Best 30 Harvey Specter Quotes From SUITS

Harvey Specter quotes

1 . Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

One should always work hard in their lives to make their own presence be felt. Do great so that people know you before you even introduce yourself.

2 . You want to change your life? Change the way you think – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

It’s a good thought of changing your lifestyle if you feel like your current one is toxic for you. But what counts is our mind’s process. Grow mentally so that you lead a good life.

3 . The only time success comes before work is in dictionary. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

You cannot achieve success by working towards it. You get what you give. Work hard towards what you preach and it will lead you to success.

4 . I don’t have dreams, I have goals.- Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Dreaming is good, but not in real life. It’s not the reality we live in. Preach your goals, work hard towards them for your own self.

5 . If they think you care, they’ll walk all over you. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Don’t let your weaker side become visible in front of your enemies. If they’ll figure out your negatives, they’ll have the better of you.

6 . Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Raising voices may seem to be powerful, but it won’t always depict that your statements are right. Always think before arguing on any topic and be well aware of its related knowledge.

7 . It’s going to happen because I am going to make it happen. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Never underestimate your own self. If you believe in something, you will surely achieve it. Just have some faith and start marching towards it.

8 . When you are backed against the wall, bring the goddamn thing down. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Don’t get afraid when the other person is trying to get the better of you. Instead, think of how you can get yourself out of that situation and further extend your limits.

9 . I like to smile at people who don’t like me. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

There are always going to be those people out there who won’t be happy with your success. The best thing to then just smiles away at them and move on.

10 . Ever loved someone so much, you would do anything for them? Well, make that someone yourself and do whatever the hell you want. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Everyone says that they bring down gods for the people they love. Add yourself also in that list and don’t let yourself suffer also. Do what’s best for you, too!

11 . Kill them with success, bury them with a smile. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Some people will always try to bring you down. But you should never give up and rather shut their negative mouths with each step you take towards success and move past them with a smile.

12 . You’d be surprised what people you trust would do when someone puts them in a position where they think they don’t have a choice. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

You may never know how a person turns out to be. Circumstances and situations can be different and hard at times. So it’s fine to cut some slack at times to those who are close to us.

13 . Winners don’t make excuses. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

If you want to succeed, you cannot make excuses to yourself for not succeeding. Rather accept and own up to mistakes you’ve made and work upon them to reach more ahead in your path.

14 . It’s not a problem if you always win. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Problems don’t occur where you’re always getting the things that you want. They come when you are not able to succeed because you fail to realize where you’re making a mistake.

15 . Never destroy anyone in public when you can accomplish the same result in private. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Hatred and anguish may get you satisfaction but insulting someone in public will never do the same, but it’ll haunt you back too. Never hurt a person in public.

16 . Have goals so big you get uncomfortable telling small-minded people. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Don’t limit your thinking or your goals. Think beyond the horizon so that you feel it’s a waste of time sharing them with others. Instead, use that time to work towards them.

17 . Let them hate, just make sure they spell your name right. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

People will be there to say bad at your back, to backstab you, to bring you down. But don’t get bothered by them and keep moving. Make sure they know who they’re taking up a challenge against.

18 . Win a no-win situation by rewriting the rules. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

If you have faith in yourself and belief so strong that you feel positive, then you even win those situations where it seems impossible to even start.

19 . I am not about caring, I am about winning. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Caring and having concerns are some good and positive traits. But never let them cross paths with you succeeding. Always keep them on a parallel track.

20 . I don’t get lucky, I make my own luck. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Getting lucky means nothing, but just a phrase which we use when we are least expecting something to happen. But they happen because of the hard work we had put in it.

21 . I am against having emotions, not against using them. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Being emotional is good but never let this line intersect the line of success. Always keep them differently and rather focus on what will be right for the moment.

22 . I don’t play the odds, I play the man. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Playing the game with odds is just an old rule which doesn’t work anymore. Rather one should study his opponent well so that one can think about the other person’s next move without him even taking the first step.

23 . The ends don’t justify the means until it’s you on the line. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Nobody gets too serious until and unless it’s their lives which are on stake. Never underestimate the power of a helpless man as he can do whatever to save his side.

24 . Sometimes good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Sometimes people do need to play the way their opponents play in order to get a better result. In that way, the bad ones may realize that they’ve been walking on the wrong path all this time.

25 . You always have a choice. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

You will always have an alternative choice against something else. You shouldn’t do something if you don’t feel strongly about it. Rather listen to what your gut feeling says and go with it.

26 . Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Don’t get bothered with those who have nothing but jealousy and hatred towards you. Walk past them with a smile on their faces, as that will be their biggest defeat.

27 . I refuse to answer that on the grounds that I don’t want to. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

You shouldn’t speak if you don’t want to. You’re not answerable to anyone for your actions but to yourself. So it’s totally acceptable for you to ask for your own space.

28 . Loyalty is a two-way street, if I am asking for it from you, then you are getting it from me. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

Loyalty plays this way, that if one person gives it to the other one, the other one is supposed to pay back too. If he or she doesn’t, it’s simply taking the benefits out of the other person wrongly.

29 . Anyone can do my job, but no one can be me. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

A job can be carried out by anyone eligible for that post. But what counts is the way of doing work, and that is different for everyone. Everyone has their own way of getting things done.

30 . That’s the difference between you and me, you wanna lose small, I wanna win big. – Harvey Specter (Suits)

Best Harvey Specter Quotes Of All Time

The difference comes where you realize what you’re willing to lose in order to gain what you actually want. Aim for big so that at least you reach near to the expectations.

Best 30 Harvey Specter Quotes From SUITS

1. Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself

2. You want to change your life? Change the way you think

3. The only time success comes before work is in dictionary.

4. I don’t have dreams, I have goals

5. If they think you care, they’ll walk all over you.

6. Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.

7. It’s going to happen because I am going to make it happen

8. When you are backed against the wall, bring the goddamn thing down.

9. I like to smile at people who don’t like me

10. Ever loved someone so much, you would do anything for them? Well, make that someone yourself and do whatever the hell you want.

11. Kill them with success, bury them with a smile

12. You’d be surprised what people you trust would do when someone puts them in a position where they think they don’t have a choice

13. Winners don’t make excuses

14. It’s not a problem if you always win

15. Never destroy anyone in public when you can accomplish the same result in private

16. Have goals so big you get uncomfortable telling small-minded people

17. Let them hate, just make sure they spell your name right

18. Win a no-win situation by rewriting the rules

19. I am not about caring, I am about winning

20. I don’t get lucky, I make my own luck

21. I am against having emotions, not against using them

22. I don’t play the odds, I play the man

23. The ends don’t justify the means until it’s you on the line

24. Sometimes good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay

25. You always have a choice

26. Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am

27. I refuse to answer that on the grounds that I don’t want to

28. Loyalty is a two-way street, if I am asking for it from you, then you are getting it from me

29. Anyone can do my job, but no one can be me

30. That’s the difference between you and me, you wanna lose small, I wanna win big

Vansh Gulati

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