Categories HalloweenGhosts and goblins come to play on October’s final day! – Rusty Fischer Post author By Shubham Post date January 29, 2021 Ghosts and goblins come to play on October's final day! – Rusty Fischer” Ghosts and goblins come to play on October’s final day! – Rusty Fischer “ Lets be social: 1.4M+ Fans 450K+ Followers ← There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. -C.S. Lewis → We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves! – Humbert Wolfe Related articles I fully intend to haunt some people when I die, I have a list ready.. There is something haunting in the light of the moon’ When was the last time you were frightened of something There is magic in the night when pumpkins glow by moonlight. – Unknown There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch. – Robert Brault We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves! – Humbert Wolfe On Halloween you get to become anything that you want to be. – Ava Dellaria