mother. When Armin tries to stop him, Connie tells him that an intelligent brat like him would never take an idiot’s feelings into account.

97 . I’ll let my actions talk – Armin Arlert

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Armin had been overflowing with regret. He had himself convinced that Erwin was a better choice to inherit the Colossal. Armin wanted to help his friend and save Falco and decided to feed himself to Connie’s mother but was eventually stopped by Connie.

98 . Her son almost killed a kid and a friend – Connie Springer

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Connie had finally come to his senses and began thinking about his actions. For saving his mother he was about to turn her precious son into a murderer.

99 . I wanna be a soldier my mom could take pride in – Connie Springer

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Connie’s mother never wanted her son to bear any hatred towards anyone. She wanted him to become a splendid soldier who would help others. After realizing his mistake, Connie was ready to be the soldier his mother wanted him to be.

100 . To me, it sounds like the bells of freedom – Unknown

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Eren had sparked a fire amidst the Eldians of Paradis. A fire that raised mixed opinions, while some thought of the Rumbling as a merciless genocide, most of them thought of this as the rise of the Eldian Empire. The footsteps marching to the end of the world, were nothing short of the bells of freedom for them.

101 . Thanks for talking to me these past four years – Annie Leonhart

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Apart from Armin, Hitch was the only one who would talk to Annie in her hardening in the basement. When Annie bumps into Armin and Connie, she leaves a note behind for Hitch, thanking her for the past four years.

102 . But then those ashy bones would never forgive me – Jean Kirstein

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Jean had sided with the comfort that Eren’s plan had brought to Paradis, but he decided to help the others to stop Eren. Jean remembered all the comrades that had sacrificed their lives and wanted to honor them rather than give in to the Jaegerists’ mutiny.

103 . Genocide is wrong! There is no reason to commend such an act! – Hange Zoe

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Even though some Eldians were trying to justify Eren’s actions, Hange was determined to stop him. The lives of innocents did not deserve to end for a conflict between the Eldians and Marleyans.

104 . It’s all good as long as this island is free. Do you think a single of them would’ve been so selfish to say that? – Hange Zoe

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Hange was still the commander of the Survey Corps and just like Erwin, she now felt the burden of her fallen comrades on her shoulders. Even if it was for the freedom of Paradis, none of those true soldiers would’ve been selfish enough to commend the Rumbling.

105 . You people left him with no choice but to use the Rumbling – Jean Kirstein

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When Magath calls the Eldians Devils, Jean doesn’t take to that remark kindly. Jean blamed Marley for turning Eren into a Murderous Maniac.

106 . To him, we’re strange devils who’d abandon our own paradise just to save the very people who tried to eradicate us. – Hange Zoe

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Magath was confused and so was Jean. They only reached an understanding when Hange intervened. Magath didn’t want to trust the Paradis Devils. To him they were now traitors to their own kin.

107 . We can never go back to being the ignorant island devils – Hange Zoe

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Hange and the others had spent a lot of time outside the walls. After getting to know the life that thrived out there, they couldn’t just act like it didn’t matter. They needed to save them.

108 . To save the World. Are there any words sweeter and more alluring than this? – Yelena

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Yelena was someone who did not care about her life anymore. To her everyone sitting with her had their share of crimes. ‘To save the world’, these words were the trigger that could push anyone to commit the most heinous of crimes.

109 . We wanted the world to accept us. To forgive us – Gabi Braun

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The show portrays everyone with their Burdens. While the Eldians in Paradis fought for Survival, the others in Marley fought for acceptance. Gabi in a very heated moment understands how heavily the world had manipulated them to become each other’s enemies.

110 . You guys are so loud – Levi Ackerman

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After a bloody exchange of blows between Reiner and Jean. We see Levi waking up and just complain about the noise. Even though he was unconscious, he was attentive towards his soldiers easing out their pains.

111 . I was foolish to bring up justice – Theo Magath

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Justice couldn’t be served on those who hadn’t committed the crimes. Hence, bringing up justice to those suffering already, was pointless. Eldians were bound by the sins their ancestors committed and they had already suffered their whole lives as caged animals.

112 . It’s wrong to make you bear the sins of the past due to your race – Theo Magath

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Magath had finally come to understand that Eldians weren’t to be blamed for the sins that their ancestors had committed. They had suffered enough without any cause and weren’t in the wrong to bear hatred against the world.

113 . This hell won’t end until we turn away from all this senseless killing – Theo Magath

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Violence only breeds violence. Magath had understood that mindless killing could never bring about true peace. Whether it’s Marleyan or Eldian, innocent blood spilt would only give rise to more unprecedented vengeance.

114 . Just this once, look the other way until this senseless bloodshed is over – Theo Magath

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Magath was ready to kill again. He understood his duty as a soldier but he also understood his place as a human. Although he had killed hundreds of Eldians before, this time he understood the value of life and was ready to sacrifice it to save the world.

115 . I won’t stand by with clean hands – Armin Arlert

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Armin is one of the nicest characters in the show. Even though he doesn’t commend killing anyone, even to save the world, he didn’t want Magath to bear the burden of another mass murder by himself.

116 . Nothing can take the violence out of people. Right Captain? – Yelena

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Even though Armin and Connie tried to deceive Floch, their plan failed and they ended up having to kill their two good friends. No matter how hard anyone tried to resolve the situations with words, the final result was always violence.

117 . Aren’t we all friends? – Samuel

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Samuel wanted to live in a free Eldian Empire and he wanted his friends to enjoy that freedom with him. When he realised Armin was a traitor he just asks his friends if he really meant something to them, even in his last moments.

118 . Someone has to be the one to stain their hands with blood – Bertolt Hoover

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Bertolt’s memories still haunt Armin. Everytime he has to kill someone to save someone else he remembers these words by Bertolt to understand that this is the eventual outcome of every conflict. To survive one must stain their hands with blood.

119 . If Eren dies, Paradis will drown in a sea of blood – Floch Forster

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Floch was leading the Jaegerist into becoming a homicidal mass who followed Eren. He did not want anyone to get in Eren’s way of reviving the Eldian Empire. Floch used all he had to brainwash the Jaegerists to kill the traitors.

120 . If only Galliard was here instead of me, he wouldn’t sit around worrying about what to do – Falco Grice

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Falco was full of regret. After inheriting the Jaw, Falco doubted he was worthy of such a great power. When he saw Reiner and Annie get beaten up by the Jaegerists, he cursed himself and his inability to use the Jaw straightaway.

121 . Hesitate.. and we’ll never stop the rumbling – Mikasa & Jean

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The only way to stop Eren was to go through the Jaegerists and it wasn’t a peaceful path. They all had to kill their comrades to get to the flying boat and they couldn’t feel remorse during this bloodbath.

122 . Defend our island to the death! Our country! – Jaegerists

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The Jaegerists had just one goal and that was to defend Eldia and its hero Eren. It didn’t matter that they had to kill their friends, they were ready to die to watch Eldia rise again.

123 . The one who will save Eldia is … me! – Floch Forster

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Floch did not give up till his last breath. Even when their reinforcements had been blown up, Floch wasn’t backing down. He targeted the flying boat to stop Mikasa and others from reaching Eren only to end up failing and getting shot by Gabi.

124 . You’re all right now, Falco. You did well – Theo Magath

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Magath was a cruel general but now he had understood the wrongs that he had committed. When falco transforms into the Jaw, he saves Annie and Reiner. Magath commends his effort, maybe for the very first time.

125 . I’ve been looking for a good time to die – Keith Shadis

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Shadis had fulfilled his duty to his students. He had taught them, saved them and had now given them a chance to fight for the world. He wanted to go out in the most useful way possible.

126 . I refuse to pat myself on the back – Theo Magath

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Magath wasn’t the cruel Marleyan general anymore. He understood the suffering that the Eldians were enduring for the past 100 years and felt sorry for them. He believed he had done a lot more evil than good.

127 . If those kids can live normal lives, how happy that would make me – Theo Magath

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Magath wanted to repent for his sins. He had wasted so many lives by throwing children into the battlefield for years. After saving Gabi and Falco. He wanted them to live a normal life.

128 . If that’s true, my entire reason for fighting is gone – Annie Leonhart

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Hange told Annie that Liberio was beyond saving. The thought of losing her father to death without seeing him devastated her. Annie had failed to honour the promise she had made to her father.

129 . He did it entrusting to us to save the people whose names he’d never know – Hange Zoe

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Magath and Shadis had sacrificed their lives to ensure that Mikasa and others could reach the continent safely. Hange knew that now they harboured two more souls who had entrusted their battle to them

130 . I’m sick of killing each other. I don’t want to fight with you anymore – Annie Leonhart

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Annie was broken. She had nothing to fight for. Nothing to live for. All she wanted to do was rest. She didn’t even want to kill Eren, the man responsible for her Father’s inevitable death.

131 . Maybe Eren was this way from the start. And if this is the real him, I wonder what I saw in him – Mikasa Ackerman

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Mikasa had seen Eren change from a lively young boy to a man with murder on his mind. She had seen him lose his smile for his loved ones. Maybe this murderous maniac is who Eren really was and Mikasa wondered if she had shown so much love to an evil man.

132 . All our freedoms…. Stolen – Eren Jaeger

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When Eren sees the war survivors at Marley port, he feels empathetic. Just like them, he too had also lost his home and family to tyrants who wanted them dead. All of them had lost their freedom to the cruel world outside.

133 . That day was the day Eren left us – Mikasa Ackerman

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After listening to the speech by the Subject of Ymir’s Protection Group. Eren had understood that even their last hope for peace had disappeared. No one was going to hear them out and their peaceful proposals. That was the day Eren decided to trample the entire world by Rumbling.

134 . Maybe everything had been decided from the start – Mikasa Ackerman

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Mikasa had finally come to terms with the fact that Eren was always this maniacal. There was no stopping him. Eren had decided to end the world and now Mikasa had realised that it was her duty to stop him.

135 . Everything happened by my will. Everything comes after this – Eren Jaeger

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Eren knew everything that would happen and he had planned his life accordingly. He was ready to carry the weight of a genocide to save his friends and family.

136 . You’re fine with that but I’m not – Eren Jaeger

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Eren had always been a man with a fighter’s mindset. As someone who had lost everything, Eren did not want to sacrifice Historia to the MP’s ideas of a safe Eldian Empire. He wanted to fight for her and for every Eldian who had dreamt of walking in a free world.

137 . Not everyone off the island is an enemy! – Historia Reiss

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Historia was a sweet girl who was sane enough to contradict Eren’s plan of mass murder. She knew that along with the enemy he would trample hundreds of thousands of innocents. He would end up creating thousands of victims, just like himself and then end them too.

138 . Most of them won’t have any idea why they’re being killed, just like your mom – Historia Reiss

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Historia wanted to get through to Eren and she wasn’t afraid to speak the truth. Eren was doing nothing more than killing innocents, just like Marleyans killed his mothers.

139 . The only sure way to end this cycle of revenge fueled by hate is to bury our hate filled history along with civilization itself – Eren Jaeger

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Eren was firm on killing the entire world. He firmly believed that to end the cycle of hatred he must end one side of the conflict entirely. There was no changing anyone, there was no scope for peace. To save what mattered to him, Eren had decided to end the civilization as it was.

140 . I won’t let kids eat their parents anymore – Eren jaeger

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Eren did not want anyone else to suffer like he did. He did not want kids to be thrown into war and forced to eat their own kind just to become weapons of mass destruction. He wanted to end it all, even if it meant ending the entire world.

141 . You’re the “worst girl in the world” who saved me back then – Eren Jaeger

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Eren held his ground against Historia and never even once tried to consider not killing the human kind. When she tells him about her mental state and her baby, Eren tells her that he’ll come to save her, just like she saved her.

142 . I think she just likes you enough to rip apart titans for you – Zeke Jaeger

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Eren was looking for an explanation for Mikasa’s affection towards him. He wanted it to be a technicality that he could easily abandon when he went to war with the world. But even Zeke was baffled and told him that she might be truly in love with him.

143 . Even if I’m dead, their lives will go on.. I want them to.. to live.. and be happy – Eren Jaeger

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Eren wasn’t doing anything for himself, he was out fighting the world for those he loved. He wanted them to have a loveable life, with or without him. He was ready to make any sacrifice necessary for it, be it his body or his soul.

144 . I’ll wipe out.. every last one of ‘em.. from this world. – Eren Jaeger

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We end the season with Eren’s unnerving objective spoken into words. as Marley watches the horror of death approaching in the form of the Rumbling.

144 Best Attack On Titan Season 4 Part 2 Quotes

1. We just have to keep moving forward, right Eren? – Zeke Jaeger

2. I believe in the comrades, who’ve fought beside us for years – Pieck Finger

3. Bring it on, Reiner! – Eren Jaeger

4. You’re no threat by yourself – Reiner Braun

5. You’re different from other people. You’re special – Yelena

6. Everyone has suffered enough. You have suffered enough. – Reiner Braun

7. Enough! I’ve had enough of being betrayed! – Connie Springer

8. I want to help him – Mikasa Ackerman

9. This is not my own will – Mikasa Ackerman

10. He could protect this Island with the Rumbling – Armin Arlert

11. That he’s the shithead who would lead us into hell – Jean Kirstein

12. And it pisses me off to say it, but I don’t want him to die just yet – Jean Kirstein

13. Yeah. If he dies like this, I can’t slug him in the face – Connie Springer

14. Why would Eren say that he hates me? – Mikasa Ackerman

15. Why struggle? What are you fighting for? – Reiner Braun

16. Eren, I just want this to end – Reiner Braun

17. Why did I ever think we were the same? – Reiner Braun

18. Leave the rest to your Big Brother – Zeke Jaeger

19. I’m not gonna run off on my own – Gabi Braun

20. The moment which shall change history is at hand – Yelena

21. This is no place for a kid. Go Home. – Nile Dok

22. There weren’t any devils on this island. They were just people. – Gabi Braun

23. The one person who shouldn’t have that power.. Eren .. is you! – Reiner Braun

24. Rescuing an Eldian is the last thing Marley’s military would do – Falco Grice

25. I might as well be dead – Nile Dok

26. Now I can let them take care of the rest, right? – Reiner Braun

27. But… I’m not going down for nothing – Porco Galliard

28. Now it’s clear right? That I’ve always been better than you till the end. – Porco Galliard

29. Never having to be born in this world is the greatest salvation of all – Eren Jaeger

30. All this time…. in here … all alone ? – Eren Jaeger

31. You’re the only who can command the founder Ymir – Zeke Jaeger

32. To euthanize every Eldian. There is no way I could ever accept a plan so messed up like that – Eren Jaeger

33. Because I was born into this world – Eren Jaeger

34. I’ve obtained the power of the Founder. You were merely the key to achieving that Eren – Zeke Jaeger

35. We’re just pitiful victims, born to that disgusting monster of a father – Zeke Jaeger

36. I will never abandon you – Zeke Jaeger

37. Good for you Grisha. You get to completely forget about your first family. – Zeke Jaeger

38. Because this shitty old man was a piece of crap who would throw his family into a pile of shit to restore Eldia. – Eren Jaeger

39. It seems he did love his second son – Zeke Jaeger

40. You’re no longer your true self – Zeke Jaeger

41. I … Since the moment I was born ….. I’ve always been myself – Eren Jaeger

42. If someone tries to steal my freedom away.. I won’t hesitate to take away theirs – Eren Jaeger

43. The pitiful younger brother you’re looking for doesn’t exist. Neither does the brother who shares the same wound as you. – Eren Jaeger

44. We must not run away from our sin – Frieda Reiss

45. Before I save the world, I want to save you – Zeke Jaeger

46. Human curiosity is not something that can be suppressed by words – Grisha Jaeger

47. From here on, you won’t get what you wanted. The one who will is Eren – Grisha jaeger

48. Stand up dad. – Eren Jaeger

49. You have to avenge them and keep moving forward. Even if you die and even after you die – Eren Jaeger

50. This is the story that you started – Eren Jaeger

51. Zeke, I love you. I should’ve spent more time with you – Grisha Jaeger

52. You are as powerless as ever – Zeke Jaeger

53. Once Ymir begins to move.. nothing in this world can stop her – Zeke Jaeger

54. She’s a kind girl who’s always thinking of others – Frieda Reiss

55. Because this world is full of pain and suffering you should become someone everyone loves. And live while helping each other out – Frieda Reiss

56. In the name of Fritz, annihilate the despicable Marley! – King Fritz

57. Eat my daughters. you must inherit Ymir’s power no matter what! – King Fritz

58. I will put an end to this world – Eren Jaeger

59. You are not a slave. Nor are you a God. You’re just a human – Eren Jaege

60. You don’t have to obey anyone. You can decide. You get to decide! You choose! – Eren Jaeger

61. You’ve been waiting, haven’t you? All this time… waiting 2000 years …for someone – Eren Jaeger

62. Eren is our ally! It has to be! – Armin Arlert

63. My goal is to protect the people of Paradis. The place I was born and raised. – Eren Jaeger

64. I reject that wish. The wall Titans shall trample all surface of the land outside of this island – Eren Jaeger

65. Until all lives living there have been exterminated from this world – Eren Jaeger

66. I couldn’t stop him. Eren will destroy the world – Reiner Braun

67. No one can stop him now. All we can do is run away – Reiner Braun

68. This is what those people brought on themselves – Jean Kirtsein

69. This is an unprecedented level of genocide – Armin Arlert

70. He sacrificed the humanity beyond the walls to protect us – Jean Kirstein

71. I’ve killed a lot of people. So that people would praise me. That’s the devil within me – Gabi Braun

72. There’s a devil inside us all, that’s why the world turned out to be this way – Niccolo

73. I don’t remember teaching you guys to whimper and cry when you see a Titan – Keith Shadis

74. If you care about your former comrades, let’s lay them to rest – Jean Kerstein

75. I can’t kick the bucket just yet. Eldia’s restoration is finally at hand – Floch Forster

76. The only meaningful job I’ve had as a soldier is picking up bodies and debris, cleaning up after you and Eren – Dreyse Hitch

77. How does it feel to see all the bodies crushed for your grand mission – Dreyse Hitch

78. Killing people was something we were praised for – Annie Leonhart

79. Since we were atoning for Eldia’s sins and saving the world, anything we did was justified – Anie Leonhart

80. You thought all the dead were a small price to pay – Dreyse Hitch

81. No, saving the world didn’t matter to me. None of it mattered to me – Annie Leonhart

82. I didn’t care if people lived or died. I didn’t think any life had value, including my own – Annie Leonhart

83. I have a father waiting for my return – Annie Leonhart

84. All the things I’ve done till now are absolutely unforgivable. But… if it takes me back to my father, I’d do it all again – Annie Leonhart

85. Why do you think I did nothing and let a bunch of wimpy tots kick my ass? – Keith Shadis

86. The most you guys could protect is yourselves – Keith Shadis

87. I don’t know! What ‘can’ we do anyway?! – Armin Arlert

88. I was the wrong person to bring back to life – Armin Arlert

89. But is pride worth dying for? What’s so wrong with submission? Isn’t it better than dying like this? – Floch Forster

90. Don’t worry. He’s just a harmless fellow who refuses to die – Hange Zoe

91. Times change and you end up in a cell – Hange Zoe

92. If we run and hide, what will be left – Levi Ackerman

93. My goal … is to kill Zeke – Levi Ackerman

94. Whether you shoot or listen is up to you – Levi Ackerman

95. We’ve gotta put our powers together – Hange Zoe

96. A know-it-all wouldn’t get how idiots work – Connie Springer

97. I’ll let my actions talk – Armin Arlert

98. Her son almost killed a kid and a friend – Connie Springer

99. I wanna be a soldier my mom could take pride in – Connie Springer

100. To me, it sounds like the bells of freedom – Unknown

101. Thanks for talking to me these past four years – Annie Leonhart

102. But then those ashy bones would never forgive me – Jean Kirstein

103. Genocide is wrong! There is no reason to commend such an act! – Hange Zoe

104. It’s all good as long as this island is free. Do you think a single of them would’ve been so selfish to say that? – Hange Zoe

105. You people left him with no choice but to use the Rumbling – Jean Kirstein

106. To him, we’re strange devils who’d abandon our own paradise just to save the very people who tried to eradicate us. – Hange Zoe

107. We can never go back to being the ignorant island devils – Hange Zoe

108. To save the World. Are there any words sweeter and more alluring than this? – Yelena

109. We wanted the world to accept us. To forgive us – Gabi Braun

110. You guys are so loud – Levi Ackerman

111. I was foolish to bring up justice – Theo Magath

112. It’s wrong to make you bear the sins of the past due to your race – Theo Magath

113. This hell won’t end until we turn away from all this senseless killing – Theo Magath

114. Just this once, look the other way until this senseless bloodshed is over – Theo Magath

115. I won’t stand by with clean hands – Armin Arlert

116. Nothing can take the violence out of people. Right Captain? – Yelena

117. Aren’t we all friends? – Samuel

118. Someone has to be the one to stain their hands with blood – Bertolt Hoover

119. If Eren dies, Paradis will drown in a sea of blood – Floch Forster

120. If only Galliard was here instead of me, he wouldn’t sit around worrying about what to do – Falco Grice

121. Hesitate.. and we’ll never stop the rumbling – Mikasa & Jean

122. Defend our island to the death! Our country! – Jaegerists

123. The one who will save Eldia is … me! – Floch Forster

124. You’re all right now, Falco. You did well – Theo Magath

125. I’ve been looking for a good time to die – Keith Shadis

126. I refuse to pat myself on the back – Theo Magath

127. If those kids can live normal lives, how happy that would make me – Theo Magath

128. If that’s true, my entire reason for fighting is gone – Annie Leonhart

129. He did it entrusting to us to save the people whose names he’d never know – Hange Zoe

130. I’m sick of killing each other. I don’t want to fight with you anymore – Annie Leonhart

131. Maybe Eren was this way from the start. And if this is the real him, I wonder what I saw in him – Mikasa Ackerman

132. All our freedoms…. Stolen – Eren Jaeger

133. That day was the day Eren left us – Mikasa Ackerman

134. Maybe everything had been decided from the start – Mikasa Ackerman

135. Everything happened by my will. Everything comes after this – Eren Jaeger

136. You’re fine with that but I’m not – Eren Jaeger

137. Not everyone off the island is an enemy! – Historia Reiss

138. Most of them won’t have any idea why they’re being killed, just like your mom – Historia Reiss

139. The only sure way to end this cycle of revenge fueled by hate is to bury our hate filled history along with civilization itself – Eren Jaeger

140. I won’t let kids eat their parents anymore – Eren jaeger

141. You’re the “worst girl in the world” who saved me back then – Eren Jaeger

142. I think she just likes you enough to rip apart titans for you – Zeke Jaeger

143. Even if I’m dead, their lives will go on.. I want them to.. to live.. and be happy – Eren Jaeger

144. I’ll wipe out.. every last one of ‘em.. from this world. – Eren Jaeger