Epic Quotes By Chetan Bhagat

chetan bhagat quotes

1 . Disappointment will come when your effort does not give you the expected return. – Chetan Bhagat

Disappointment will come when your effort does not give you the expected return. - Chetan Bhagat

We often face disappointments in life because we don’t meet our expectations. They get reduced by not having high expectations.

2 . Remember, nothing is to be taken seriously

Remember, nothing is to be taken seriously

Life has moments that come and go. We must not take it too seriously or we’ll end up losing ourselves instead.

3 . Life is not to be taken seriously, as we are really temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity

Life is not to be taken seriously, as we are really temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity

Life is temporary and so are people. We need to experience every moment as it comes. We should not worry about ourselves and take life too seriously.

4 . Don’t be serious, be sincere

Don't be serious, be sincere

When you are sincere, you show dedication towards things. It pays a lot in the long run. It becomes the key to achieve success.

5 . The world’s most funniest and easiest thing is to give an advice

The world's most funniest and easiest thing is to give an advice

It often becomes easy to give advice. This is because words can be easily spoken but actions are difficult to do. While giving advice, remember to practice what you preach.

6 . Love yourself first, and then others

Love yourself first, and then others

When you love yourself, you prioritize yourself. You value yourself more than the others as well. Love yourself, then love the world.

7 . Sometimes in your life, you just meet someone or hear something that nudges you on the right path. And that becomes the best advice.

Sometimes in your life, you just meet someone or hear something that nudges you on the right path. And that becomes the best advice.

In life, there are moments where we meet people unexpectedly. Sometimes, they tell us something which we need to hear. Their words act as a driving force for us to take a new but right direction and that ends up becoming the best advice for us.

8 . Be so busy Improving your self that you have no time to criticize others

Be so busy Improving your self that you have no time to criticize others

When you are busy improving on yourself, you focus on your well-being. On the other hand, when you criticize people, you end up focusing on them. When you focus on yourself, you have no time for others.

9 . Don’t let unfairness kill your spark

Don’t let unfairness kill your spark

Life is unfair. It can kill the spark within us. To avoid it, be optimistic and determined.

10 . Let’s be grateful for what we have and get the strength to accept what we don’t.

Let’s be grateful for what we have and get the strength to accept what we don’t.

People take things for granted and also refuse to accept that they lack certain things in life. When we are grateful and accept things beyond our reach, we become better.

11 . Don’t quit. It will happen one day

Don't quit. It will happen one day

Even though you face failure and want to quit, don’t. This is because failure shows our progress and pushes us towards our goals. Keep on trying and you’ll succeed one day for sure.

12 . Pardon the hurt others have caused you. What they did is past. What is bothering today are your current feelings that come from this load. Let it go

Pardon the hurt others have caused you. What they did is past. What is bothering today are your current feelings that come from this load. Let it go

When you forgive the people who hurt you in the past, your wounds will get healed. Let go by unloading this baggage you carry.

13 . There are things some people can never understand.there’s no point to telling them

There are things some people can never understand.there's no point to telling them

No matter how much you try, people would not understand. There’s no point in telling them either because they will refuse to listen. Instead, focus on yourself.

14 . Sometimes, when nobody is by your side, you have to become your own cheering squad

Sometimes, when nobody is by your side, you have to become your own cheering squad

When you’re alone, there’s no one to motivate you. Instead, motivate yourself. When you motivate yourself, you do things better.

15 . People argued less on a full stomach

People argued less on a full stomach

Food can refresh the body and soul. The taste of food makes you forget all your worries. Hunger can make people angry and bitter.

Epic Quotes By Chetan Bhagat

1. Disappointment will come when your effort does not give you the expected return.

2. Remember, nothing is to be taken seriously

3. Life is not to be taken seriously, as we are really temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity

4. Don’t be serious, be sincere

5. The world’s most funniest and easiest thing is to give an advice

6. Love yourself first, and then others

7. Sometimes in your life, you just meet someone or hear something that nudges you on the right path. And that becomes the best advice.

8. Be so busy Improving your self that you have no time to criticize others

9. Don’t let unfairness kill your spark

10. Let’s be grateful for what we have and get the strength to accept what we don’t.

11. Don’t quit. It will happen one day

12. Pardon the hurt others have caused you. What they did is past. What is bothering today are your current feelings that come from this load. Let it go

13. There are things some people can never understand.there’s no point to telling them

14. Sometimes, when nobody is by your side, you have to become your own cheering squad

15. People argued less on a full stomach

Aaryan Sharma

Meet our Tech Wiz – he’s a true blooded Otaku and an encyclopedia of all things tech! Foodie to the hilt and the clandestine king of online food ordering! There is No Veg burger he doesn’t have an opinion on!

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