Categories FunnyTwo things are infinite. The Universe and human stupidity…and I am not sure about the universe Post author By Frady Lal Post date August 23, 2020 ” Two things are infinite. The Universe and human stupidity…and I am not sure about the universe “ Lets be social: 1.4M+ Fans 450K+ Followers ← Be yourself; everyone else is already taken → Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference Related articles I need a coffee, a vacation and a bag full of cash. That’s all As the semester goes on, my expectation from my grades get lower and lower Unless you name is google, stop acting like you know everything. Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it’s a beautiful day I eat cake because it’s somebody’s birthday somewhere. We will be the old people causing troube at the nursing home