Categories Epic Quotes MainSeven billion people on this planet and I have two friends Post author By Vansh Gulati Post date May 17, 2020 Seven billion people on this planet and I have two friends” Seven billion people on this planet and I have two friends “ Lets be social: 1.4M+ Fans 450K+ Followers Tags Epic Quotes Vansh GulatiMeet our Content Pro - A proud Otaku himself! There is no Anime or Manga he's not aware off. Also the go to guy for all thing Epic in our humble abode. Since he turned 18 and legit - he’s on a journey to enjoy life with a cup of sake!Connect with View Posts → ← They don’t miss you when you leave, they miss you when you are moving on → I usually give people more chances than they deserve but once I’m done, I’m done Related articles Sorry I’m Late, I was Hoping the Plan Would be Canceled Don’t cry over what has happened; great things are ahead Kindle, paperbacks, or do you not read at all? Is it just me or does everyone have a second dinner? What’s your first thought every morning after waking up? I miss my lost friendships more than anything else