1 Life throws curves at you, you think it’s moving one way, and suddenly realize it’s heading in the opposite direction. -Elle

You never know what life might throw at you. It is better to be prepared to tackle life’s challenges.
2 You have literally been letting me down your entire life. -Elle

You don’t want your loved ones to let you down. It makes you feel miserable when you understand that they never really cared about you.
3 When you’re not sure where you stand, sometimes a leap of faith is the only move you can make. -Elle

Being hopeful about the future can motivate you to carry on in difficult situations. You must believe in yourself and continue to move forward in life.
4 All you can do is love them and make sure they know that you’re never gonna slip away. -Marco

Loving someone unconditionally is more than enough for a person to understand how much you care for them.
5 We’re less interested in meeting the person you think we want you to be and far more interested in getting to know the person you really are. -College Interviewer

Most often we think that people will like us if we put up a front and please them. However, that’s not so. You’ll build good relationships with others when you stay true to who you are.
6 Just let go, feel the music. -Marco

At times it is better to not worry about work and enjoy things that make us happy. When we do that, we realize that there is more to life than just chasing goals.
7 The difference from what you expected to what actually happens can make you look at the future in a very different way. -Elle

When you go through ups and downs of life, the way you perceive the future is changed. You become more resilient and confident to overcome challenges.
8 I know how being afraid can hold you back from getting what you really want. -Marco

Never let the fear of failure hold you back from the amazing things you can do. Focusing on your strengths will help you face your fears and maximize your potential.
9 Maybe it’s because it’s less about what I want to be and more about who I want to be. -Elle

If you want to become a better person, stop giving importance to superficial aspects of life. Instead, improve yourself by focusing on maximising your inner potential.
10 All those things together is who I want to be in five years. -Elle

When you think about the future, think about positive things. Imagine being a better version of yourself.
11 Saying sorry doesn’t mean a lot. -Beth Reekles

Saying that you’re sorry doesn’t mean anything if you’ve not truly realized your mistake.
12 They say if you love something, you set it free. -Beth Reekles

Spreading positivity can change the world for the better. We just need to be compassionate towards others.
13 Can’t imagine playing pranks without you in your wheelchair beside me trying to whiz away. -Beth Reekles

When you love someone, you always want them to be with you. It becomes impossible for you to imagine life without them.
14 Standing here, in front of everyone, I’m telling you that I love you. -Noah

Have the courage to express your feelings to the person you love. Tell them how much you care for them before it’s too late.
15 You’re lucky if you can even get one really good best friend in your life. -Mrs. Flynn

Having a best friend can certainly make your life better. When you are surrounded by people who care for you, you become more positive.
16 The independent Elle Evans who doesn’t want to be told what to do by anyone is begging somebody else for help. -Noah

At some point or the other you will need people to support you. Remember, no man is an island.
17 It was at that exact moment that I finally felt okay. -Elle

There are moments when you forget about your worries and feel that everything is okay.
18 It’s not your job to monitor my dating life. Do you understand me? -Elle

It is not right to become excessively interested in others. Don’t make others uncomfortable by intruding into their private lives.
19 I’m crazy about you, Elle. -Noah

When you love someone deeply, you become crazy about them. It makes you think about them all the time and do things that you wouldn’t usually do.
20 But you know, I can’t really remember what a single fight was really about. But what I do remember is that we always forgave each other. -Mrs. Flynn

It is not important to remember the reason why you fought with the person you love. What’s important is that you were able to forgive each other and move on.
Enjoy Top 20 Lovely Quotes From The Kissing Booth 2 Netflix!
1. Life throws curves at you, you think it’s moving one way, and suddenly realize it’s heading in the opposite direction. -Elle
2. You have literally been letting me down your entire life. -Elle
3. When you’re not sure where you stand, sometimes a leap of faith is the only move you can make. -Elle
4. All you can do is love them and make sure they know that you’re never gonna slip away. -Marco
5. We’re less interested in meeting the person you think we want you to be and far more interested in getting to know the person you really are. -College Interviewer
6. Just let go, feel the music. -Marco
7. The difference from what you expected to what actually happens can make you look at the future in a very different way. -Elle
8. I know how being afraid can hold you back from getting what you really want. -Marco
9. Maybe it’s because it’s less about what I want to be and more about who I want to be. -Elle
10. All those things together is who I want to be in five years. -Elle
11. Saying sorry doesn’t mean a lot. -Beth Reekles
12. They say if you love something, you set it free. -Beth Reekles
13. Can’t imagine playing pranks without you in your wheelchair beside me trying to whiz away. -Beth Reekles
14. Standing here, in front of everyone, I’m telling you that I love you. -Noah
15. You’re lucky if you can even get one really good best friend in your life. -Mrs. Flynn
16. The independent Elle Evans who doesn’t want to be told what to do by anyone is begging somebody else for help. -Noah
17. It was at that exact moment that I finally felt okay. -Elle
18. It’s not your job to monitor my dating life. Do you understand me? -Elle
19. I’m crazy about you, Elle. -Noah
20. But you know, I can’t really remember what a single fight was really about. But what I do remember is that we always forgave each other. -Mrs. Flynn