1 Not every hero wears a mask. Some heroes save the day in the simplest of ways. By just being there for us, or letting us know we’re believed in. – Barry Allen

Heroes aren’t necessarily the ones who wear a costume or have powers with them. They do even the simplest things to help others. They push us to be the people who we can be.
2 There’s only one thing I know about life. I know some things happen by chance. And some things happen because we make them happen. – Barry Allen

In life, things often happen to us by chance. Sometimes we make things happen. Life is lived when either one of these or both of them happen.
3 There are only four rules you need to remember: make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan. – Leonard Snart

In life, we need to make and execute plans to fulfill goals. When the plans go wrong, forget about them and go with the flow. Life is all about such encounters.
4 We can never learn to fly without crashing a few times. – Harrison Wells

In life, we succeed at something only by persevering. When we fail, we learn where we went wrong and improve on it. We keep trying until we attain success
5 Everyone secretly thinks they’ve figured out what their life is gonna be like, but what no one ever considers is that life has its own plans for you, whether you like them or not. – Barry Allen

People think that they have life figured out. However, we realize that life has its own plans. We need to accept this and find new plans accordingly.
6 You can either embrace the change and move forward, or fight it, and be left behind. – Barry Allen

Changes are inevitable. We either accept them and go ahead or get left behind. They are constant in one’s life.
7 When you don’t have the key to the lock, sometimes you have to kick in the door. – Harrison Wells

In life, there will be times where we don’t get opportunities to do things. Hence, we should make them for ourselves. We achieve success from this without much delay.
8 Our fears can play tricks on us, making us afraid to change course, afraid to move on, but usually hidden behind our fears are second chances waiting to be seized. – Barry Allens

Often our fears try to hold us back. However, once we overcome them, we achieve things. These fears become an opportunity unknown to us.
9 And these opportunities don’t come around every day. So when they do, we have to be brave, take a chance, and grab them while we can. – Barry Allens

Opportunities don’t come to us every day. When they do, take the chance and fulfill them. Once they go, they rarely come back.
10 For every bad memory, there is a good one that will get you through it. Iris West

Life has its share of ups and downs. The bad times will go and the good ones will replace them. We can go through any phase in our lives with strength and resilience.
11 Acceptance is a powerful thing. – Harrison Wells

When people accept you, become part of the group because we crave social interactions. When you accept yourself, you become a more confident and happier person. Acceptance makes you powerful in front of everyone.
12 Some things, Barry, you can’t fight. Some things you just have to live with. – Joe West

In life, we fight to achieve things and win them. However, not all of them are meant to be fought or won. You need to accept things which you can’t control.
13 The hardest thing you’re gonna have to face is not some monster out there with powers. It’s gonna be that feeling of uselessness when you can’t do anything. – Joe West

The hardest thing to feel is helplessness. This is because of the pain with sadness and regret experienced at that time.
14 Turns out, no one can outrun pain. – Barry Allen

Pain is an inevitable part of life. No matter what we do, at some point or the other, we experience pain. This includes both physical and mental pain which we need to bear.
15 Not every friendship is meant to last a lifetime. What does last forever is the pain when that person is gone. – Barry Allen

Friendships have their reason and season. However, the pain of separation and heartbreak still remains. Thus, not everyone is meant to be in our life.
Epic Quotes From The Flash
1. Not every hero wears a mask. Some heroes save the day in the simplest of ways. By just being there for us, or letting us know we’re believed in. – Barry Allen
2. There’s only one thing I know about life. I know some things happen by chance. And some things happen because we make them happen. – Barry Allen
3. There are only four rules you need to remember: make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan. – Leonard Snart
4. We can never learn to fly without crashing a few times. – Harrison Wells
5. Everyone secretly thinks they’ve figured out what their life is gonna be like, but what no one ever considers is that life has its own plans for you, whether you like them or not. – Barry Allen
6. You can either embrace the change and move forward, or fight it, and be left behind. – Barry Allen
7. When you don’t have the key to the lock, sometimes you have to kick in the door. – Harrison Wells
8. Our fears can play tricks on us, making us afraid to change course, afraid to move on, but usually hidden behind our fears are second chances waiting to be seized. – Barry Allens
9. And these opportunities don’t come around every day. So when they do, we have to be brave, take a chance, and grab them while we can. – Barry Allens
10. For every bad memory, there is a good one that will get you through it. Iris West
11. Acceptance is a powerful thing. – Harrison Wells
12. Some things, Barry, you can’t fight. Some things you just have to live with. – Joe West
13. The hardest thing you’re gonna have to face is not some monster out there with powers. It’s gonna be that feeling of uselessness when you can’t do anything. – Joe West
14. Turns out, no one can outrun pain. – Barry Allen
15. Not every friendship is meant to last a lifetime. What does last forever is the pain when that person is gone. – Barry Allen