1 People are suckers for the truth. –Mr. X

Although living in lies makes a person feel good sometimes, only the truth brings him to peace. Only the truth can help us out.
2 Telling the truth can be a scary thing at times. –Jim Garrison

Truth is that one thing which when hidden for long can become a huge baggage. But if it comes out, it may bring a huge change in our lives as well, one which we are not ready for.
3 One may smile and smile and be a villain. –Jim Garrison

You never know how a person can turn out to be. Appearances are deceptive and that person may look innocent and happy but turn out to be a cruel one.
4 If you let yourself be too scared then you let the bad guys take over the country, don’t you? And then everybody gets scared. –Jim Garrison

Never be too scared of things because that’ll make you give up and the people with bad intentions will take the driving seat and other passengers will have to suffer.
5 Everybody likes to make themselves out to be something more than they are. –Willie O’Keefe

We are not only what we are presently, but so much more than this. That’s what people believe and they’re always keen on working towards this.
6 The authority of the state over it’s people resides in it’s war powers. –Mr. X

The authority of the head is always determined by how good they are in the management and how good they can protect their people from the I’ll happenings.
7 Let justice be done, through the heavens fall. –Jim Garrison

Justice shall always be realised no matter on what grounds or what the consequences will be. Justice shall prevail always.
8 The how and the who is just scenery for the public. –Mr. X

People love to know about what’s happening with whom, where and why. It’s just another hobby of theirs that they feel the need of knowing it but really what they should be doing is focussing upon themselves.
9 About as subtle as a cockroach crawlin’ across a white rug. –Jim Garrison

Just like a cockroach which manages to crawl across a white rug, similarly the ones who manage to do things in such a subtle manner can escape the human eyes easily.
10 But someday, somewhere, somebody will find out the damn truth. –Jim Garrison

Truth cannot stay hidden for a long period of time. Today or tomorrow it will come out because it’s meant to.
11 Oh, don’t take my word for it, don’t believe me. Do your own work, your own thinking. –Mr. X

One should never always believe in what he or she hears and instead should always try to look out for the facts by himself to reach to the bottom of truths.
12 I can give you the background, but you have to find the foreground, the little things, keep digging. –Mr. X

One can always get some outside help in doing things, but in order to succeed, you’ll have to walk alone because no one will be able to make you succeed the way you can.
13 “Treason doth never prosper,” wrote an English poet, “What’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” –Jim Garrison

Treason might not be cherished by many, but those who don’t consider it one are the ones who feel satisfied by doing it and it makes them happy.
14 Because you’re a fighter. I like a man who isn’t afraid of bad odds. –Jim Garrison

A person should never give up because life isn’t about giving up but getting back up and fighting again.
15 I didn’t pay two bits for a target just to have someone else shoot at it. –Man at firing range

Never let others take the advantage of something that you’ve invested in. Raise your voice, stand put and take back what’s yours.
Top 15 Quotes in JFK Movie on Former US President
1. People are suckers for the truth. –Mr. X
2. Telling the truth can be a scary thing at times. –Jim Garrison
3. One may smile and smile and be a villain. –Jim Garrison
4. If you let yourself be too scared then you let the bad guys take over the country, don’t you? And then everybody gets scared. –Jim Garrison
5. Everybody likes to make themselves out to be something more than they are. –Willie O’Keefe
6. The authority of the state over it’s people resides in it’s war powers. –Mr. X
7. Let justice be done, through the heavens fall. –Jim Garrison
8. The how and the who is just scenery for the public. –Mr. X
9. About as subtle as a cockroach crawlin’ across a white rug. –Jim Garrison
10. But someday, somewhere, somebody will find out the damn truth. –Jim Garrisonq
11. Oh, don’t take my word for it, don’t believe me. Do your own work, your own thinking. –Mr. X
12. I can give you the background, but you have to find the foreground, the little things, keep digging. –Mr. X
13. “Treason doth never prosper,” wrote an English poet, “What’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” –Jim Garrison
14. Because you’re a fighter. I like a man who isn’t afraid of bad odds. –Jim Garrison
15. I didn’t pay two bits for a target just to have someone else shoot at it. –Man at firing range