1 People want to be noticed. They don’t like to be shut out. It makes them feel invisible

People become invisible because no one notices them. When they are noticed, they feel visible. It is human nature not to want to be shut out.
2 Authenticity is in woefully short supply

Being authentic is not often wanted. Hence, it’s supply is short in this world. When people become their authentic selves, the world changes for the better.
3 I wasn’t prepared for you, for wanting something

You get things when you least expect them. No matter how things reach you, you deserve it because it was meant for you.
4 So many choices, you end up not knowing which one you want

In this world, there are so many choices. You get confused by the varieties present around you. You need to make a choice which is rational and the best for you.
5 It’s how our decisions along that path affect the whole that matters

Our decisions affect our path. As long as you make the right and wise decisions, we are in the right one. The path where we go is the road to our destination.
6 No matter how painful it is, we can’t change things. We can’t choose differently, with hindsight

What is done remains done. We cannot really change what happened, but can change what will happen. Even if we wish for things to end differently, it can’t happen for the past.
7 People try so hard to look how they think they should look

When people try hard to appear cool for others, they lose their authentic selves. This holds them back because they do what others expect from them. We become free by being true to ourselves.
8 Thanks to the technological revolution, we have the power to rage and accuse, spout bile without consequence

Technology has many drawbacks of its own. Whatever we do online, we do without thinking much of our consequences. The power from this is often a dangerous thing and can hurt people as well.
9 Humans. You know we give ourselves rep, but we’re genuinely empathetic as a species. I mean, we don’t actually really want to kill each other, which is a good thing. Until your future depends on wiping out the enemy

Human beings are capable of being good people. This is because they can understand and feel kindness and compassion. Their heart lets them do this.
10 I know people. We love humiliation. We can’t not laugh

People love to laugh at others. The best way to do this is by humiliating them. This is an ugly aspect of human nature.
11 People don’t even look up anymore. The sky could turn purple and you wouldn’t notice for a month

The eyes are always on our gadgets that we forget about the beauty of nature. Even when the scenery changes, it doesn’t bother people. We love the virtual world more than the real one.
12 There’s messages in every game. Like Pac-Man. You know what PAC stands for? Program and control

Whatever we do in life, it has a purpose. We need to find it to fulfil our life. Without a purpose, we cannot live life to the fullest.
13 Show us something real and free and beautiful. You couldn’t. It’ll break us. We’re too numb for it

When we show something real, we end up being broken. Our vulnerabilities become visible. We become numb with time.
14 He thinks he’s got free will, but really, he’s trapped in a maze. In a system. All he can do is consume, he’s pursued by demons that are probably in his own head

People think that they got free will, but they are actually trapped. They are trapped inside society’s maze. They consume people inside and become their inner demons
15 You know when you meet someone and you just know?

When you meet someone, you instantly click with them. You know inside that you will be happy with them. This becomes the start of many friendships and relationships.
Epic Quotes From Black Mirror
1. People want to be noticed. They don’t like to be shut out. It makes them feel invisible
2. Authenticity is in woefully short supply
3. I wasn’t prepared for you, for wanting something
4. So many choices, you end up not knowing which one you want
5. It’s how our decisions along that path affect the whole that matters
6. No matter how painful it is, we can’t change things. We can’t choose differently, with hindsight
7. People try so hard to look how they think they should look
8. Thanks to the technological revolution, we have the power to rage and accuse, spout bile without consequence
9. Humans. You know we give ourselves rep, but we’re genuinely empathetic as a species. I mean, we don’t actually really want to kill each other, which is a good thing. Until your future depends on wiping out the enemy
10. I know people. We love humiliation. We can’t not laugh
11. People don’t even look up anymore. The sky could turn purple and you wouldn’t notice for a month
12. There’s messages in every game. Like Pac-Man. You know what PAC stands for? Program and control
13. Show us something real and free and beautiful. You couldn’t. It’ll break us. We’re too numb for it
14. He thinks he’s got free will, but really, he’s trapped in a maze. In a system. All he can do is consume, he’s pursued by demons that are probably in his own head
15. You know when you meet someone and you just know?