1 Nothing to me feels as good as laughing incredibly hard. –Steve Carell

We should always stay happy, and if not then at least try to do so. Laughing is another therapy which brings the mind at peace.
2 I don’t like to get angry. It doesn’t make me feel good. It is very human, but it’s also a loss of control, and I like to have that kind of control.–Steve Carell

Being angry brings no good to the human self. It only makes more and more tissues of our work. Never lose your self control which you’d regret later.
3 Taste in comedy, like fashion, changes all the time.–Steve Carell

Taste in everything keeps on changing with time. Permanent is boring, so everything keeps on evolving and the trend of change continues.
4 Everybody should be normal. Everybody should be nice. I think they go hand in hand, and that to me is the default setting.–Steve Carell

Being nice should be normalised because everyone deserves to be treated nicely. Humans should not forget that it’s something everyone’s born with, you don’t have to develop it.
5 I tend not be someone who’s on all the time, or is always trying to make other people laugh. –Steve Carell

Don’t always run after making people feel good or doing things for them. Also give time to yourself because you’re important too, prioritize yourself.
6 Don’t underestimate your kids. Don’t be condescending, because they’re children but they are not stupid.–Steve Carell

A kid’s mind keeps on growing till he or she adults and it keeps on continuing to do so because you learn new stuff at every stage of your life. Kids aren’t stupid, they also understand things as they’re fast learners.
7 Everyone is flawed and everyone makes mistakes and is culpable. –Steve Carell

No human being is born perfect or is bound to be perfect. Everyone’s got their own pros and cons and this is the basic rule of nature.
8 You know, what’s funny to one person is not at all to someone else. –Steve Carell

Everything in our lives has two extreme points. One thing which will be liked by someone might be totally disliked by someone else. It’s not necessary for everything to be felt accepted.
9 Six-year-old kids are very wrapped up in their own lives, and that’s the way it should be. –Steve Carell

Just like kids are involved fully in their lives and don’t poke in anyone else’s lives, similarly should be the behaviour of every individual. Stick to what is suitable for you and don’t invade others personal spaces.
10 It was kind of like they were just giving us a toy to play with, to do whatever we wanted with. –Steve Carell

Life is just another game of the almighty. It’s been given to us by him and has been granted full liberty to do anything with it. It’s up to us how well we use it for ourselves and how we contribute towards the well being of this world.
11 Instead of telling our young people to plan ahead, we should tell them to plan to be surprised. –Steve Carell

Life hasn’t got any specifics to it, so never tell the youth to plan their future but instead be prepared for whatever’s coming up next in their lives.
12 I’m not superstitious, but I’m a little stitious. –Steve Carell

One shouldn’t believe in the theories or so-called-facts if they don’t trust in its existence but they should respect those who do. Respect shouldn’t be stolen away from people as it’s their right.
13 Actors and magicians are both performers, and they represent things that are not necessarily who they are. –Steve Carell

Performers are great at adapting to different natures. But this doesn’t mean that they are this way. These are the people who are totally different in their daily lives, just like us.
14 Maybe the coolest people are the ones who don’t care about being cool. –Steve Carell

One should not put more emphasis on being or doing something. Instead should go with the flow and live a life which is stress and tension free.
15 You’re so in love with your children that you’d do anything for them; that’s not necessarily the best. –Steve Carell

It’s good and healthy to love your children but one shouldn’t get blinded by it. One should never support their children in the wrong line and always raise them with good values.
Top 15 Quotes by Steve Carell aka Michael Scott
1. Nothing to me feels as good as laughing incredibly hard. –Steve Carell
2. I don’t like to get angry. It doesn’t make me feel good. It is very human, but it’s also a loss of control, and I like to have that kind of control.–Steve Carell
3. Taste in comedy, like fashion, changes all the time.–Steve Carell
4. Everybody should be normal. Everybody should be nice. I think they go hand in hand, and that to me is the default setting.–Steve Carell
5. I tend not be someone who’s on all the time, or is always trying to make other people laugh. –Steve Carell
6. Don’t underestimate your kids. Don’t be condescending, because they’re children but they are not stupid.–Steve Carell
7. Everyone is flawed and everyone makes mistakes and is culpable. –Steve Carell
8. You know, what’s funny to one person is not at all to someone else. –Steve Carell
9. Six-year-old kids are very wrapped up in their own lives, and that’s the way it should be. –Steve Carell
10. It was kind of like they were just giving us a toy to play with, to do whatever we wanted with. –Steve Carell
11. Instead of telling our young people to plan ahead, we should tell them to plan to be surprised. –Steve Carell
12. I’m not superstitious, but I’m a little stitious. –Steve Carell
13. Actors and magicians are both performers, and they represent things that are not necessarily who they are. –Steve Carell
14. Maybe the coolest people are the ones who don’t care about being cool. –Steve Carell
15. You’re so in love with your children that you’d do anything for them; that’s not necessarily the best. –Steve Carell