1 True friends are those … who tease you a lot when your time is great … and when the tough time comes, then the same vagrant friends are standing at your door

Friends are those, who understand every aspect of you, every mood of yours and treat you accordingly. Be it a time of low, or of happiness, they will always be by your side.
2 Everyone has a plan after achieving success … but if you fail by mistake … then how you need to deal with failure … no one talks about that

Planning your path down the road of success is a very common thing. But one should always have a ‘plan B’ because nothing has a surety embedded in it. Things can go wrong, and we need to have the courage to face it.
3 Your result doesn’t decide if you’re a loser or not … your attempt decides that

It’s not always about the fruit that you gain after hard work. What always counts is the approach you chose to work hard for your aims, and that is what makes you successful.
4 A captain is only as good as the team

A captain is respected and appreciated when his team and partners work hard equally. Without teamwork, none is appreciated. A team makes his captain.
5 I don’t know what magic exists in college life … where strangers meet and they become friends … friends for their entire life … and not just simple friends … but bloody true friends

College life is another phase of life, which yet again, brings new experiences in life, experiences of adulthood. That is when you make friends with whom you feel mentally connected, your TRUE FRIENDS.
6 No matter what you achieve, what you want to aspire to be, or how famous and powerful you become, the most important thing is whether you are excited about each and every moment of your life because of your work and the people around you

Success will keep on coming and going, but what stays with us forever are our emotions, our will to live and enjoy each and every moment of our lives, because that’s what benefits our mental health the most.
7 The only strong opinion that I have about myself is that I don’t have any opinions

Keeping opinions about things is a healthy thing as that is what defines you and your choices. But they shouldn’t be making your lives difficult. One should try to be open to everything so that his own opinions do not become toxic for him.
8 The more I learn about things, I realize how wrong I was before

Greater the age, greater the experience and greater the knowledge. No human is perfect on this earth. One can only learn with time and grow accordingly.
9 To be able to make statements, you need to be confident about what you think. You need to have a sense of right and wrong

Making statements is a greater deal than keeping your opinions upfront. One needs to have a sense of right and wrong before making one because they can either bring great change or lead to arguments.
10 If you are seeing something for the first time, one of your first reactions should be fascination

There are so many things to life that one can’t even imagine of. Always carry an attitude of acceptance and have a welcoming nature because that will never harm our mental health.
11 I’ve stopped taking myself seriously because now I understand how fickle my thoughts are

Our thoughts play with us many times, sometimes they make us question our own doings but that shouldn’t hinder our mental health. Give your thoughts, yourself time to process it, and things will fall in place.
12 If you have skills to pull off even a four-hour film, people will go and watch it

It’s not always about being able to do something, but also about whether one is willing to do it or not. If you are, then the world will appreciate your hard work.
13 I take time to open up with people. But once I know you, I’m fine. I’m a shy person

Some people find it difficult to open up with the rest of the world. They are shy, it takes them time to open up. But this doesn’t mean that they won’t ever. One just needs to make them feel comfortable and treat them with the utmost respect.
14 I am not lost. I am very much alive

There will come those time when you’ll start feeling lost in your own mind. But worry not, respect those thoughts too because curiosity leads to answers in the end.
15 When I am in front of the camera or on stage, I am not me

Actors lead a very different life when they’re off stage, a life similar to ours. We only see them adapting to different characters but what they are actually, is totally different.
16 My strength would be my honesty and my passion for my work

One should always have the strength and will power to do hard work towards what he or she preaches of excelling at. Being honest with oneself is the most respectable thing.
17 For me, the opposite of happiness isn’t sadness but boredom

Happiness is received from living life to the fullest in accepting the things as they are and finding the good even in the bad ones.
18 I am learning the importance of living in the moment

Never worry about the future and don’t stress upon what happened in the past. Stay in the moment and seize it in the best way possible.
19 I have made a lot of mistakes, but I am proud of them all

Making mistakes isn’t a sin, but another way of learning and gaining experience. Be proud of them because you are learning from them and ignore all those who try to pin you down.
20 I am not a private person; you can ask those who hang out with me

It’s not always necessary to call out those people, who like to stay in between a limited number of people, private. Everyone has one or two of those in whom they can confide fully.
21 Your result doesn’t decide if you’re a loser or not … your attempt decides that

Money doesn’t always define who you are, but your thoughts and opinions do. Your real strength lies in you and your loved ones. Stay connected and stay happy and keep living life.
Epic Life Lessons to Learn From Sushant Singh Rajput
1. True friends are those … who tease you a lot when your time is great … and when the tough time comes, then the same vagrant friends are standing at your door
2. Everyone has a plan after achieving success … but if you fail by mistake … then how you need to deal with failure … no one talks about that
3. Your result doesn’t decide if you’re a loser or not … your attempt decides that
4. A captain is only as good as the team
5. I don’t know what magic exists in college life … where strangers meet and they become friends … friends for their entire life … and not just simple friends … but bloody true friends
6. No matter what you achieve, what you want to aspire to be, or how famous and powerful you become, the most important thing is whether you are excited about each and every moment of your life because of your work and the people around you
7. The only strong opinion that I have about myself is that I don’t have any opinions
8. The more I learn about things, I realize how wrong I was before
9. To be able to make statements, you need to be confident about what you think. You need to have a sense of right and wrong
10. If you are seeing something for the first time, one of your first reactions should be fascination
11. I’ve stopped taking myself seriously because now I understand how fickle my thoughts are
12. If you have skills to pull off even a four-hour film, people will go and watch it
13. I take time to open up with people. But once I know you, I’m fine. I’m a shy person
14. I am not lost. I am very much alive
15. When I am in front of the camera or on stage, I am not me
16. My strength would be my honesty and my passion for my work
17. For me, the opposite of happiness isn’t sadness but boredom
18. I am learning the importance of living in the moment
19. I have made a lot of mistakes, but I am proud of them all
20. I am not a private person; you can ask those who hang out with me
21. Your result doesn’t decide if you’re a loser or not … your attempt decides that