1 People who continue to put their lives on the line to defend their faith become heroes and continue to exist on in legend. -Naruto Uzumaki

History remembers and glorifies those who stand up for a cause. Only those who show the courage to fight for what they believe in, sometimes even risking their lives, become legends and are hailed as heroes.
2 I won’t run away anymore, I won’t go back on my word, That is my ninja way. -Naruto Uzumaki

You need to stand up for what you believe in and continue down the path that you chose. And you cannot back down on your word.
3 Failing doesn’t give you a reason to give up as long as you believe. -Naruto Uzumaki

Failure is not a reason to quit. Infact, it is just another reason to continue on your path. Only if you believe in yourself and your vision can you ever succeed.
4 Because they saved me from myself, they rescued me from my loneliness, They were the first to accept me for who I am, They’re my friends. -Naruto Uzumaki

Friends are those people who save you from loneliness, who accept you for what you are and stay with you no matter what life brings. Your friends are your strongest pillars of support.
5 I am strong because I have people to protect. -Naruto Uzumaki

When you have people whom you have to protect and support, there’s no way you can back down or give up. Your love for them will give you the strength to move forward.
6 If the father’s responsibility is to protect the child, then my responsibility is to exceed the father. -Naruto Uzumaki

It is the responsibility of a father to protect his child and shield him from any harm. But those who have a duty to protect more than a single person have a responsibility greater than that of the father.
7 Once you question your own belief, it’s over. -Naruto Uzumaki

Once you start doubting your own abilities, then it’s all over for you. The only thing that takes you forward, is your trust in your own self and your vision.
8 I’m the only one who can bear the full brunt of your hate! It’s my job, no one else’s. -Naruto Uzumaki

You’ll encounter hate throughout your life. But it is your responsibility to bear that hatred and let it push you forward towards your goal. Turn the hate to motivation.
9 The only thing that can keep a fire from dying and give it more power, is wind. -Naruto Uzumaki

Sometimes, you need external motivation to keep the flames of passion burning in you. Seek out those things that help motivate you and help you follow your vision.
10 Hard work is worthless for those that don’t believe in themselves. -Naruto Uzumaki

No amount of hard work can help you reach your goals if you do not believe in yourself. Unless you believe in your goals, you cannot reach it regardless of the work that you do.
11 So shut up about destiny and, how people can’t change. -Naruto Uzumaki

You make your own destiny with your actions. Never let people tell you that you cannot change your destiny. Only you have the power to change your destiny if you wish to do so.
12 Don’t underestimate me, I don’t quit and I don’t run. -Naruto Uzumaki

You can never defeat someone who refuses to give up and back down. They will fight to their end with all their strength.
13 If you don’t like the hand that fate’s dealt you with, fight for a new one. -Naruto Uzumaki

Never settle for what life has given you if you are unhappy with it. Strive for the things that you desire. Destiny can be changed if you want to change it.
14 When you give up, your dreams and everything else they’re gone. -Naruto Uzumaki

The moment you give up, all the dreams are lost. All the possibilities of you ever achieving them are gone. But if you show the courage to continue, there’s always a possibility of you winning in the end.
15 Before I became a ninja I was a nobody, but I never gave up. -Naruto

Life becomes so much more beautiful once you find your purpose in life. And you haven’t yet found your purpose in life, you need to continue on your path without ever giving up.
16 It’s not the face that makes someone a monster, it’s the choices they make with their lives. -Naruto

It’s not your appearance that determines who you are. It’s the choices you make that define who you are.
17 Somebody told me I’m a failure, I’ll prove them wrong. -Naruto

If people are trying to downgrade you or pull you down, the best reply you can give them is to prove them wrong. Let your success be your answer.
18 The many lives lost during long years of conflict, because of those selfless sacrifices, we are able to bathe in peace and prosperity now. -Naruto Uzumaki

We are here due to the sacrifices made by those who came before us.Their selfless attitude and refusal to give up is what has brought us here. As such, it is our duty to honour them.
19 When people are protecting something truly special to them, they truly can become, as strong as they can be. -Naruto Uzumaki

It’s when you have to protect those you love that you find the most strength within you. When a loved one’s life is on the line, your love for them will give you enough strength to face anything.
20 To ingrain history within the new generation will be a vital cog in helping to maintain the peace. -Naruto Uzumaki

Unless each generation knows about their history they’ll never be able to move forward and become better. History teaches us lessons that are important for the betterment of any civilization.
21 And my dream is to one day become a Hokage, Then everyone will have to respect me at last. -Naruto Uzumaki

Respect and honour are what you should strive for. Do the things that gain you respect from others, for respect is the truest of wealth.
22 I don’t know why, but I understand your feelings so much, it actually hurts. -Naruto Uzumaki

Sometimes, we can relate to someone else so much that it almost feels like it’s us too, who is suffering. Empathy and compassion are some of the most important values in our lives.
23 While you’re alive, you need a reason for your existence, Being unable to find one is the same as being dead. -Naruto Uzumaki

A purpose in life is what makes life interesting and worthwhile. Not having a purpose in life makes your life dull and boring and eventually meaningless.
24 I don’t understand what’s going on, but I’ll just pretend that I do. -Naruto Uzumaki

Sometimes, you do not have to understand everything that is going on. And in times life this, the best thing you can do is to fake it till you make it.
25 You can whimper all day for all I care, you’re nothing but a coward. -Naruto Uzumaki

No matter how much you act like it, if you do not have the courage to do what you have to do you are a coward. You need courage and the willpower to do the rightful things in life.
26 When I’m with Iruka-sensei, I think if that’s what having a father is like, when I’m with you, I think if that’s what having a brother is like. -Naruto Uzumaki

Some bonds are stronger than the bonds of blood. You will eventually find people in your life who will become your family. Hold on to these people and never let them go.
27 There is no telling what kind of pain will come after me, but, if I stop believing because of that, the hero would change. -Naruto Uzumaki

You will inevitably encounter a lot of pain in life. But never let that change the person you are. Let the goodness in your heart always remain intact.
28 If he rips my arms off, I’ll kick him to death, If he rips my legs off, I’ll bite him to death! If he rips my head off, I’ll stare him to death! -Naruto Uzumaki

Never give up, no matter how tough your opponent is. Someone who never gives up can never be defeated. You need perseverance and strength to win in life.
29 If I become as strong as you, will I really become like you? -Naruto Uzumaki

It is not strength that makes you powerful. True power comes from within you. It comes from the courage to do the things that are right.
30 When people have different opinions, you should apply the majority vote. -Naruto Uzumaki

Democratic form of decision is the best form of decision making that exists. If there’s a difference in opinion, the best option is to ask everyone and follow the majority vote.
Top 30 Quotes by Naruto Uzumaki in Shippuden
1. People who continue to put their lives on the line to defend their faith become heroes and continue to exist on in legend. -Naruto Uzumaki
2. I won’t run away anymore, I won’t go back on my word, That is my ninja way. -Naruto Uzumaki
3. Failing doesn’t give you a reason to give up as long as you believe. -Naruto Uzumaki
4. Because they saved me from myself, they rescued me from my loneliness, They were the first to accept me for who I am, They’re my friends. -Naruto Uzumaki
5. I am strong because I have people to protect. -Naruto Uzumaki
6. If the father’s responsibility is to protect the child, then my responsibility is to exceed the father. -Naruto Uzumaki
7. Once you question your own belief, it’s over. -Naruto Uzumaki
8. I’m the only one who can bear the full brunt of your hate! It’s my job, no one else’s. -Naruto Uzumaki
9. The only thing that can keep a fire from dying and give it more power, is wind. -Naruto Uzumaki
10. Hard work is worthless for those that don’t believe in themselves. -Naruto Uzumaki
11. So shut up about destiny and, how people can’t change. -Naruto Uzumaki
12. Don’t underestimate me, I don’t quit and I don’t run. -Naruto Uzumaki
13. If you don’t like the hand that fate’s dealt you with, fight for a new one. -Naruto Uzumaki
14. When you give up, your dreams and everything else they’re gone. -Naruto Uzumaki
15. Before I became a ninja I was a nobody, but I never gave up. -Naruto
16. It’s not the face that makes someone a monster, it’s the choices they make with their lives. -Naruto
17. Somebody told me I’m a failure, I’ll prove them wrong. -Naruto
18. The many lives lost during long years of conflict, because of those selfless sacrifices, we are able to bathe in peace and prosperity now. -Naruto Uzumaki
19. When people are protecting something truly special to them, they truly can become, as strong as they can be. -Naruto Uzumaki
20. To ingrain history within the new generation will be a vital cog in helping to maintain the peace. -Naruto Uzumaki
21. And my dream is to one day become a Hokage, Then everyone will have to respect me at last. -Naruto Uzumaki
22. I don’t know why, but I understand your feelings so much, it actually hurts. -Naruto Uzumaki
23. While you’re alive, you need a reason for your existence, Being unable to find one is the same as being dead. -Naruto Uzumaki
24. I don’t understand what’s going on, but I’ll just pretend that I do. -Naruto Uzumaki
25. You can whimper all day for all I care, you’re nothing but a coward. -Naruto Uzumaki
26. When I’m with Iruka-sensei, I think if that’s what having a father is like, when I’m with you, I think if that’s what having a brother is like. -Naruto Uzumaki
27. When I’m with Iruka-sensei, I think if that’s what having a father is like, when I’m with you, I think if that’s what having a brother is like. -Naruto Uzumaki
28. If he rips my arms off, I’ll kick him to death, If he rips my legs off, I’ll bite him to death! If he rips my head off, I’ll stare him to death! -Naruto Uzumaki
29. If I become as strong as you, will I really become like you? -Naruto Uzumaki
30. When people have different opinions, you should apply the majority vote. -Naruto Uzumaki